AllJoyn C# Unity API Reference Manual Version 3.2.0 (1)






Type Signatures

AllJoyn uses the same type signatures that are used by the Dbus protocol. The type signature is made up oftype codes . Type code is an ASCII character that represents a standard data type.

The following table summarizes the AllJoyn types.

Conventional Name Code Description
INVALID 0 (ASCII NUL) Not a valid type code, used to terminate signatures
BYTE 121 (ASCII 'y') 8-bit unsigned integer
BOOLEAN 98 (ASCII 'b') Boolean value, 0 is FALSE and 1 is TRUE. Everything else is invalid.
INT16 110 (ASCII 'n') 16-bit signed integer
UINT16 113 (ASCII 'q') 16-bit unsigned integer
INT32 105 (ASCII 'i') 32-bit signed integer
UINT32 117 (ASCII 'u') 32-bit unsigned integer
INT64 120 (ASCII 'x') 64-bit signed integer
UINT64 116 (ASCII 't') 64-bit unsigned integer
DOUBLE 100 (ASCII 'd') IEEE 754 double
STRING 115 (ASCII 's') UTF-8 string (must be valid UTF-8). Must be nul terminated and contain no other nul bytes.
OBJECT_PATH 111 (ASCII 'o') Name of an object instance
SIGNATURE 103 (ASCII 'g') A type signature
ARRAY 97 (ASCII 'a') Array
STRUCT 114 (ASCII 'r'), 40 (ASCII '('), 41 (ASCII ')') Struct
VARIANT 118 (ASCII 'v') Variant type (the type of the value is part of the value itself)
DICT_ENTRY 101 (ASCII 'e'), 123 (ASCII '{'), 125 (ASCII '}') Entry in a dict or map (array of key-value pairs)

For of the types are container types. STRUCT, ARRAY, VARIANT, andDICT_ENTRY . All other types are a common basic data type.






Namespace List

Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:



Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn AllJoyn namespace and methods to request the library for version information, also startsAllJoyn processing for callbacks
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusAttachment BusAttachment is the top-level object responsible for connecting to and optionally managing a message bus
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of bus related events
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject Message Bus Object base class
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials Generic class for describing different authentication credentials
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.DBus This file provides definitions for standard DBus interfaces
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription Class for describing message bus interfaces
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.KeyStore The KeyStore class manages the storing and loading of key blobs from external storage
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener An application can provide a key store listener to override the default key store Load and Store behavior
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Message Message is a reference counted (managed) version of _Message
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArg Class definition for a message arg
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.MsgArgs Class definition for message args
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Property Structure representing properties of the Interface
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ProxyBusObject Each ProxyBusObject instance represents a single DBus/AllJoyn object registered somewhere on the bus
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.QStatus Enumerated list of values QStatus can return
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionListener Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionOpts SessionOpts contains a set of parameters that define a Session's characteristics
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SessionPortListener Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events





List of all members.


class   AuthListener
class   BusAttachment
  BusAttachment is the top-level object responsible for connecting to and optionally managing a message bus.More...
class   BusListener
  Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of bus related events. More...
class   BusObject
  Message Bus Object base class.More...
class   Credentials
  Generic class for describing different authentication credentials.More...
class   DBus
  This file provides definitions for standard DBus interfaces. More...
class   InterfaceDescription
  Class for describing message bus interfaces. More...
class   KeyStoreListener
  An application can provide a key store listener to override the default key store Load and Store behavior.More...
class   Message
  Message is a reference counted (managed) version of _Message. More...
class   MsgArg
  Class definition for a message arg. More...
class   MsgArgs
  Class definition for message args. More...
class   ProxyBusObject
  Each ProxyBusObject instance represents a single DBus/AllJoyn object registered somewhere on the bus.More...
class   QStatus
  Enumerated list of values QStatus can return. More...
class   SessionListener
  Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events. More...
class   SessionOpts
  SessionOpts contains a set of parameters that define a Session's characteristics. More...
class   SessionPortListener
  Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of session related events. More...


AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn Class Reference

AllJoyn namespace and methods to request the library for version information, also startsAllJoyn processing for callbacks. More...

