#include <stdio.h> /* gets */ #include <stdlib.h> /* atoi, malloc */ #include <string.h> /* strcpy */ #include "uthash.h" struct my_struct { int ikey; /* key */ char value[10]; UT_hash_handle hh; /* makes this structure hashable */ }; static struct my_struct *g_users = NULL; void add_user(int mykey, char *value) { struct my_struct *s; HASH_FIND_INT(users, &mykey, s); /* mykey already in the hash? */ if (s==NULL) { s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); s->ikey = mykey; HASH_ADD_INT( users, ikey, s ); /* ikey: name of key field */ } strcpy(s->value, value); } struct my_struct *find_user(int mykey) { struct my_struct *s; HASH_FIND_INT( users, &mykey, s ); /* s: output pointer */ return s; } void delete_user(struct my_struct *user) { HASH_DEL( users, user); /* user: pointer to deletee */ free(user); } void delete_all() { struct my_struct *current_user, *tmp; HASH_ITER(hh, users, current_user, tmp) { HASH_DEL(users,current_user); /* delete it (users advances to next) */ free(current_user); /* free it */ } } void print_users() { struct my_struct *s; for(s=users; s != NULL; s=(struct my_struct*)(s->hh.next)) { printf("user ikey %d: value %s\n", s->ikey, s->value); } } int name_sort(struct my_struct *a, struct my_struct *b) { return strcmp(a->value,b->value); } int id_sort(struct my_struct *a, struct my_struct *b) { return (a->ikey - b->ikey); } void sort_by_name() { HASH_SORT(users, name_sort); } void sort_by_id() { HASH_SORT(users, id_sort); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char in[10]; int ikey=1, running=1; struct my_struct *s; unsigned num_users; while (running) { printf(" 1. add user\n"); printf(" 2. add/rename user by id\n"); printf(" 3. find user\n"); printf(" 4. delete user\n"); printf(" 5. delete all users\n"); printf(" 6. sort items by name\n"); printf(" 7. sort items by id\n"); printf(" 8. print users\n"); printf(" 9. count users\n"); printf("10. quit\n"); gets(in); switch(atoi(in)) { case 1: printf("name?\n"); add_user(ikey++, gets(in)); break; case 2: printf("id?\n"); gets(in); ikey = atoi(in); printf("name?\n"); add_user(ikey, gets(in)); break; case 3: printf("id?\n"); s = find_user(atoi(gets(in))); printf("user: %s\n", s ? s->value : "unknown"); break; case 4: printf("id?\n"); s = find_user(atoi(gets(in))); if (s) delete_user(s); else printf("id unknown\n"); break; case 5: delete_all(); break; case 6: sort_by_name(); break; case 7: sort_by_id(); break; case 8: print_users(); break; case 9: num_users=HASH_COUNT(users); printf("there are %u users\n", num_users); break; case 10: running=0; break; } } delete_all(); /* free any structures */ return 0; }5.2.key类型为字符数组的完整的例子
#include <string.h> /* strcpy */ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include "uthash.h" struct my_struct { char name[10]; /* key (string is WITHIN the structure) */ int id; UT_hash_handle hh; /* makes this structure hashable */ }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char **n, *names[] = { "joe", "bob", "betty", NULL }; struct my_struct *s, *tmp, *users = NULL; int i=0; for (n = names; *n != NULL; n++) { s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); strncpy(s->name, *n,10); s->id = i++; HASH_ADD_STR( users, name, s ); } HASH_FIND_STR( users, "betty", s); if (s) printf("betty's id is %d\n", s->id); /* free the hash table contents */ HASH_ITER(hh, users, s, tmp) { HASH_DEL(users, s); free(s); } return 0; }5.3.key类型为字符指针的完整的例子
#include <string.h> /* strcpy */ #include <stdlib.h> /* malloc */ #include <stdio.h> /* printf */ #include "uthash.h" struct my_struct { const char *name; /* key */ int id; UT_hash_handle hh; /* makes this structure hashable */ }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char **n, *names[] = { "joe", "bob", "betty", NULL }; struct my_struct *s, *tmp, *users = NULL; int i=0; for (n = names; *n != NULL; n++) { s = (struct my_struct*)malloc(sizeof(struct my_struct)); s->name = *n; s->id = i++; HASH_ADD_KEYPTR( hh, users, s->name, strlen(s->name), s ); } HASH_FIND_STR( users, "betty", s); if (s) printf("betty's id is %d\n", s->id); /* free the hash table contents */ HASH_ITER(hh, users, s, tmp) { HASH_DEL(users, s); free(s); } return 0; }