CYGWIN设置 .【转】

1. 资源

1.1. 网址链接

  • 主页:
  • 同步:


1.2. WIKI 关键字


2. 版本


3. FAQ

3.1. Q Howto get version info?

 bash$ cygcheck -c cygwin


3.2. Q 安装注意事项

  • gzip
gzip 版本 1.3.3-4 可用。高版本如: 1.3.5-1 使 tar -z 命令运行不正常。


3.3. Q Howto setup default text format, CRLF(dos) or LF(unix)?

  • 修改注册表项:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/mounts v2/.../cygdrive flags。 cygdrive flags是一个DWORD值,&0x2 == 0x2 为 Unix Style,否则为 Dos like style。


  • 设置环境变量 CYGWIN, 使得在 pipe 等模式下的处理方式:export CYGWIN=nobinmode


3.4. Q 为什么在 Cygwin 下创建的文件,其他管理员不可写?

这是所谓的 ntsec 在起作用。通过 NTFS 的权限设置,模拟 UNIX 的权限。可以通过 CYGWIN 环境变量修改。如:
 bash$ export CYGWIN="nontsec nosmbntsec"


3.5. Q 如何让 ls 能够显示中文文件名?

因为 ls 不使用 readline 来显示, 因而不能用 .inputrc 控制。即 less 和 ls 需要特别设置。在 .bashrc 中加入如下 alias:
 alias less='/bin/less -r' alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'


3.6. Q 如何在按 TAB 键进行文件名扩展时忽略大小写,这样在 Windows 下才方便噢?

参见: [Cygwin User's Guide]


Customizing bash

Three initialization files that control the behavior of bash: .profile, .bashrc and .inputrc.



It is executed when bash is started as login shell, e.g. from the command bash --login.


  • 在 PATH 后加上 ":.",这样可以象在 DOS 下,执行本目录下程序;



.bashrc is similar to .profile but is executed each time an interactive bash shell is launched.



.inputrc controls how programs using the readline library (including bash) behave.


# Ignore case while completing set completion-ignore-case on # Make Bash 8bit clean set meta-flag on set output-meta on # to show 8-bit characters set convert-meta off # to show it as character, not the octal representation

但是并不能保证 ls 显示中文。因为这些工具不使用 readline 来显示。象 less 和 ls 需要特别设置。在 .bashrc 中加入如下 alias:

 alias less='/bin/less -r' alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars'



3.7. Q 如何在 Cygwin 中运行 crontab?

  • 在Windows上安装系统服务 cron,开机即运行。
 bash$ cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D
  • 启动服务
 bash$ cygrunsrv -S cron


3.8. Q 配置 SSH client?

  • 为了能够通过公钥验证进行SSH登陆其他服务器,先要在本地建立 SSH 公钥私钥对:
 bash$ ssh-keygen -t rsa1 bash$ ssh-keygen -t rsa bash$ ssh-keygen -t dsa
  • 建立无口令登录
需要将本机的 *.pub 拷贝(cat>>)到服务器中 $HOME/.ssh/ 下的 authorized_keys (ssh1) 和 authorized_keys2 (ssh2) 文件中去。


3.9. Q 如何在 cygwin 中运行 sshd (SSH Server)?

  • 设置 Windows 环境变量,添加“CYGWIN = ntsec tty”


  • Config SSHD, running:
 bash$ ssh-host-config -y
根据提示,输入 CYGWIN=ntsec tty


  • Change permissions and ownership on some files:
 bash$ cd /; chmod -R og-w . bash$ chmod og+w /tmp bash$ touch /var/log/sshd.log bash$ chown system:system /var/log/sshd.log /var/empty /etc/ssh_h* bash$ chmod 755 /var/empty


  • start the service:
 bash$ cygrunsrv -S sshd


3.10. Q 如何在 cygwin 中配置 Email?

As follows:
  • ssmtp & mutt
    • ssmtp
     bash$ /usr/bin/ssmtp-config
    When using mutt as the mail client, add the following line to your $HOME/.muttrc file:
     set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp"


    • mutt
      • Make sure you have the Cygwin ssmtp package installed
      check file /etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf
      • vi .bashrc and/or .bash_profile
       export MAIL=~/Mail/inbox export EDITOR=nano
      If you have nano installed (and I stongly recommend that you do)
      • Create the following directory structure in your HOME directory:
       ~/Mail | -- inbox (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY) | -- sent (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY) | -- received (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY) | -- postponed (EMPTY FILE, NOT DIRECTORY)
      • Create a ~/.muttrc file that looks like this:
       # The file/directory where your incoming mail will be spooled to # (same as 'set spoolfile' below) mailboxes ~/Mail/inbox # Mail account setup. I know nothing about IMAP, so you're # on your own there. set sendmail="/usr/sbin/ssmtp" #set pop_host="" #set pop_last=yes #set pop_user="your_email_username" #set pop_pass="your_email_password" set from="" # Mail folder setup. set folder=~/Mail set mbox_type=mbox set spoolfile=+inbox set mbox=+received set postponed=+postponed set record=+sent


