Vista提供的Common Control Library 6.0的BUTTON类中提供了两种新的按钮:Command Link和Split Button。只需要在CreateWindow里面指定BS_COMMANDLINK与BS_SPLITBUTTON就可以获得这两种新的控件了。
实习的时候每天自己的时间不是很多,加上有一些预定事项,教程只能在周末写了。闲暇之余,我继续完成半年前没写完的C++ GUI库。这个库的特点在于用起来跟Delphi、VB、C#差不多,而且指定事件很方便(前面 关于2D的文章中有出现)。于是今晚加上了这两个控件。
话说回来,XP下Common Control Library 6.0的bug似乎在Vista底下消灭了不少。
2 #include " ..\..\..\..\VL++\Library\Windows\Commctrl\VL_WinButton.h "
3 #include " ..\..\..\..\VL++\Library\Windows\Commctrl\VL_WinContainers.h "
5 using namespace vl;
6 using namespace vl::windows;
8 class MyForm : public VL_WinForm
9 {
10 public :
11 VL_WinGroup * groupA;
12 VL_WinButton * buttonA;
13 VL_WinCheck * checkA;
14 VL_WinCheck * checkB;
15 VL_WinCheck * checkC;
16 VL_WinRadio * radioA;
17 VL_WinRadio * radioB;
18 VL_WinRadio * radioC;
19 VL_WinSplitButton * splitA;
20 VL_WinCommandLink * clA;
22 void InitControls()
23 {
24 groupA = new VL_WinGroup( this );
25 groupA -> SetLeft( 10 );
26 groupA -> SetTop( 10 );
27 groupA -> SetWidth( 380 );
28 groupA -> SetHeight( 380 );
29 groupA -> SetText(L " Group A " );
31 buttonA = new VL_WinButton(groupA);
32 buttonA -> SetLeft( 10 );
33 buttonA -> SetTop( 20 );
34 buttonA -> SetWidth( 100 );
35 buttonA -> SetHeight( 20 );
36 buttonA -> SetText(L " Button A " );
38 splitA = new VL_WinSplitButton(groupA);
39 splitA -> SetLeft( 120 );
40 splitA -> SetTop( 20 );
41 splitA -> SetWidth( 100 );
42 splitA -> SetHeight( 20 );
43 splitA -> SetText(L " Split A " );
45 checkA = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
46 checkA -> SetLeft( 10 );
47 checkA -> SetTop( 50 );
48 checkA -> SetWidth( 100 );
49 checkA -> SetHeight( 20 );
50 checkA -> SetText(L " Check A " );
52 checkB = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
53 checkB -> SetLeft( 10 );
54 checkB -> SetTop( 80 );
55 checkB -> SetWidth( 100 );
56 checkB -> SetHeight( 20 );
57 checkB -> SetText(L " Check B " );
59 checkC = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
60 checkC -> SetLeft( 10 );
61 checkC -> SetTop( 110 );
62 checkC -> SetWidth( 100 );
63 checkC -> SetHeight( 20 );
64 checkC -> SetText(L " Check A " );
66 radioA = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
67 radioA -> SetLeft( 120 );
68 radioA -> SetTop( 50 );
69 radioA -> SetWidth( 100 );
70 radioA -> SetHeight( 20 );
71 radioA -> SetText(L " Radio A " );
73 radioB = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
74 radioB -> SetLeft( 120 );
75 radioB -> SetTop( 80 );
76 radioB -> SetWidth( 100 );
77 radioB -> SetHeight( 20 );
78 radioB -> SetText(L " Radio B " );
80 radioC = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
81 radioC -> SetLeft( 120 );
82 radioC -> SetTop( 110 );
83 radioC -> SetWidth( 100 );
84 radioC -> SetHeight( 20 );
85 radioC -> SetText(L " Radio A " );
87 clA = new VL_WinCommandLink(groupA);
88 clA -> SetLeft( 10 );
89 clA -> SetTop( 140 );
90 clA -> SetWidth( 200 );
91 clA -> SetHeight( 100 );
92 clA -> SetText(L " Text " );
93 clA -> SetNote(L " with a command note " );
94 }
96 MyForm():VL_WinForm( true )
97 {
98 SetClientWidth( 400 );
