伸展树(splay tree)自顶向下的算法

伸展树(splay tree)是一种能自我调整的二叉搜索树(BST)。虽然某一次的访问操作所花费的时间比较长,但是平摊(amortized) 之后的访问操作(例如旋转)时间能达到O(logn)的复杂度。对于某一个被访问的节点,在接下来的一段时间内再次频繁访问它(90%的情况下是这样的,即符合90-10规则,类似于CPU内或磁盘的cache设计原理)的应用模式来说,伸展树是一种很理想的数据结构。这是因为最近被访问的节点一直位于根节点的附近,从而再次被访问时的搜索路径长度比较小。这点与平衡的二叉树(比如AVL树和红黑树)不一样。另外一点与其他平衡二叉树的区别是,伸展树不需要存储任何像AVL树中平衡因子(balance factor)那样的平衡信息,可以节省空间的开销。



在自顶向下(top-down)的实现中,需要将输入的树拆成三颗树,分别为左树L,中树M和右树R。其中M树维护当前还未被访问到的节点,L树中所有节点的值都小于M树中的任何节点值,R树中所有节点的值都大于M树中的任何节点值。L树中只需要知道当前的最大节点 (leftMax),而R树中只需要知道当前的最小节点(rightMin)。左右两棵树的根节点分别可以通过pseudoNode节点(它是leftMax和rightMin的初始值,而且splay过程中变量pseudoNode本身未变化,只改变它的左右孩子节点)的右和左孩子节点得到,因为leftMax中加入一个新的节点或子树时都是将新的节点作为leftMax的右孩子,而不是左孩子(注意这里的顺序),rightMin跟leftMax相反。自顶向下的zig-zig或zag-zag需要做旋转操作,zig-zig的旋转操作叫rotateLeftChild,旋转后目标节点的父节点和祖父节点加入R树,zag-zag的旋转操作叫rotateRightChild,旋转后目标节点的父节点和祖父节点加入L树。另外zig-zag或zag-zig可以分别简化为zig或zag操作,这样可以将zig-zag和zig合二为一,从而只需考虑一种情况,而不需要将两种情况单独考虑。zig操作将目标节点的父节点加入R树,zag操作将目标节点的父节点加入L树。注意L和R树中每次加入新节点都需更新变量leftMax或rightMin。自顶向下splay操作的最后一步是重组(re-assemble):将M树的左孩子设置为L树的根节点,将M树的右孩子设置为R树的根节点,然后M树原来的左孩子成为leftMax的右孩子,M树原来的右孩子成为rightMin的左孩子。

1)查找boolean find(int x):查找操作只需要splay最后被访问的节点。在splay操作中,如果目标值x比最后一个被查找的叶子节点小,表示未找到该值,则splay该叶子节点作为新树的根节点,返回false;如果目标值x比最后一个被查找的叶子节点大,也表示未找到该值,则splay该叶子节点作为新树的根节点,返回false。如果目标值x跟某个节点值匹配,直接splay该节点作为新树的根节点,返回true。

2)找最大和最小值int findMax()和int findMin():findMax操作只需要将splay的目标值设定为整数最大值Integer.MAX_VALUE,就可以将树中的max值splay到根节点。findMin类似。

3)删除最大和最小值int deleteMax()和int deleteMin():deleteMax调用findMax()之后,这时最大值位于根节点而且根节点没有右子树(因为所有的值都比max小),只需删除根节点,然后将根节点的左子树设置成新的根节点。deleteMin类似。有了这两个操作和下面的insert操作,splay树可以作为优先队列(priority queue)使用, 它的平摊时间复杂度与用堆(完全二叉树)实现的优先队列相当。

4)插入新节点void insert(int x):目的是插入完成后将x节点变成根节点。另外插入操作不允许原树中已经有相同值x的节点。首先splay(x),将最后被访问的节点变为根节点,如果x跟root节点的值一样,说明重复插入;如果x比root节点的值小,但是由于 splay(x)之后,x值肯定比root左子树中的任何节点值都大,因为root节点是比x大的节点中最小的,这时可以将splay后的树拆成两颗子树,左边为根节点的左孩子作为左子树的root,右边为splay后的树的根节点作为右子树的根节点,然后将x设为root,它的左孩子为拆分出的左子树,它的右孩子为拆分出的右子树;如果x比root节点的值大,做法类似。

