android 属性中src和background的区别




Enum Values
ImageView.ScaleType CENTER Center the image in the view, but perform no scaling.
ImageView.ScaleType CENTER_CROP Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or larger than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
ImageView.ScaleType CENTER_INSIDE Scale the image uniformly (maintain the image's aspect ratio) so that both dimensions (width and height) of the image will be equal to or less than the corresponding dimension of the view (minus padding).
ImageView.ScaleType FIT_CENTER Scale the image using CENTER.
ImageView.ScaleType FIT_END Scale the image using END.
ImageView.ScaleType FIT_START Scale the image using START.
ImageView.ScaleType FIT_XY Scale the image using FILL.
ImageView.ScaleType MATRIX Scale using the image matrix when drawing.


