033 - 问,什么是trivial classes?

033 - 问,什么是trivial classes?

Trivial is the first property mentioned above: trivial classes support static initialization. If a class is trivially copyable (a superset of trivial classes), it is ok to copy its representation over the place with things likememcpy and expect the result to be the same.


// empty classes are trivial
struct Trivial1 {};
// all special members are implicit
struct Trivial2 {
int x;
struct Trivial3 : Trivial2 { // base class is trivial
Trivial3() = default; // not a user-provided ctor
int y;
struct Trivial4 {
int a;
private: // no restrictions on access modifiers
int b;
struct Trivial5 {
Trivial1 a;
Trivial2 b;
Trivial3 c;
Trivial4 d;
struct Trivial6 {
Trivial2 a[23];
struct Trivial7 {
Trivial6 c;
void f(); // it's okay to have non-virtual functions
struct Trivial8 {
int x;
static NonTrivial1 y; // no restrictions on static members
struct Trivial9 {
Trivial9() = default; // not user-provided
// a regular constructor is okay because we still have default ctor
Trivial9(int x) : x(x) {};
int x;
struct NonTrivial1 : Trivial 3 {
virtual f(); // virtual members make non-trivial ctors
struct NonTrivial2 {
NonTrivial2() : z(42) {} // user-provided ctor
int z;
struct NonTrivial3 {
NonTrivial3(); // user-provided ctor
int w;
NonTrivial3::NonTrivial3() = default; // defaulted but not on first declaration
// still counts as user-provided
struct NonTrivial5 {
virtual ~NonTrivial5(); // virtual destructors are not trivial




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