5)删除已经存在的节点void remove(int x):删除操作不允许原树中不存在具有相同值x的节点。首先splay(x),将最后被访问的节点变为根节点,如果x跟root节点的值不一样,说明原树中不存在x值的节点;如果root的左子树为空,说明x是最小节点,可以直接删除root,然后将root的右孩子作为新的根节点;如果root的左子树不为空,可以通过findMax的一个重载方法Node findMax (Node rootNode) 只找左子树的最大值(查找的过程同时splay左子树的最大值作为该子树的根节点),然后左子树最大值节点作为新树的根节点,删除原树的根节点,将新树根节点的右孩子设置为原树根节点的右孩子。


import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Splay tree and its operations * @author ljs * 2011-06-01 * * 1. findXXX() methods are mutable operation * 2. All operations are not thread-safe because the tree can be changed by any operation. * */ public class SplayTree { static class Node{ int val; Node left; Node right; public Node(int val){ this.val = val; } public String toString(){ return String.valueOf(val); } } private Node root; public SplayTree(Node root){ this.root = root; } public Node getRoot() { return root; } //find a node in the tree //return true if found; false otherwise public boolean find(int x) throws Exception{ if(root == null) throw new Exception("tree is empty."); splay(x); if(root.val == x){ return true; }else{ return false; } } private Node findMax(Node rootNode) throws Exception{ if(rootNode == null) throw new Exception("tree or subtree is empty."); rootNode = splay(rootNode,Integer.MAX_VALUE); return rootNode; //rootNode.val=max } public int findMax() throws Exception{ root = findMax(this.root); return root.val; } private Node findMin(Node rootNode) throws Exception{ if(rootNode == null) throw new Exception("tree or subtree is empty."); rootNode = splay(rootNode,Integer.MIN_VALUE); return rootNode; //rootNode.val=min } public int findMin() throws Exception{ root = findMin(this.root); return root.val; } public int deleteMax() throws Exception{ int max = findMax(); this.root = root.left; return max; } public int deleteMin() throws Exception{ int min = findMin(); this.root = root.right; return min; } public void insert(int x) throws Exception { if(root == null){ //set the new node as root this.root = new Node(x); }else{ splay(x); if(root.val == x){ throw new Exception("duplicate value!"); }else if(x<root.val){ //split the splayed tree with right subtree including root, and set the new node as root Node tmp = new Node(x); tmp.left = this.root.left; tmp.right = this.root; root.left = null; this.root = tmp; }else {//ie. x>root.val //split the splayed tree with left subtree including root, and set the new node as root Node tmp = new Node(x); tmp.left = this.root; tmp.right = this.root.right; root.right = null; this.root = tmp; } } } public void remove(int x) throws Exception { if(root == null) throw new Exception("tree is empty."); splay(x); if(x != root.val){ throw new Exception("value not found."); } if(root.left == null){ //root(root.val==x) is the min node root = root.right; }else{ //find the max value from left subtree, and //then remove root and join the right subtree with the left splayed subtree Node leftSubTreeRoot = this.findMax(this.root.left); leftSubTreeRoot.right = this.root.right; root = leftSubTreeRoot; } } private void rotateLeftChild(Node grandparent,Node parent){ grandparent.left = parent.right; parent.right = grandparent; //split the parent with middle tree parent.left = null; } private void rotateRightChild(Node grandparent,Node parent){ grandparent.right = parent.left; parent.left = grandparent; //split the parent with middle tree parent.right = null; } //x: the target value to be found for splaying public void splay(int x){ this.root = splay(this.root,x); } //x: the target value to be found for splaying //rootNode: the root node of the tree to be splayed //return the new root of the splayed tree or subtree private Node splay(Node rootNode,int x){ if(rootNode == null) return null; Node pseudoNode = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE); //left tree root (no left child) Node leftMax = pseudoNode; //right tree root (no right child) Node rightMin = pseudoNode; Node t = rootNode; while(true){ if(x == t.val){ break; }else if(x<t.val){ //Note: the variable parent is target's parent, the variable t is target's grandparent Node parent = t.left; if(parent == null){ break; }else{ if(x < parent.val){ if(parent.left == null){ //zig t.left = null; rightMin.left = t; rightMin = t; t = parent; }else{ //zig-zig Node tmp = parent.left; rotateLeftChild(t,parent); //update right tree and its min node rightMin.left = parent; rightMin = parent; //update the middle tree's root t = tmp; } }else{ //ie. x >= t.left.val //zig or zig-zag(simplified to zig) t.left = null; rightMin.left = t; rightMin = t; t = parent; } } }else{ //ie. x>t.val Node parent = t.right; if(parent == null){ break; }else{ if(x > parent.val){ if(parent.right == null){ //zag t.right = null; leftMax.right = t; leftMax = t; t = parent; }else{ //zag-zag Node tmp = parent.right; rotateRightChild(t,parent); //update left tree and its max node leftMax.right = parent; leftMax = parent; //update the middle tree's root t = tmp; } }else{ //ie. x <= t.right.val //zag or zag-zig (simplified to zag) t.right = null; leftMax.right = t; leftMax = t; t = parent; } } } } //re-assemble (note: even if the above while is not executed, the following code works as expected.) leftMax.right = t.left; rightMin.left = t.right; t.left = pseudoNode.right; //pseudoNode.right is the root of left tree t.right = pseudoNode.left; //pseudoNode.left is the root of right tree return t; } //utility method for test purpose public static int getNumberOfNodes(Node root){ int tmp = NODES; NODES = 0; return tmp; } public static int NODES=0; public static void recursiveInOrderTraverse(Node root){ if(root == null)return; recursiveInOrderTraverse(root.left); System.out.format(" %d", root.val); NODES++; recursiveInOrderTraverse(root.right); } //utility method for test purpose //n: the nodes number of the tree public static void displayBinaryTree(Node root,int n){ if(root == null) return; LinkedList<Node> queue = new LinkedList<Node>(); //all nodes in each level List<List<Node>> nodesList = new ArrayList<List<Node>>(); //the positions in a displayable tree for each level's nodes List<List<Integer>> nextPosList = new ArrayList<List<Integer>>(); queue.add(root); //int level=0; int levelNodes = 1; int nextLevelNodes = 0; List<Node> levelNodesList = new ArrayList<Node>(); List<Integer> nextLevelNodesPosList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int pos = 0; //the position of the current node List<Integer> levelNodesPosList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); levelNodesPosList.add(0); //root position nextPosList.add(levelNodesPosList); int levelNodesTotal = 1; while(!queue.isEmpty()) { Node node = queue.remove(); if(levelNodes==0){ nodesList.add(levelNodesList); nextPosList.add(nextLevelNodesPosList); levelNodesPosList = nextLevelNodesPosList; levelNodesList = new ArrayList<Node>(); nextLevelNodesPosList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); //level++; levelNodes = nextLevelNodes; levelNodesTotal = nextLevelNodes; nextLevelNodes = 0; } levelNodesList.add(node); pos = levelNodesPosList.get(levelNodesTotal - levelNodes); if(node.left != null){ queue.add(node.left); nextLevelNodes++; nextLevelNodesPosList.add(2*pos); } if(node.right != null) { queue.add(node.right); nextLevelNodes++; nextLevelNodesPosList.add(2*pos+1); } levelNodes--; } //save the last level's nodes list nodesList.add(levelNodesList); int maxLevel = nodesList.size()-1; //==level //use both nodesList and nextPosList to set the positions for each node //Note: expected max columns: 2^(level+1) - 1 int cols = 1; for(int i=0;i<=maxLevel;i++){ cols <<= 1; } cols--; Node[][] tree = new Node[maxLevel+1][cols]; //load the tree into an array for later display for(int currLevel=0;currLevel<=maxLevel;currLevel++){ levelNodesList = nodesList.get(currLevel); levelNodesPosList = nextPosList.get(currLevel); //Note: the column for this level's j-th element: 2^(maxLevel-level)*(2*j+1) - 1 int tmp = maxLevel-currLevel; int coeff = 1; for(int i=0;i<tmp;i++){ coeff <<= 1; } for(int k=0;k<levelNodesList.size();k++){ int j = levelNodesPosList.get(k); int col = coeff*(2*j + 1) - 1; tree[currLevel][col] = levelNodesList.get(k); } } //display the binary search tree System.out.format("%n"); for(int i=0;i<=maxLevel;i++){ for(int j=0;j<cols;j++){ Node node = tree[i][j]; if(node == null) System.out.format(" "); else System.out.format("%2d",node.val); } System.out.format("%n"); } } public static void printAfterSplayed(SplayTree splayTree){ Node root = splayTree.getRoot(); System.out.format("%nAfter being splayed, in-order BST:%n"); SplayTree.recursiveInOrderTraverse(root); System.out.format("%n%n%nAfter being splayed, the tree is:"); SplayTree.displayBinaryTree(root,SplayTree.getNumberOfNodes(root)); } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { System.out.format("%nTest case 1 - splay opeartion:%n"); Node nn12 = new Node(12); Node nn5 = new Node(5); Node nn25 = new Node(25); Node nn20 = new Node(20); Node nn30 = new Node(30); Node nn15 = new Node(15); Node nn24 = new Node(24); Node nn13 = new Node(13); Node nn18 = new Node(18); Node nn16 = new Node(16); nn12.left =nn5; nn12.right = nn25; nn25.left = nn20; nn25.right = nn30; nn20.left = nn15; nn20.right = nn24; nn15.left = nn13; nn15.right = nn18; nn18.left = nn16; Node root = nn12; System.out.format("%nBefore being splayed, in-order BST:%n"); SplayTree.recursiveInOrderTraverse(root); SplayTree splayTree = new SplayTree(root); splayTree.splay(19); System.out.format("%n*****splay the node with value=19*****%n"); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); System.out.format("************************************"); System.out.format("%nTest case 2 - splaytree's operations:%n"); /* 13 10 25 12 20 35 29 */ Node n13 = new Node(13); Node n10 = new Node(10); Node n25 = new Node(25); Node n12 = new Node(12); Node n20 = new Node(20); Node n35 = new Node(35); Node n29 = new Node(29); n13.left = n10; n13.right = n25; n10.right = n12; n25.left = n20; n25.right = n35; n35.left = n29; root = n13; System.out.format("%nBefore being splayed, in-order BST:%n"); SplayTree.recursiveInOrderTraverse(root); splayTree = new SplayTree(root); int val=25; boolean found = splayTree.find(val); System.out.format("%n*****%d is in the tree? [%s]*****%n",val,found); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); int max = splayTree.findMax(); System.out.format("%n*****max value=%d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); int min = splayTree.findMin(); System.out.format("%n*****min value=%d*****%n",min); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); min = splayTree.deleteMin(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted min value: %d*****%n",min); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); int newval = 24; splayTree.insert(newval); System.out.format("%n*****insert new value %d*****%n",newval); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); int removeVal = 12; splayTree.remove(removeVal); System.out.format("%n*****remove value %d*****%n",removeVal); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); System.out.format("************************************"); System.out.format("%nTest case 3 - priority queue:%n"); Node m1= new Node(1); Node m4= new Node(4); Node m7= new Node(7); Node m9= new Node(9); Node m20= new Node(20); Node m22= new Node(22); Node m26= new Node(26); Node m29= new Node(29); Node m30= new Node(30); Node m36= new Node(36); m1.right = m4; m4.right = m7; m7.right = m9; m9.right = m20; m20.right = m22; m22.right = m26; m26.right = m29; m29.right = m30; m30.right = m36; root = m1; System.out.format("%nBefore being splayed, in-order BST:%n"); SplayTree.recursiveInOrderTraverse(root); splayTree = new SplayTree(root); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); newval = 16; splayTree.insert(newval); System.out.format("%n*****insert new value %d*****%n",newval); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); newval = 12; splayTree.insert(newval); System.out.format("%n*****insert new value %d*****%n",newval); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); max = splayTree.deleteMax(); System.out.format("%n*****deleted max value: %d*****%n",max); printAfterSplayed(splayTree); } }