Public Types

enum   TransportMask {
  None = 0x0000,Any = 0xFFFF, Local = 0x0001, Bluetooth = 0x0002,
  WLAN = 0x0004,WWAN = 0x0008, LAN = 0x0010
  Bitmask of all transport types. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static string  GetExtensionVersion ()
  Request version of the C# binding.
static string  GetVersion ()
  Get the version string from AllJoyn.
static string  GetBuildInfo ()
  Get the build info string from AllJoyn.
static void  SetAutoAllJoynCallbackProcessing (Boolean autoProcess)
  Turn off auto processing of callback data from a seperate thread.
static void  StartAllJoynCallbackProcessing ()
  Starts a thread to process AllJoyn callback data.
static void  StopAllJoynProcessing ()
  Stops the thread processing AllJoyn callback data.
static int  TriggerCallbacks ()
  Call to trigger callbacks on main thread.
static void  SetMainThreadOnlyCallbacks (bool mainThreadOnly)
  Enable/disable main-thread-only callbacks.

Public Attributes

const int  ALLJOYN_MAX_NAME_LEN = 255
const int  ALLJOYN_MAX_ARRAY_LEN = 131072
  ALLJOYN protocol version.
Endianness indicators
const byte  ALLJOYN_LITTLE_ENDIAN = 0x6c
  indicates the bus is little endian
const byte  ALLJOYN_BIG_ENDIAN = 0x42
  indicates the bus is big endian
Flag types
  No reply is expected.
const byte  ALLJOYN_FLAG_AUTO_START = 0x02
  Auto start the service.
  Allow messages from remote hosts (valid only in Hello message)
  Sessionless message.
  Global (bus-to-bus) broadcast.
const byte  ALLJOYN_FLAG_COMPRESSED = 0x40
  Header is compressed.
const byte  ALLJOYN_FLAG_ENCRYPTED = 0x80
  Body is encrypted.

Detailed Description

AllJoyn namespace and methods to request the library for version information, also startsAllJoyn processing for callbacks.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::TransportMask

Bitmask of all transport types.


no transports


ANY transport.


Local (same device) transport.


Bluetooth transport.


Wireless local-area network transport.


Wireless wide-area network transport.


Wired local-area network transport.

Member Function Documentation

static string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.GetBuildInfo (   ) [inline, static]

Get the build info string from AllJoyn.

string representiong the buid info from AllJoyn
static string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.GetExtensionVersion (   ) [inline, static]

Request version of the C# binding.

string representing the version of the csharp language binding
static string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.GetVersion (   ) [inline, static]

Get the version string from AllJoyn.

string representiong the version from AllJoyn
static void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SetAutoAllJoynCallbackProcessing ( Boolean  autoProcess ) [inline, static]

Turn off auto processing of callback data from a seperate thread.

Used if developer manually calls Trigger callbacks on their schedule.

autoProcess Turn on/off the ability for AllJoyn to process the callbacks in a new thread
static void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.SetMainThreadOnlyCallbacks ( bool  mainThreadOnly ) [inline, static]

Enable/disable main-thread-only callbacks.

NOTE: For Android this should be called with a value of true

mainThreadOnly set to true to limit callbacks to the main thread
static int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.TriggerCallbacks (   ) [inline, static]

Call to trigger callbacks on main thread.

Allows to manually process the callbacks.

the number of callbacks processed

Member Data Documentation

const int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_MAX_ARRAY_LEN = 131072

DBus limits array length to 2^26.AllJoyn limits it to 2^17

const int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_MAX_NAME_LEN = 255

The maximum length of certain bus names

const int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.ALLJOYN_MAX_PACKET_LEN = (ALLJOYN_MAX_ARRAY_LEN + 4096)

DBus limits packet length to 2^27.AllJoyn limits it further to 2^17 + 4096 to allow for 2^17 payload

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
  • AllJoyn.cs
  • Message.cs
  • Status.cs









AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener Class Reference

List of all members.


struct   AuthListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  AuthListener ()
  Constructor for AuthListener class.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the AuthListener.

Protected Member Functions

abstract bool  RequestCredentials (string authMechanism, string peerName, ushort authCount, string userName, Credentials.CredentialFlags credMask, Credentials credentials)
  Authentication mechanism requests user credentials.
virtual bool  VerifyCredentials (string authMechanism, string peerName,Credentials credentials)
  Authentication mechanism requests verification of credentials from a remote peer.
virtual void  SecurityViolation (QStatus status, Message msg)
  Optional method that if implemented allows an application to monitor security violations.
abstract void  AuthenticationComplete (string authMechanism, string peerName, bool success)
  Reports successful or unsuccessful completion of authentication.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the AuthListener.

