UVALive 4639 - Separate Points

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Submit  Status  Practice  UVALive 4639


Numbers of black and white points are placed on a plane. Let's imagine that a straight line of infinite length is drawn on the plane. When the line does not meet any of the points, the line divides these points into two groups. If the division by such a line results in one group consisting only of black points and the other consisting only of white points, we say that the line ``separates black and white points".

Let's see examples in Figure 3. In the leftmost example, you can easily find that the black and white points can be perfectly separated by the dashed line according to their colors. In the remaining three examples, there exists no such straight line that gives such a separation.

Figure 3: Example planes

In this problem, given a set of points with their colors and positions, you are requested to decide whether there exists a straight line that separates black and white points.


The input is a sequence of datasets, each of which is formatted as follows.

n m 
1 y1 
xn yn 
xn+1 yn+1 
xn+m yn+m

The first line contains two positive integers separated by a single space; n is the number of black points, and m is the number of white points. They are less than or equal to 100. Then n + m lines representing the coordinates of points follow. Each line contains two integersxi and yi separated by a space, where (xiyi) represents the x-coordinate and the y-coordinate of the i-th point. The color of the i-th point is black for 1in, and is white for n + 1in + m.

All the points have integral x- and y-coordinate values between 0 and 10000 inclusive. You can also assume that no two points have the same position.

The end of the input is indicated by a line containing two zeros separated by a space.


For each dataset, output ``YES" if there exists a line satisfying the condition. If not, output ``NO". In either case, print it in one line for each input dataset.

Sample Input

3 3 
100 700
200 200
600 600
500 100
500 300
800 500
3 3 
100 300
400 600
400 100
600 400
500 900
300 300
3 4 
300 300
500 300
400 600
100 100
200 900
500 900
800 100
1 2 
300 300
100 100
500 500
1 1 
100 100
200 100 
2 2 
0 0 
500 700 
1000 1400 
1500 2100 
2 2 
0 0 
1000 1000 
1000 0 
0 1000 
3 3 
0 100 
4999 102 
10000 103 
5001 102 
10000 102 
0 101 
3 3 
100 100 
200 100 
100 200 
0 0 
400 0 
0 400 
3 3 
2813 1640 
2583 2892 
2967 1916 
541 3562 
9298 3686 
7443 7921 
0 0

Sample Output




using namespace std;
struct point
    double x, y;
} b[105], w[105];
int cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
    point *aa = (point *)a;
    point *bb = (point *)b;
    if(aa->x != bb->x)
        return aa->x > bb->x ? 1 : -1;
    return aa->y > bb->y ? 1 : -1;
const double eps = 1e-12;
int main()
    int m,n;
        for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        qsort(b, m, sizeof(b[0]), cmp);
        qsort(w, n, sizeof(w[0]), cmp);
        int flag=0, cct, fflag = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++) // 先检验黑点
            for(int j =  i + 1; j < m; j++)
                cct = 0;
                int ll = 0, rr = 0, ll2 = 0, rr2 = 0;
                if(!(fabs(b[i].x - b[j].x) < eps))
                    double k = (b[i].y - b[j].y) / (b[i].x - b[j].x);
                    double bb =  b[i].y - k * b[i].x;
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                        if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                        else if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb > eps)
                        else if(fabs(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb) < eps)
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                        if(kk != i && kk != j)
                            if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                            else if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb > eps)
                            else if(fabs(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb) < eps)
                else // 注意垂直直线的处理

                    for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                        if(w[kk].x < b[j].x)
                        else if(w[kk].x > b[j].x)

                    for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                        if(kk != i && kk != j)
                            if(b[kk].x < b[j].x)
                            else if(b[kk].x > b[j].x)
                if(cct == m + n - 2)
                    fflag = 1;
                if((ll == n && !ll2) || (rr == n && !rr2))
                    flag = 1;
        if(!flag && ! fflag) // 检验白点
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for(int j =  i + 1; j < n; j++)
                    int ll = 0, rr = 0, ll2 = 0, rr2 = 0;
                    if(!(fabs(w[i].x - w[j].x) < eps))
                        double k = (w[i].y - w[j].y) / (w[i].x - w[j].x);
                        double bb =  w[i].y - k * w[i].x;
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                            if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                            else if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb > eps)
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                            if(kk != i && kk != j)
                                if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                                else if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb > eps)

                        for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                            if(b[kk].x < w[j].x)
                            else if(b[kk].x > w[j].x)
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                            if(kk != i && kk != j)
                                if(w[kk].x < w[j].x)
                                else if(w[kk].x > w[j].x)

                    if((ll == m && !ll2) || (rr == m && !rr2))

