performance and scalability


performance 性能,可能是某算法的预测(分类)精度、耗时等指标。

scalability 可伸缩性,即规模可调整。 应用程序应对负载改变的能力,比如,一个系统在服务器于100个users和10000个users时的性能差别,如果这种差别在可以接收范围内,就说明这种系统可伸缩性强。或者系统的性能随硬件条件的增加而同步增加,基本成比例增长。如一个服务器的响应时间是100ms,四个是25ms,当然这是理想情况。它有horizontal 和vertical之分,如cluster。


  • Scalability
    In some large-scale systems, it is hard to predict the number and behavior of end users. Scalability refers to a system’s ability to support fast increasing numbers of users. The intuitive way to scale up the number of concurrent sessions handled by a server is to add resources (memory, CPU or hard disk) to it. Clustering is an alternative way to resolve the scalability issue. It allows a group of servers to share the heavy tasks, and operate as a single server logically.
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