Member Function Documentation

abstract void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.AuthenticationComplete ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    bool  success 
  )   [protected, pure virtual]

Reports successful or unsuccessful completion of authentication.

authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism that was used or an empty string if the authentication failed.
peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
success true if the authentication was successful, otherwise false.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the AuthListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
abstract bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.RequestCredentials ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    ushort  authCount,
    string  userName,
    Credentials.CredentialFlags  credMask,
    Credentials  credentials 
  )   [protected, pure virtual]

Authentication mechanism requests user credentials.

If the user name is not an empty string the request is for credentials for that specific user. A count allows the listener to decide whether to allow or reject multiple authentication attempts to the same peer.

  authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism issuing the request.
  peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
  authCount Count (starting at 1) of the number of authentication request attempts made.
  userName The user name for the credentials being requested.
  credMask A bit mask identifying the credentials being requested. The application may return none, some or all of the requested credentials.
[out] credentials The credentials returned.
The caller should return true if the request is being accepted or false if the requests is being rejected. If the request is rejected the authentication is complete.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.SecurityViolation ( QStatus  status,
    Message  msg 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Optional method that if implemented allows an application to monitor security violations.

This function is called when an attempt to decrypt an encrypted messages failed or when an unencrypted message was received on an interface that requires encryption. The message contains only header information.

status A status code indicating the type of security violation.
msg The message that cause the security violation.
virtual bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.VerifyCredentials ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    Credentials  credentials 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Authentication mechanism requests verification of credentials from a remote peer.

authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism issuing the request.
peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
credentials The credentials to be verified.
The listener should return true if the credentials are acceptable or false if the credentials are being rejected.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • AuthListener.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener Class Reference

List of all members.


struct   AuthListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  AuthListener ()
  Constructor for AuthListener class.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the AuthListener.

Protected Member Functions

abstract bool  RequestCredentials (string authMechanism, string peerName, ushort authCount, string userName, Credentials.CredentialFlags credMask, Credentials credentials)
  Authentication mechanism requests user credentials.
virtual bool  VerifyCredentials (string authMechanism, string peerName,Credentials credentials)
  Authentication mechanism requests verification of credentials from a remote peer.
virtual void  SecurityViolation (QStatus status, Message msg)
  Optional method that if implemented allows an application to monitor security violations.
abstract void  AuthenticationComplete (string authMechanism, string peerName, bool success)
  Reports successful or unsuccessful completion of authentication.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the AuthListener.

Member Function Documentation

abstract void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.AuthenticationComplete ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    bool  success 
  )   [protected, pure virtual]

Reports successful or unsuccessful completion of authentication.

authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism that was used or an empty string if the authentication failed.
peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
success true if the authentication was successful, otherwise false.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the AuthListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
abstract bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.RequestCredentials ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    ushort  authCount,
    string  userName,
    Credentials.CredentialFlags  credMask,
    Credentials  credentials 
  )   [protected, pure virtual]

Authentication mechanism requests user credentials.

If the user name is not an empty string the request is for credentials for that specific user. A count allows the listener to decide whether to allow or reject multiple authentication attempts to the same peer.

  authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism issuing the request.
  peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
  authCount Count (starting at 1) of the number of authentication request attempts made.
  userName The user name for the credentials being requested.
  credMask A bit mask identifying the credentials being requested. The application may return none, some or all of the requested credentials.
[out] credentials The credentials returned.
The caller should return true if the request is being accepted or false if the requests is being rejected. If the request is rejected the authentication is complete.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.SecurityViolation ( QStatus  status,
    Message  msg 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Optional method that if implemented allows an application to monitor security violations.