      • mutt command line
    •  mutt [...] address 参数: -a file : attach a file to message -b address: BCC -c address: CC -F muttrc -H draft: draft contain both header and body -s subject: subject of the message -x : emulate the mailx compose mode 环境变量: EMAIL : user's email address MAIL : user's spool mailbox 示例: bash$ echo "contents" | mutt -x -s "subject" mail@address bash$ echo | mutt -x -s "subject" -i filename mail@address


  • exim & minires
    • exim
     Exim is a fully featured mail transfer agent, a drop-in replacement for sendmail. bash$ /usr/bin/exim-config bash$ view /etc/exim.conf bash$ vi /etc/aliases postmaster: your_login_name bash$ vi /etc/reslov.conf nameserver search your.domain bash$ cygrunsrv -I exim -p /usr/bin/exim -e CYGWIN=nontsec -a "-bdf -q15m" -d "Exim Mail Transfer Agent" -1 /var/log/exim/cygrunsrv_out.log -2 /var/log/exim/cygrunsrv_err.log bash$ cygrunsrv -S exim


3.11. Q 如何得到 Dos/Windows? 格式的路径名?

 bash$ cygpath -d -m "`pwd`"


3.12. Q Setup Xinetd

  • start init service
 bash$ /usr/bin/init-config


  • chkconfig 工具用来维护 /etc/rc.d 下的脚本
    • 若要启动 sshd 执行 "/sbin/chkconfig --add sshd"


  • xinetd config
 bash$ /usr/bin/xinetd-config


3.13. Q other command?

ttcp, netsnoop


3.14. Q XFree86 under Cygwin?

  • add /usr/X11R6/bin to PATH;
  • start Xwindow using startxwin.bat(dos/windows), or;
  • if has a firewall installed, open port "6000" of local server;
  • run xclient in local machine, just set environment: export DISPLAY=
  • if run xclient in remote machine, give authorize to remote host:
bash$ /usr/X11R6/bin/xhost remote_hostname_or_ip_address
  • telnet/ssh to remote host;
  • set environment DISPLAY, like: export DISPLAY=<IP_of_Cygwin_XFree86>:0.0
  • xterm


3.15. Q 安装后的设置综述?

  • binmode or textmode?
执行 mount 命令,如果不是 textmode,修改注册表 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Cygnus Solutions/Cygwin/mounts v2/.../cygdrive flags。 cygdrive flags是一个DWORD值,&0x2 == 0x2 为 Unix Style,否则为 Dos like style。


  • 修改 ~/.inputrc 文件,加入如下内容
# Ignore case while completing set completion-ignore-case on # Make Bash 8bit clean set meta-flag on set output-meta on # to show 8-bit characters set convert-meta off # to show it as character, not the octal representation


  • 修改 /etc/profile, 加入如下内容:
set -o vi alias less='/bin/less -r' alias ls='/bin/ls -F --color=tty --show-control-chars' # glob filenames in a case-insensitive manner shopt -s nocaseglob export SGML_CATALOG_FILES=/share/catalog.sgml export XML_CATALOG_FILES=/share/catalog.xml export CYGWIN="nobinmode nontsec nosmbntsec" export PATH=$PATH:.


  • 修改登录用户的主要组:
 bash$ vi /etc/passwd
默认属于 513 组(对于域控制器是Domain Users,非域控制器为 NONE),个人偏好设置为 544(Administrator)


  • 建立 symbol link:
    • 因为一些脚本默认的 md5 摘要程序是 md5, 而非 md5sum;
     bash$ ln -s /usr/bin/md5sum /usr/bin/md5
     bash$ ln -sf /cygdrive/e/HOME/WORK/johnson_homepage/worldhello/share /share


    • 设置 usemodwiki 路径映射
  • mkdir /repos cd /repos/ ln -s /cygdrive/d /d ln -s /d/HOME/WORK/johnson_homepage/worldhello/usemod JohnsonUseModWiki ln -s /d/HOME/WORK/johnson_homepage/worldhello/wiki .



    • 设置建立工作路径
  •  bash$ ln -sf /cygdrive/e/HOME/WORK/ ~/work