                        flag = 1;
        if(fabs(b[0].x - b[m - 1].x) < eps && fabs(w[0].x - w[n - 1].x) < eps && fabs(b[0].x - w[0].x) < eps) // 所有点在一条垂直直线时,特殊处理
            if(b[m - 1].y < w[0].y || w[n - 1].y < b[0].y)
                flag = 1;
        if(fflag) // 所有点在一条斜线时,特殊处理
            if(b[m - 1].x < w[0].x || w[n - 1].x < b[0].x)
                flag = 1;
        if(flag == 1||(m==1&&n==1))cout<<"YES"<<endl;
        else cout<<"NO"<<endl;
    return 0;



using namespace std;

struct point
    double x, y;
} b[105], w[105];
int cmp(const void *a, const void *b)
    point *aa = (point *)a;
    point *bb = (point *)b;
    if(aa->x != bb->x)
        return aa->x > bb->x ? 1 : -1;
    return aa->y > bb->y ? 1 : -1;
const double eps = 1e-12;
int main()
    freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
    int m,n;
        for(int i=0; i<m; i++)
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        qsort(b, m, sizeof(b[0]), cmp);
        qsort(w, n, sizeof(w[0]), cmp);
        int flag=0, cct, fflag = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            for(int j =  i + 1; j < m; j++)
                cct = 0;
                int ll = 0, rr = 0, ll2 = 0, rr2 = 0;
                if(!(fabs(b[i].x - b[j].x) < eps))
                    int flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                    double k = (b[i].y - b[j].y) / (b[i].x - b[j].x);
                    double bb =  b[i].y - k * b[i].x;
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                        if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                            flag_l = 1;
                        else if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb > eps)
                            flag_r = 1;
                        else if(fabs(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb) < eps)
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    if(flag_l && flag_r) // 加了许多诸如此类的粗剪枝
                    flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                        if(kk != i && kk != j)
                            if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                                flag_r = 1;
                            else if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb > eps)
                                flag_l = 1;
                            else if(fabs(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb) < eps)
                            if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    int flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                        if(w[kk].x < b[j].x)
                            flag_r = 1;
                        else if(w[kk].x > b[j].x)
                            flag_l = 1;
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                    for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                        if(kk != i && kk != j)
                            if(b[kk].x < b[j].x)
                                flag_r = 1;
                            else if(b[kk].x > b[j].x)
                                flag_l = 1;
                            if(flag_l && flag_r)
                    if(flag_l && flag_r)
                if(cct == m + n - 2)
                    fflag = 1;
                if((ll == n && !ll2) || (rr == n && !rr2))
                    flag = 1;

        if(!flag && ! fflag)
            for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                for(int j =  i + 1; j < n; j++)
                    int ll = 0, rr = 0, ll2 = 0, rr2 = 0;
                    if(!(fabs(w[i].x - w[j].x) < eps))
                        int flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                        double k = (w[i].y - w[j].y) / (w[i].x - w[j].x);
                        double bb =  w[i].y - k * w[i].x;
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)
                            if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                                flag_r = 1;
                            else if(b[kk].y - k * b[kk].x - bb > eps)
                                flag_l = 1;
                            if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                            if(kk != i && kk != j)
                                if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb < -eps)
                                    flag_r = 1;
                                else if(w[kk].y - k * w[kk].x - bb > eps)
                                    flag_l = 1;
                                if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        int flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < m; kk++)

                            if(b[kk].x < w[j].x)
                                flag_r = 1;
                            else if(b[kk].x > w[j].x)
                                flag_l = 1;
                            if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        flag_l = 0, flag_r = 0;
                        for(int kk = 0; kk < n; kk++)
                            if(kk != i && kk != j)
                                if(w[kk].x < w[j].x)
                                    flag_r = 1;
                                else if(w[kk].x > w[j].x)
                                    flag_l = 1;
                                if(flag_l && flag_r)
                        if(flag_l && flag_r)

                    if((ll == m && !ll2) || (rr == m && !rr2))

                        flag = 1;
        if(fabs(b[0].x - b[m - 1].x) < eps && fabs(w[0].x - w[n - 1].x) < eps && fabs(b[0].x - w[0].x) < eps)
            if(b[m - 1].y < w[0].y || w[n - 1].y < b[0].y)
                flag = 1;
            if(b[m - 1].x < w[0].x || w[n - 1].x < b[0].x)
                flag = 1;
        if(flag == 1||(m==1&&n==1))cout<<"YES"<<endl;
        else cout<<"NO"<<endl;
    return 0;

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