Test case 1 - splay opeartion:

Before being splayed, in-order BST:
 5 12 13 15 16 18 20 24 25 30
*****splay the node with value=19*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 5 12 13 15 16 18 20 24 25 30

After being splayed, the tree is:
      12              20     
   5      15              25 
        13  16          24  30
Test case 2 - splaytree operations:

Before being splayed, in-order BST:
 10 12 13 20 25 29 35
*****25 is in the tree? [true]*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 10 12 13 20 25 29 35

After being splayed, the tree is:
      13              35     
  10      20      29         

*****max value=35*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 10 12 13 20 25 29 35

After being splayed, the tree is:
      13              29                                     
  10      20                                                 

*****min value=10*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 10 12 13 20 25 29 35

After being splayed, the tree is:
                  13      35 
                12  20  29   

*****deleted max value: 35*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 10 12 13 20 25 29

After being splayed, the tree is:
      10              29     
        12  20               

*****deleted min value: 10*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 12 13 20 25 29

After being splayed, the tree is:
  13      29 
12  20       

*****insert new value 24*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 12 13 20 24 25 29

After being splayed, the tree is:
      20              25     
  13                      29 

*****remove value 12*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 13 20 24 25 29

After being splayed, the tree is:
      13              24     
Test case 3 - priority queue:

Before being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 20 22 26 29 30 36
*****deleted max value: 36*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 20 22 26 29 30

After being splayed, the tree is:
               1                               9             
                                       7              22     
                                                  20      29 
                                                        26  30

*****deleted max value: 30*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 20 22 26 29

After being splayed, the tree is:
       4              29     
   1       7      22         
                20  26       

*****deleted max value: 29*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 20 22 26

After being splayed, the tree is:
   4      22 
 1   7  20  26

*****deleted max value: 26*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 20 22

After being splayed, the tree is:
   4      20                 
 1   7                       

*****insert new value 16*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 16 20 22

After being splayed, the tree is:
       9              20     
   4                      22 
 1   7                       

*****deleted max value: 22*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 16 20

After being splayed, the tree is:
 1   7                                                       

*****deleted max value: 20*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 16

After being splayed, the tree is:
 1   7                       

*****insert new value 12*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 12 16

After being splayed, the tree is:
       9              16     
 1   7                       

*****deleted max value: 16*****

After being splayed, in-order BST:
 1 4 7 9 12

After being splayed, the tree is:
 1   7



1. "Self-adjusting Binary Search Trees", Sleator and Tarjan (1985)

2. A demonstration of top-down splaying (http://www.link.cs.cmu.edu/splay/)
