J2ME Class Not Found java/lang/ClassNotFoundException


when u r getting message like class not found it means from where ur application is being start that class is not access by the emulator and it is missing for it thats why such a error will generated.

when ur copying the whole folder in that folder one file with project properties also remain in the folder which has setting for class location.

but whenever u are creating the newer one this file is replace by new project property and ur setting is differ form newer one.

so you just go to setting menu>Midlet

there u will find midlet name, midlet icon, midlet classpath

you have to specify class path again in that loaction.

suppose your main midlet is in package Example and ur midlet class name is GameAction

then u have to specify same in midlet class name is

Example.Game Action.

i hope this will helps u.


Jasmit vala



出现问题的原因是你没有在描述器文件中定义你的MIDlet Suite中定义你的MIDlet

打开描述器,选择MIDlet选项(Define the Midlets that make up the Midlet Suite),把你的MIDlet添加进去。就行了,不懂我的意思,直接看图。






J2ME Class Not Found java/lang/ClassNotFoundException_第1张图片


J2ME Class Not Found java/lang/ClassNotFoundException_第2张图片


J2ME Class Not Found java/lang/ClassNotFoundException_第3张图片