This function is called when an attempt to decrypt an encrypted messages failed or when an unencrypted message was received on an interface that requires encryption. The message contains only header information.

status A status code indicating the type of security violation.
msg The message that cause the security violation.
virtual bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.AuthListener.VerifyCredentials ( string  authMechanism,
    string  peerName,
    Credentials  credentials 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Authentication mechanism requests verification of credentials from a remote peer.

authMechanism The name of the authentication mechanism issuing the request.
peerName The name of the remote peer being authenticated. On the initiating side this will be a well-known-name for the remote peer. On the accepting side this will be the unique bus name for the remote peer.
credentials The credentials to be verified.
The listener should return true if the credentials are acceptable or false if the credentials are being rejected.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • AuthListener.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener Class Reference

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of bus related events. More...

List of all members.


struct   BusListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  BusListener ()
  Construct a BusListener.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the BusListener.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  ListenerRegistered (BusAttachment busAttachment)
  Called by the bus when the listener is registered.
virtual void  ListenerUnregistered ()
  Called by the bus when the listener is unregistered.
virtual void  FoundAdvertisedName (string name,TransportMask transport, string namePrefix)
  Called by the bus when an external bus is discovered that is advertising a well-known name that this attachment has registered interest in via aDBus call to org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName.
virtual void  LostAdvertisedName (string name,TransportMask transport, string namePrefix)
  Called by the bus when an advertisement previously reported through FoundName has become unavailable.
virtual void  NameOwnerChanged (string busName, string previousOwner, string newOwner)
  Called by the bus when the ownership of any well-known name changes.
virtual void  BusStopping ()
  Called when a BusAttachment this listener is registered with is stopping.
virtual void  BusDisconnected ()
  Called when a BusAttachment this listener is registered with is has become disconnected from the bus.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the BusListener.

Detailed Description

Abstract base class implemented by AllJoyn users and called by AllJoyn to inform users of bus related events.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the BusListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener.FoundAdvertisedName ( string  name,
    TransportMask  transport,
    string  namePrefix 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when an external bus is discovered that is advertising a well-known name that this attachment has registered interest in via aDBus call to org.alljoyn.Bus.FindAdvertisedName.

name A well known name that the remote bus is advertising.
transport Transport that received the advertisement.
namePrefix The well-known name prefix used in call to FindAdvertisedName that triggered this callback.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener.ListenerRegistered ( BusAttachment  busAttachment ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when the listener is registered.

This give the listener implementation the opportunity to save a reference to the bus.

busAttachment The bus the listener is registered with.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener.LostAdvertisedName ( string  name,
    TransportMask  transport,
    string  namePrefix 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when an advertisement previously reported through FoundName has become unavailable.

name A well known name that the remote bus is advertising that is of interest to this attachment.
transport Transport that stopped receiving the given advertised name.
namePrefix The well-known name prefix that was used in a call to FindAdvertisedName that triggered this callback.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusListener.NameOwnerChanged ( string  busName,
    string  previousOwner,
    string  newOwner 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the bus when the ownership of any well-known name changes.

busName The well-known name that has changed.
previousOwner The unique name that previously owned the name or NULL if there was no previous owner.
newOwner The unique name that now owns the name or NULL if the there is no new owner.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • BusListener.cs







AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject Class Reference

Message Bus Object base class.More...

List of all members.


struct   BusObjectCallbacks
struct   MethodEntry

Public Member Functions

  BusObject (string path, bool isPlaceholder)
  BusObject constructor.
  BusObject (BusAttachment bus, string path, bool isPlaceholder)
  BusObject constructor.
IntPtr  getAddr ()
  Request the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C BusObject.
QStatus  AddInterface (InterfaceDescription iface)
  Add an interface to this object.
QStatus  AddMethodHandler (InterfaceDescription.Member member, MethodHandler handler)
  Add a method handler to this object.
delegate void  MethodHandler (InterfaceDescription.Member member, Message message)
  MethodHandlers are MessageReceiver methods which are called byAllJoyn library to forward AllJoyn method_calls to AllJoyn library users.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the BusObject.

