







程序1 带有二义性的多重继承示例


class Base1{ //.... public: void f(); void g(); //.... }; class Base2{ //.... public: void f(); void h(); //.... }; class Derived:public Base1,public Base2{ //.... };






Derived d;

d.g();     // unambiguous

d.g();    //unambiguous




d.g()      //compile-time error 



程序2 访问控制并不能解读二义性

class Base1{ //.... public: void f(); void g(); //.... }; class Base2{ void f(); //.... public: void h(); //.... }; class Derived:public Base1,public Base2{ //.... }; int main() { Derived d; d.f();//compile-time errorr:ambiguous f //... return 0; }





    在单重继承下,继承层次结构通常可以用类的树状图来描述;在多重继承下,我们需要使用有向无环图(directed acyclic graph)。“有向”意味着所画图中的每条边都有一个方向,用来区分哪一端是基类,哪一端是派生类。我们可以在画图时约定,基类总是出现在派生类的上方。“无环”意味着继承图中没有循环,这样,一个类就永远也不会成为自己的基类,即使间接的也不行。


程序3 共同的基类



class Top { int x; //... }; class Left:public Top { int y; //... }; class Bottom:public Left,public Right { //... };




  1. 派生类中的对象都包含每个基类的所有成员。因此Bottom包含两个Top部分,它可以通过两种不同的途径到达top部分,这就产生了一个潜在的二义性。
  2. 在默认的继承机制(public)中,所有从基类继承而来的数据成员都保持着独立的副本。
  3. 当Top作为Left和Right的虚基类(virtual base class)时,Bottom对象只包含一个Top部分,虚基类使得在每个派生类对象中只有唯一的基类部分。(在基类名字前加virtual和在类的成员函数前加virtual是不相干的)。

3. 分析虚基类




程序4 在非虚基类下的赋值运算



#include <iostream> using namespace std; void trace(const char *funcName,void *objAddr) { cout<< "/t" << objAddr << " " << funcName << "/n"; } class Top { int x; public: Top & operator = (const Top&); }; Top& Top::operator=(const Top& rhs) { trace("Top::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) x = rhs.x; return *this; } class Left:public Top { int y; public: Left& operator=(const Left&); }; Left& Left::operator=(const Left& rhs) { trace("Left::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); y = rhs.y; } return *this; } class Right:public Top { int z; public: Right& operator=(const Right& ); }; Right& Right::operator=(const Right& rhs) { trace("Right::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); z = rhs.z; } return *this; } class Bottom:public Left,public Right { }; int main() { Left L1,L2; Right R1,R2; Bottom B1,B2; cout << "Left object assignment/n"; L1 = L2; cout << "Right object assignment/n"; R1 = R2; cout << "Bottom object assignment/n"; B1 = B2; return 0; }



Left object assignment
        0012FF78 Left::operator=
        0012FF78 Top::operator=
Right object assignment
        0012FF68 Right::operator=
        0012FF68 Top::operator=
Bottom object assignment
        0012FF50 Left::operator=
        0012FF50 Top::operator=
        0012FF58 Right::operator=
        0012FF58 Top::operator=




程序5 虚基类下的赋值运算

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void trace(const char *funcName,void *objAddr) { cout<< "/t" << objAddr << " " << funcName << "/n"; } class Top { int x; public: Top & operator = (const Top&); }; Top& Top::operator=(const Top& rhs) { trace("Top::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) x = rhs.x; return *this; } class Left:public virtual Top { int y; public: Left& operator=(const Left&); }; Left& Left::operator=(const Left& rhs) { trace("Left::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); y = rhs.y; } return *this; } class Right:public virtual Top { int z; public: Right& operator=(const Right& ); }; Right& Right::operator=(const Right& rhs) { trace("Right::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); z = rhs.z; } return *this; } class Bottom:public Left,public Right { }; int main() { Left L1,L2; Right R1,R2; Bottom B1,B2; cout << "Left object assignment/n"; L1 = L2; cout << "Right object assignment/n"; R1 = R2; cout << "Bottom object assignment/n"; B1 = B2; return 0; }


Left object assignment
        0x22ff44 Left::operator=
        0x22ff4c Top::operator=
Right object assignment
        0x22ff2c Right::operator=
        0x22ff34 Top::operator=
Bottom object assignment
        0x22ff0c Left::operator=
        0x22ff1c Top::operator=
        0x22ff14 Right::operator=
        0x22ff1c Top::operator=