99 SetClientHeight( 400 );
100 SetText(L " Vczh Form " );
101 MoveCenter();
102 InitControls();
103 Show();
104 }
105 };
107 void main()
108 {
109 new MyForm;
110 GetApplication() -> Run();
111 }
2 #include " ..\..\..\..\VL++\Library\Windows\Commctrl\VL_WinButton.h "
3 #include " ..\..\..\..\VL++\Library\Windows\Commctrl\VL_WinContainers.h "
5 using namespace vl;
6 using namespace vl::windows;
8 class MyForm : public VL_WinForm
9 {
10 public :
11 VL_WinGroup * groupA;
12 VL_WinButton * buttonA;
13 VL_WinCheck * checkA;
14 VL_WinCheck * checkB;
15 VL_WinCheck * checkC;
16 VL_WinRadio * radioA;
17 VL_WinRadio * radioB;
18 VL_WinRadio * radioC;
19 VL_WinSplitButton * splitA;
20 VL_WinCommandLink * clA;
22 void InitControls()
23 {
24 groupA = new VL_WinGroup( this );
25 groupA -> SetLeft( 10 );
26 groupA -> SetTop( 10 );
27 groupA -> SetWidth( 380 );
28 groupA -> SetHeight( 380 );
29 groupA -> SetText(L " Group A " );
31 buttonA = new VL_WinButton(groupA);
32 buttonA -> SetLeft( 10 );
33 buttonA -> SetTop( 20 );
34 buttonA -> SetWidth( 100 );
35 buttonA -> SetHeight( 20 );
36 buttonA -> SetText(L " Button A " );
38 splitA = new VL_WinSplitButton(groupA);
39 splitA -> SetLeft( 120 );
40 splitA -> SetTop( 20 );
41 splitA -> SetWidth( 100 );
42 splitA -> SetHeight( 20 );
43 splitA -> SetText(L " Split A " );
45 checkA = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
46 checkA -> SetLeft( 10 );
47 checkA -> SetTop( 50 );
48 checkA -> SetWidth( 100 );
49 checkA -> SetHeight( 20 );
50 checkA -> SetText(L " Check A " );
52 checkB = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
53 checkB -> SetLeft( 10 );
54 checkB -> SetTop( 80 );
55 checkB -> SetWidth( 100 );
56 checkB -> SetHeight( 20 );
57 checkB -> SetText(L " Check B " );
59 checkC = new VL_WinCheck(groupA);
60 checkC -> SetLeft( 10 );
61 checkC -> SetTop( 110 );
62 checkC -> SetWidth( 100 );
63 checkC -> SetHeight( 20 );
64 checkC -> SetText(L " Check A " );
66 radioA = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
67 radioA -> SetLeft( 120 );
68 radioA -> SetTop( 50 );
69 radioA -> SetWidth( 100 );
70 radioA -> SetHeight( 20 );
71 radioA -> SetText(L " Radio A " );
73 radioB = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
74 radioB -> SetLeft( 120 );
75 radioB -> SetTop( 80 );
76 radioB -> SetWidth( 100 );
77 radioB -> SetHeight( 20 );
78 radioB -> SetText(L " Radio B " );
80 radioC = new VL_WinRadio(groupA);
81 radioC -> SetLeft( 120 );
82 radioC -> SetTop( 110 );
83 radioC -> SetWidth( 100 );
84 radioC -> SetHeight( 20 );
85 radioC -> SetText(L " Radio A " );
87 clA = new VL_WinCommandLink(groupA);
88 clA -> SetLeft( 10 );
89 clA -> SetTop( 140 );
90 clA -> SetWidth( 200 );
91 clA -> SetHeight( 100 );
92 clA -> SetText(L " Text " );
93 clA -> SetNote(L " with a command note " );
94 }
96 MyForm():VL_WinForm( true )
97 {
98 SetClientWidth( 400 );
99 SetClientHeight( 400 );
100 SetText(L " Vczh Form " );
101 MoveCenter();
102 InitControls();
103 Show();
104 }
105 };
107 void main()
108 {
109 new MyForm;
110 GetApplication() -> Run();
111 }