Protected Member Functions

QStatus  MethodReply (Message message, MsgArgs args)
  Reply to a method call.
QStatus  MethodReply (Message message, string error, string errorMessage)
  Reply to a method call with an error message.
QStatus  MethodReply (Message message, QStatus status)
  Reply to a method call with an error message.
QStatus  Signal (string destination, uint sessionId,InterfaceDescription.Member signal, MsgArgs args)
  Send a signal.
QStatus  Signal (string destination, uint sessionId,InterfaceDescription.Member signal, MsgArgs args, ushort timeToLife, byte flags)
  Send a signal.
virtual void  OnPropertyGet (string ifcName, string propName,MsgArg val)
  Handle a bus request to read a property from this object.
virtual void  OnPropertySet (string ifcName, string propName,MsgArg val)
  Handle a bus attempt to write a property value to this object.
virtual void  OnObjectRegistered ()
  Called by the message bus when the object has been successfully registered.
virtual void  OnObjectUnregistered ()
  Called by the message bus when the object has been successfully unregistered.
virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the BusObject.


string  Path [get]
  Return the path for the object.
string  Name [get]
  Get the name of this object.

Detailed Description

Message Bus Object base class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.BusObject ( string  path,
    bool  isPlaceholder 
  )   [inline]

BusObject constructor.

path Object path for object.
isPlaceholder Place-holder objects are created by the bus itself and serve only as parent objects (in the object path sense) to other objects.
AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.BusObject ( BusAttachment  bus,
    string  path,
    bool  isPlaceholder 
  )   [inline]

BusObject constructor.

Use of this BusObject constructor is depricated and will be removed Please use other BusObject Constructor BusObject(string, bool)

bus Bus that this object exists on.
path Object path for object.
isPlaceholder Place-holder objects are created by the bus itself and serve only as parent objects (in the object path sense) to other objects.

Member Function Documentation

QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.AddInterface ( InterfaceDescription  iface ) [inline]

Add an interface to this object.

If the interface has properties this will also add the standard property access interface. An interface must be added before its method handlers can be added. Note that the Peer interface (org.freedesktop.DBus.peer) is implicit on all objects and cannot be explicitly added, and the Properties interface (org.freedesktop,DBus.Properties) is automatically added when needed and cannot be explicitly added.

Once an object is registered, it should not add any additional interfaces. Doing so would confuse remote objects that may have already introspected this object.

iface The interface to add
  • QStatus.OK if the interface was successfully added.
  • QStatus.BUS_IFACE_ALREADY_EXISTS if the interface already exists.
  • An error status otherwise
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.AddMethodHandler ( InterfaceDescription.Member  member,
    MethodHandler  handler 
  )   [inline]

Add a method handler to this object.

The interface for the method handler must have already been added by calling AddInterface().

member Interface member implemented by handler.
handler Method handler.
  • QStatus.OK if the method handler was added.
  • An error status otherwise
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the BusObject.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
IntPtr AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.getAddr (   ) [inline]

Request the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C BusObject.

the raw pointer of the AllJoyn C BusObject
delegate void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.MethodHandler ( InterfaceDescription.Member  member,
    Message  message 

MethodHandlers are MessageReceiver methods which are called by AllJoyn library to forward AllJoyn method_calls to AllJoyn library users.

member Method interface member entry.
message The received method call message.
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.MethodReply ( Message  message,
    MsgArgs  args 
  )   [inline, protected]

Reply to a method call.

message The method call message
args The reply arguments (can be NULL)
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.MethodReply ( Message  message,
    string  error,
    string  errorMessage 
  )   [inline, protected]

Reply to a method call with an error message.

message The method call message
error The name of the error
errorMessage An error message string
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.MethodReply ( Message  message,
    QStatus  status 
  )   [inline, protected]

Reply to a method call with an error message.

message The method call message
status The status code for the error
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.OnObjectRegistered (   ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the message bus when the object has been successfully registered.

The object can perform any initialization such as adding match rules at this time.

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.OnObjectUnregistered (   ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Called by the message bus when the object has been successfully unregistered.

This base class implementation must be called explicitly by any overriding derived class.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.OnPropertyGet ( string  ifcName,
    string  propName,
    MsgArg  val 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Handle a bus request to read a property from this object.

BusObjects that implement properties should override this method. The default version simply returns ER_BUS_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY

  ifcName Identifies the interface that the property is defined on
  propName Identifies the the property to get
[out] val Returns the property value. The type of this value is the actual value type.
virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.OnPropertySet ( string  ifcName,
    string  propName,
    MsgArg  val 
  )   [inline, protected, virtual]

Handle a bus attempt to write a property value to this object.