程序6 改进的虚基类下的赋值运算

#include <iostream> using namespace std; void trace(const char *funcName,void *objAddr) { cout<< "/t" << objAddr << " " << funcName << "/n"; } class Top { int x; public: Top & operator = (const Top&); }; Top& Top::operator=(const Top& rhs) { trace("Top::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) x = rhs.x; return *this; } class Left:public virtual Top { int y; protected: void assignLocal(const Left& rhs); public: Left & operator=(const Left &); }; void Left::assignLocal(const Left& rhs) { trace("Left::assignLocal",this); y = rhs.y; } Left& Left::operator=(const Left& rhs) { trace("Left::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); assignLocal(rhs); } return *this; } class Right:public virtual Top { int z; protected: void assignLocal(const Right&); public: Right& operator=(const Right& ); }; void Right::assignLocal(const Right& rhs) { trace("Right::assignLocal",this); z = rhs.z; } Right& Right::operator=(const Right& rhs) { trace("Right::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { this->Top::operator=(rhs); assignLocal(rhs); } return *this; } class Bottom:public Left,public Right { public: Bottom & operator=(const Bottom &); }; Bottom & Bottom::operator=(const Bottom &rhs) { trace("Bottom::operator=",this); if(this != &rhs) { Top::operator=(rhs); Left::assignLocal(rhs); Right::assignLocal(rhs); } return *this; } int main() { Left L1,L2; Right R1,R2; Bottom B1,B2; cout << "Left object assignment/n"; L1 = L2; cout << "Right object assignment/n"; R1 = R2; cout << "Bottom object assignment/n"; B1 = B2; return 0; }


Left object assignment
        0012FF74 Left::operator=
        0012FF7C Top::operator=
        0012FF74 Left::assignLocal
Right object assignment
        0012FF5C Right::operator=
        0012FF64 Top::operator=
        0012FF5C Right::assignLocal
Bottom object assignment
        0012FF3C Bottom::operator=
        0012FF4C Top::operator=
        0012FF3C Left::assignLocal
        0012FF44 Right::assignLocal



4. 使用虚基类




程序7 DomesticAnimal、Cow、Buffalo和Beefalo

#include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class DomesticAnimal { protected: int weight; float price; char color[20]; public: DomesticAnimal(void) { weight = 0; price = 0; strcpy(color,"None"); } DomesticAnimal(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) { weight = aWeight; price = aPrice; strcpy(color,aColor); } virtual void print(void) { cout << "The weight = " << weight << "/n"; cout << "The price = $" << price << "/n"; cout << "The color = " << color << "/n"; } }; class Cow:public virtual DomesticAnimal { public: Cow(void) { } Cow(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) { weight = aWeight; price = aPrice; strcpy(color,aColor); } void print(void) { cout << "The cow has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; class Buffalo:public virtual DomesticAnimal { public: Buffalo(void) { } Buffalo(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) { weight = aWeight; price = aPrice; strcpy(color,aColor); } void print(void) { cout << "The Buffalo has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; class Beefalo:public Cow,public Buffalo { public: Beefalo(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) { weight = aWeight; price = aPrice; strcpy(color,aColor); } void print(void) { cout << "The Beefalo has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; int main() { Cow aCow(1400,375.0,"Black and white"); Beefalo aBeefalo(1700,525.0,"Brown and black"); DomesticAnimal& myCow = aCow; DomesticAnimal& myBeefalo = aBeefalo; myCow.print(); myBeefalo.print(); aBeefalo.Cow::print();//Beefalo对象也可以被认为是一个Cow对象 return 0; }


The cow has the properties:
The weight = 1400
The price = $375
The color = Black and white
The Beefalo has the properties:
The weight = 1700
The price = $525
The color = Brown and black
The cow has the properties:
The weight = 1700
The price = $525
The color = Brown and black




程序8 去掉虚基类

#include <stdlib.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class DomesticAnimal { int weight; float price; char color[20]; public: DomesticAnimal(void) { weight = 0; price = 0; strcpy(color,"None"); } DomesticAnimal(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) { weight = aWeight; price = aPrice; strcpy(color,aColor); } virtual void print(void) { cout << "The weight = " << weight << "/n"; cout << "The price = $" << price << "/n"; cout << "The color = " << color << "/n"; } }; class Cow:public DomesticAnimal { public: Cow(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) : DomesticAnimal(aWeight,aPrice,aColor) {} void print(void) { cout << "The cow has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; class Buffalo:public DomesticAnimal { public: Buffalo(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) : DomesticAnimal(aWeight,aPrice,aColor) {} void print(void) { cout << "The Buffalo has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; class Beefalo:public DomesticAnimal { public: Beefalo(int aWeight,float aPrice,char *aColor) : DomesticAnimal(aWeight,aPrice,aColor) {} void print(void) { cout << "The Beefalo has the properties:/n"; DomesticAnimal::print(); } }; int main() { Cow aCow(1400,375.0,"Black and white"); Beefalo aBeefalo(1700,525.0,"Brown and black"); DomesticAnimal& myCow = aCow; DomesticAnimal& myBeefalo = aBeefalo; myCow.print(); myBeefalo.print(); return 0; }





参考文献:《c++编程风格》(c++ programming style )作者 Tom Cargill 译者 聂雪军 机械工业出版社2007.1



