收集的Windows Script

收集的Windows Script

1 '  open ie
2 set  ie = wscript.createobject( " internetexplorer.application " )
3 ie.width = 800
4 ie.height = 336
5 ie.resizable = 0  
6 ie.navigate  " http://www.blogjava.net/waterye/archive/2005/09/03/11886.aspx "
7 ie.visible = 1
8 wscript.sleep  10000
9 ie.quit

 1 '  显示ip地址
 2 strComputer  =   " . "
 3 Set  objWMIService  =   GetObject ( " winmgmts:\\ "   &  strComputer  &   " \root\cimv2 " )
 4 Set  IPConfigSet  =  objWMIService.ExecQuery _
 5     ( " Select IPAddress from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE " )
 6 For   Each  IPConfig in IPConfigSet
 7      If   Not   IsNull (IPConfig.IPAddress)  Then  
 8          For  i = LBound (IPConfig.IPAddress)  to   UBound (IPConfig.IPAddress)
 9             WScript.Echo IPConfig.IPAddress(i)
10      Next
11      End   If
12 Next

 1 '  配置ip, subnetmask, gateway, dns servers
 2 Set  colNetAdapters  =  objWMIService.ExecQuery _
 3     ( " Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration where IPEnabled=TRUE " )
 4 strIPAddress  =   Array ( " " )
 5 strSubnetMask  =   Array ( " " )
 6 strGateway  =   Array ( " " )
 7 strGatewayMetric  =   Array ( 1 )
 8 arrDNSServers  =   Array ( " " " " )    
 9 For   Each  objNetAdapter in colNetAdapters
10     errEnable  =  objNetAdapter.EnableStatic(strIPAddress, strSubnetMask)
11     errGateways  =  objNetAdapter.SetGateways(strGateway, strGatewaymetric)
12     objNetAdapter.SetDNSServerSearchOrder(arrDNSServers)
13      If  errEnable  =   0   Then
14         WScript.Echo  " The IP address has been changed. "
15      Else
16         WScript.Echo  " The IP address could not be changed. "
17      End   If
18 Next

1 '  调用shell
2 Set  WshShell  =  Wscript.CreateObject( " Wscript.Shell "
3 WshShell.Run ( " notepad  "   &  Wscript.ScriptFullName)

1 '  调用COM对象
2 Set  fs  =  Wscript.CreateObject( " Scripting.FileSystemObject "
3 Set  a  =  fs.CreateTextFile( " file.txt " True
4 a.WriteLine( " foo bar "
5 a.Close

 1 '  删除服务(小心操作)
 2 strComputer  =   " . "
 3 Set  objWMIService  =   GetObject ( " winmgmts: "  _
 4 &   " {impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\ "   &  strComputer  &   " \root\cimv2 " )
 5 serviceName  =   " MySql "
 6 Set  colListOfServices  =  objWMIService.ExecQuery _
 7 ( " Select * from Win32_Service Where Name = ' "   &  serviceName  &   " ' " )
 8 For   Each  objService in colListOfServices
 9     WScript.Echo objService.DisplayName
10     objService.StopService()
11     objService.Delete()
12 Next

 1 '  显示系统的最后启动时间
 2 strComputer  =   " . "
 3 Set  objWMIService  =   GetObject  _
 4     ( " winmgmts:\\ "   &  strComputer  &   " \root\cimv2 " )
 5 Set  colOperatingSystems  =  objWMIService.ExecQuery _
 6     ( " Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem " )
 7 For   Each  objOS in colOperatingSystems
 8     dtmBootup  =  objOS.LastBootUpTime
 9     dtmLastBootupTime  =  WMIDateStringToDate(dtmBootup)
10     Wscript.Echo  " LastBootupTime:  "   &  dtmLastBootupTime
11 Next
12 Function  WMIDateStringToDate(dtmBootup)
13     WMIDateStringToDate  =   CDate ( Mid (dtmBootup,  5 2 &   " / "   &  _
14           Mid (dtmBootup,  7 2 &   " / "   &   Left (dtmBootup,  4 ) _
15           &   "   "   &   Mid  (dtmBootup,  9 2 &   " : "   &  _
16           Mid (dtmBootup,  11 2 &   " : "   &   Mid (dtmBootup, _
17           13 2 ))
18 End Function

 1 '  拔掉网线时都能收到通知
 2 strComputer  =   " . "
 4 Set  objWMIService  =   GetObject ( " winmgmts:\\ "   &  strComputer  &   " \root\wmi " )
 5 Set  colMonitoredEvents  =  objWMIService.ExecNotificationQuery _
 6     ( " Select * from MSNdis_StatusMediaDisconnect "
 8 Do   While   True  
 9      Set  strLatestEvent  =  colMonitoredEvents.NextEvent 
10     Wscript.Echo  " A network connection has been lost: "
11     WScript.Echo strLatestEvent.InstanceName,  Now
12     Wscript.Echo 
13 Loop

BTW: 使用"Windows Script Host"在emule上可找到不少ebook, 个人觉得Apress.-.Managing.Enterprise.Systems.with.the.Windows.Script.Host.2002.chm较好

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