BusObjects that implement properties should override this method. This default version just replies with ER_BUS_NO_SUCH_PROPERTY

ifcName Identifies the interface that the property is defined on
propName Identifies the the property to set
val The property value to set. The type of this value is the actual value type.
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.Signal ( string  destination,
    uint  sessionId,
    InterfaceDescription.Member  signal,
    MsgArgs  args 
  )   [inline, protected]

Send a signal.

destination The unique or well-known bus name or the signal recipient (NULL for broadcast signals)
sessionId A unique SessionId for this AllJoyn session instance
signal Interface member of signal being emitted.
args The arguments for the signal (can be NULL)
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.Signal ( string  destination,
    uint  sessionId,
    InterfaceDescription.Member  signal,
    MsgArgs  args,
    ushort  timeToLife,
    byte  flags 
  )   [inline, protected]

Send a signal.

destination The unique or well-known bus name or the signal recipient (NULL for broadcast signals)
sessionId A unique SessionId for this AllJoyn session instance
signal Interface member of signal being emitted.
args The arguments for the signal (can be NULL)
timeToLife If non-zero this specifies in milliseconds the useful lifetime for this signal. If delivery of the signal is delayed beyond the timeToLive due to network congestion or other factors the signal may be discarded. There is no guarantee that expired signals will not still be delivered.
flags Logical OR of the message flags for this signals. The following flags apply to signals:
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_SESSIONLESS is set the signal will be sent out to any listener without requiring a connected session.
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_GLOBAL_BROADCAST is set broadcast signal (null destination) will be forwarded across bus-to-bus connections.
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_COMPRESSED is set the header is compressed for destinations that can handle header compression.
  • If ALLJOYN_FLAG_ENCRYPTED is set the message is authenticated and the payload if any is encrypted.
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise

Property Documentation

string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.Name [get]

Get the name of this object.

The name is the last component of the path.

Last component of object path.
string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.BusObject.Path [get]

Return the path for the object.

Object path
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • BusObject.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials Class Reference

Generic class for describing different authentication credentials. More...

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   CredentialFlags {
  Password = 0x0001,UserName = 0x0002, CertChain = 0x0004, PrivateKey = 0x0008,
  LogonEntry = 0x0010,Expiration = 0x0020, NewPassword = 0x1001, OneTimePassword = 0x2001
  CredentialFlags indication Bitmasks. More...

Public Member Functions

  Credentials ()
  Constructor for a Crendtials object.
bool  IsSet (CredentialFlags credMask)
  Tests if one or more credentials are set.
void  Clear ()
  Clear the credentials.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the Credentials.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the Credentials.


string  Password [get, set]
  Gets or Sets a requested password, pincode, or passphrase.
string  UserName [get, set]
  Gets or Sets a requested user name.
string  CertChain [get, set]
  Gets or Sets a requested public key certificate chain.
string  PrivateKey [get, set]
  Gets or Sets a requested private key.
string  LogonEntry [get, set]
  Gets or Sets a LogonEntry.
uint  Expiration [get, set]
  Gets or Sets an expiration time in seconds relative to the current time for the credentials.

Detailed Description

Generic class for describing different authentication credentials.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::Credentials::CredentialFlags

CredentialFlags indication Bitmasks.

Bitmasks used to indicated what type of credentials are being used.


Bit 0 indicates credentials include a password, pincode, or passphrase.


Bit 1 indicates credentials include a user name.


Bit 2 indicates credentials include a chain of PEM-encoded X509 certificates.


Bit 3 indicates credentials include a PEM-encoded private key.


Bit 4 indicates credentials include a logon entry that can be used to logon a remote user.


Bit 5 indicates credentials include an expiration time.


Indicates the credential request is for a newly created password.


Indicates the credential request is for a one time use password.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the Credentials.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials.IsSet ( CredentialFlags  credMask ) [inline]

Tests if one or more credentials are set.

credMask A logical or of the credential bit values.
true if the credentials are set.

Property Documentation

string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials.CertChain [get, set]

Gets or Sets a requested public key certificate chain.

The certificates must be PEM encoded.

uint AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials.Expiration [get, set]

Gets or Sets an expiration time in seconds relative to the current time for the credentials.

This value is optional and can be set on any response to a credentials request. After the specified expiration time has elapsed any secret keys based on the provided credentials are invalidated and a new authentication exchange will be required. If an expiration is not set the default expiration time for the requested authentication mechanism is used.

string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.Credentials.PrivateKey [get, set]

Gets or Sets a requested private key.

