1. flexigird只在页面端显示数据,仅此而已
2. JavaScript业务代码负责调用REST API获得数据,然后操纵flexigrid显示数据。
特别是负责操控page bar,也就是flexigrid表格下方的哪个页面导航条进行中/英文支持,每个按钮的点击事件等。
3. REST API无状态,因此通过接收一些参数来计算返回的数据:
a. 查询条件 //根据不同的业务有所变化
b. pageSize //每页记录数目
c. pageIndex //期望返回的页面编号
a. 某页数据的JSON格式表示
b. 查询条件
c. 最大记录数
d. 最大页面数
REST API由于不记录状态,每次都是通过参数来得知要获取什么页面的数据。这个算法很多,有基于数据库自己提供的功能的,有纯粹在内存中计算的,我用的是先查询符合条件的记录总数,再分页,然后读取指定页的记录。
这到不是重点,关键是返回的数据格式JSON不按照flexigrid的要求,而是根据业务要求生成。之后页面端会有JavaScript代码将其转换成flexigrid格式。REST API返回的格式举例如下面的结果:
{ "sign_page":{ "max_sign_count":50, "page_index":1, "group_id":"", "max_page_count":4, "signs":{ "displays":[ { "index":"0", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b4e", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000001", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"1", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b4f", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000002", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"2", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b50", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000003", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"3", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b51", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000004", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"4", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b52", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000005", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"5", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b53", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000006", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"6", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b54", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000007", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"7", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b55", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000008", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"8", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b56", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000009", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"9", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b57", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000010", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"10", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b58", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000011", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"11", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b59", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000012", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"12", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b5a", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000013", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"13", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b5b", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000014", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } }, { "index":"14", "value":{ "id":"51fe01dbe4b0f241088d3b5c", "userId":"4ee175ff82bc6273d0d4672f", "address":"000000000015", "groupName":"ok67", "location":"function test", "description":"", "status":"offline" } } ] } } }
这是最重要的部分,必须完成JSON格式转换和page bar的操纵,比如事件绑定和处理等。为此,我实现了一个signTable.js,这是一个AMD模块。有了它,JavaScript就可以配置flexigrid,添加数据,并且支持分页。先看如何使用它。
this.table.configSigns("myDisplays", this.locale, "multiple", this.ajaxUtility, this.artDialog); ... this.table.fillInSigns("myDisplays", this.locale, window.userDisplays.sign_page, this.onSelectDisplay, this);this.table就是signTable对象。就提供了两个方法,configSigns方法配置了flexigrid的列等基本信息,并且支持多选或者单选模式。后面两个参数ajaxUtility和artDialog是另外的模块用来实现ajax调用和对话框的显示。下面是该函数的实现:
// config grid's basic structures, columents and events // tableId is the id of HTML table tag // locale is en or cn // selectMod single, multiple configSigns: function(tableId, locale, selectMod, ajaxUtility, artDialog) { var id, description, location, status, page, innerHtml; this.ajaxUtility = ajaxUtility; this.artDialog = artDialog; this.locale = locale; if (locale === "en") { id = "ID"; description = "Description"; location = "Location"; status = "Status"; } else if (locale === "cn") { id = "ID"; description = "描述"; location = "位置"; status = "状态"; } this.selectMod = selectMod; $("#" + tableId).flexigrid({ dataType: 'json', width: 630, height: 260, colModel : [ {display: '', name: 'id', width: 20, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: id, name: 'address', width: 150, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: description, name: 'description', width: 190, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: location, name: 'location', width: 130, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: status, name: 'status', width: 60, sortable: true, align: 'left'} ], usepager: true }); },
// tableId the id of HTML table tag // locale en or cn // value the data for filling in table // onSelect the event function for hanlding row selection // ob this for callback function fillInSigns: function(tableId, locale, signPage, onSelect, ob) { this.signPage = signPage; $("#" + tableId).flexAddData(this.convert(locale, signPage)); $("#" + tableId +" tbody tr td div input").on("click", ob, onSelect); this.updatePagebar(); }
