i18next - start programming

I18Next - Start Programming

Home: http://i18next.com/

  • I18Next - Start Programming
    • Configure Usage
      • Step 1 Download script
      • Step 2 JavaScript in HTML page
      • Step 3 Initialize I18N
      • Step 4 Create JSON
      • Step 5 Use in HTML and Javascript

Configure / Usage

Step 1: Download script

  1. Download i18next 1.7.7 for version 1.7.7, or latest version over home.
  2. Locate the file in js/i18next-1.7.7.min.js.

Step 2: JavaScript in HTML page

<script src="js/i18next-1.7.7.min.js"></script>

Step 3: Initialize I18N

$(function() {
      detectLngQS: 'lang',
      resGetPath: 'locales/__ns__-__lng__.json'
    .done(function() { 
  • You need to locate translation-en.json like file in the location of ROOT/locales/translation-en.json.

Step 4: Create JSON

Edit file

vim src/main/webapp/webresource/locales/translation-en.json

with content

        "admin": { "title": { "home": "Administration Page", "account": "Account", "report": "Report", "publisher": "Publisher" } } }

Step 5: Use in HTML and Javascript

<a href="#" data-i18n="admin.title.home"></a>