// provides some common functions on top of flexigrid for simplifying web front-end development // If some web page use one same grid, add it here, they can resuse these codes define("signTable", ["jquery", "flexigrid", "flexigrid.pack"], function ($) { 'use strict'; return { // config grid's basic structures, columents and events // tableId is the id of HTML table tag // locale is en or cn // selectMod single, multiple configSigns: function(tableId, locale, selectMod, ajaxUtility, artDialog) { var id, description, location, status, page, innerHtml; this.ajaxUtility = ajaxUtility; this.artDialog = artDialog; this.locale = locale; if (locale === "en") { id = "ID"; description = "Description"; location = "Location"; status = "Status"; } else if (locale === "cn") { id = "ID"; description = "描述"; location = "位置"; status = "状态"; } this.selectMod = selectMod; $("#" + tableId).flexigrid({ dataType: 'json', width: 630, height: 260, colModel : [ {display: '', name: 'id', width: 20, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: id, name: 'address', width: 150, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: description, name: 'description', width: 190, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: location, name: 'location', width: 130, sortable: true, align: 'left'}, {display: status, name: 'status', width: 60, sortable: true, align: 'left'} ], usepager: true }); }, getStatus: function (status) { if (status === "online") { if (this.locale === "cn") { return "在线"; } else { return "Online"; } } if (status === "offline") { if (this.locale === "cn") { return "离线"; } else { return "Offline"; } } return status; }, buildCell: function (line) { var template; if (this.selectMod == "multiple") { template = "{\"cell\":[\"<input id='{0}' class='row_class' type='checkbox' value='{0}'/>\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\"]}"; return jQuery.validator.format(template, line.id, line.address, line.description, line.location, this.getStatus(line.status)); } else { template = "{\"cell\":[\"<input id='{0}' class='row_class' name='single' type='radio' value='{0}'/>\",\"{1}\",\"{2}\",\"{3}\",\"{4}\"]}"; return jQuery.validator.format(template, line.id, line.address, line.description, line.location, this.getStatus(line.status)); } }, convert : function (locale, signPage) { var ds, d, i, str, s1, s2; ds = signPage.signs.displays; this.length = ds.length; d = "{\"page\": 1,\"total\": 40,\"rows\":["; for (i = 0; i < this.length; (i += 1)) { str = this.buildCell(ds[i].value); d += str; if (i !== (this.length - 1)) { d += ","; } } d += "]}"; return jQuery.parseJSON(d); }, afterLoadPageSigns: function (ob, data) { if (data.status === 0) { ob.fillInSigns("myDisplays", ob.locale, JSON.parse(data.value).sign_page, ob.onSelectDisplay, ob); } else { if (ob.locale === "cn") { ob.artDialog.error('设备查询失败'); } else { ob.artDialog.error('Load signs failed.'); } } }, // for inner reuse search: function(pageIndex) { var pageSize = $("select[name=rp]").val(), data; data = { 'groupId': this.signPage.group_id, 'pageSize': pageSize, 'pageIndex': pageIndex, 'column': "address", 'ascending': 1 }; this.ajaxUtility.post('pageSigns', false, data, this.afterLoadPageSigns, null, this); }, onNext: function (event) { var ob = event.data; ob.search(ob.signPage.page_index + 1); }, onPrev: function (event) { var ob = event.data; ob.search(ob.signPage.page_index - 1); }, onLast: function (event) { var ob = event.data; ob.search(ob.signPage.max_page_count); }, onFirst: function (event) { var ob = event.data; ob.search(1); }, onReload: function (event) { var pageIndex, ob = event.data; pageIndex = $("#pageIndexInput").val(); if (pageIndex !== "") { ob.search(parseInt(pageIndex,10)); } }, onChangePageSize: function (event) { var ob = event.data; ob.search(ob.signPage.page_index); }, /* onChangePageIndex: function (event) { var ob, pageIndex; ob = event.data; pageIndex = $(this).val(); if (pageIndex !== "") { ob.search(parseInt(pageIndex,10)); } }, */ // fill in Chinese or English words according to this.locale // fill in page number according to the total pages and current page index // enable/disable buttons in page bar updatePagebar: function() { var innerHtml, t1, i, j, pageSize = 15; if (this.locale === "cn") { t1 = "显示 {0} 到 {1}, 总数: {2} 设备"; } else { t1 = "from {0} to {1}, total: {2} signs"; } i = pageSize * (this.signPage.page_index - 1) + 1; j = i + pageSize - 1; innerHtml = jQuery.validator.format(t1, i, j, this.signPage.max_sign_count); $($(".pDiv2").children()[10]).children(0).html(innerHtml); if (this.locale === "cn") { t1 = "页面 <input id=\"pageIndexInput\" type=\"number\" min=\"1\" style=\"width:30px;\" value=\"{0}\"> 到 <span>{1}</span>"; } else { t1 = "Page <input id=\"pageIndexInput\" type=\"number\" min=\"1\" style=\"width:30px;\" value=\"{0}\"> to <span>{1}</span>"; } innerHtml = jQuery.validator.format(t1, this.signPage.page_index, this.signPage.max_page_count); $(".pcontrol").html(innerHtml); if (this.signPage.page_index === 1) { if (this.signPage.max_page_count === 1) { $(".pPrev").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pFirst").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pNext").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pLast").removeClass("pButton"); } else { $(".pPrev").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pFirst").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pNext").addClass("pButton"); $(".pLast").addClass("pButton"); } } else { if (this.signPage.page_index === this.signPage.max_page_count) { $(".pNext").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pLast").removeClass("pButton"); $(".pPrev").addClass("pButton"); $(".pFirst").addClass("pButton"); } else { $(".pNext").addClass("pButton"); $(".pLast").addClass("pButton"); $(".pPrev").addClass("pButton"); $(".pFirst").addClass("pButton"); } } if (!this.hasPageBarEvents) { $(".pNext").on("click", this, this.onNext); $(".pFirst").on("click", this, this.onFirst); $(".pPrev").on("click", this, this.onPrev); $(".pLast").on("click", this, this.onLast); $(".pReload").on("click", this, this.onReload); $("select[name=rp]").on("change", this, this.onChangePageSize); // $("#pageIndexInput").on("change", this, this.onChangePageIndex); this.hasPageBarEvents = true; } }, getSelectedNum: function() { var n = 0; $('.row_class').each( function () { if ($(this).is(':checked')) { n += 1; } } ); return n; }, // tableId the id of HTML table tag // locale en or cn // value the data for filling in table // onSelect the event function for hanlding row selection // ob this for callback function fillInSigns: function(tableId, locale, signPage, onSelect, ob) { this.signPage = signPage; $("#" + tableId).flexAddData(this.convert(locale, signPage)); $("#" + tableId +" tbody tr td div input").on("click", ob, onSelect); this.updatePagebar(); } }; });