The private key must be PEM encoded and may be encrypted. If the private key is encrypted the passphrase required to decrypt it must also be supplied.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • Credentials.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.DBus Class Reference

This file provides definitions for standard DBus interfaces. More...

List of all members.

Public Types

enum   NameFlags {AllowReplacement = 0x01, ReplaceExisting = 0x02, DoNotQueue = 0x04 }
  DBus RequestName input params.More...

Detailed Description

This file provides definitions for standard DBus interfaces.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::DBus::NameFlags

DBus RequestName input params.

org.freedesktop.DBus.RequestName input params (see DBus spec)


RequestName input flag: Allow others to take ownership of this name.


RequestName input flag: Attempt to take ownership of name if already taken.


RequestName input flag: Fail if name cannot be immediately obtained.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • DBus.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription Class Reference

Class for describing message bus interfaces. More...

List of all members.


struct   _Member
struct   _Property
class   Member
class   Property
  Structure representing properties of the Interface. More...

Public Types

enum   AnnotationFlags {Default = 0, NoReply = 1, Deprecated = 2 }
  Annotation flags. More...
enum   AccessFlags {Read = 1, Write = 2, ReadWrite = 3 }
  Access type. More...

Public Member Functions

override bool  Equals (object o)
  Equality operation.
override int  GetHashCode ()
  Returns the raw pointer of the interfaceDescription.
QStatus  AddAnnotation (string name, string value)
  Add an annotation to the interface.
bool  GetAnnotation (string name, ref string value)
  Get the value of an annotation.
Dictionary< string, string >  GetAnnotations ()
  Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this interface.
QStatus  AddMember (Message.Type type, string name, string inputSignature, string outputSignature, string argNames)
  Add a member to the interface.
QStatus  AddMemberAnnotation (string member, string name, string value)
  Add an annotation to a member.
bool  GetMemberAnnotation (string member, string name, ref string value)
  Get annotation to an existing member (signal or method).
QStatus  AddMember (Message.Type type, string name, string inputSignature, string outputSignature, string argNames,AnnotationFlags annotation)
  Add a member to the interface.
QStatus  AddSignal (string name, string inputSignature, string argNames, AnnotationFlags annotation)
  Add a signal member to the interface.
void  Activate ()
  Activate this interface.
Member  GetMember (string name)
  Lookup a member description by name.
Member[]  GetMembers ()
  Get all the members.
bool  HasMember (string name, string inSig, string outSig)
  Check for existence of a member.
Property  GetProperty (string name)
  Lookup a property description by name.
Property[]  GetProperties ()
  Get all the properties.
QStatus  AddProperty (string name, string signature,AccessFlags access)
  Add a property to the interface.
bool  HasProperty (string name)
  Check for existence of a property.
QStatus  AddPropertyAnnotation (string property, string name, string value)
  Add an annotation to a member.
bool  GetPropertyAnnotation (string property, string name, ref string value)
  Get annotation to an existing property.

Static Public Member Functions

static bool  operator== (InterfaceDescription one, InterfaceDescription other)
  Equality operation.
static bool  operator!= (InterfaceDescription one, InterfaceDescription other)
  Not Equality operation.


bool  HasProperties [get]
  Check for existence of any properties.
string  Name [get]
  Returns the name of the interface.
bool  IsSecure [get]
  Indicates if this interface is secure.

Detailed Description

Class for describing message bus interfaces.

InterfaceDescription objects describe the methods, signals and properties of aBusObject or ProxyBusObject.

Calling ProxyBusObject.AddInterface(const char*) adds the AllJoyn interface described by an InterfaceDescription to a ProxyBusObject instance. After an InterfaceDescription has been added, the methods described in the interface can be called. Similarly callingBusObject.AddInterface adds the interface and its methods, properties, and signal to aBusObject. After an interface has been added method handlers for the methods described in the interface can be added by callingBusObject.AddMethodHandler or BusObject.AddMethodHandlers.

An InterfaceDescription can be constructed piecemeal by calling InterfaceDescription.AddMethod,InterfaceDescription.AddMember(), and InterfaceDescription.AddProperty(). Alternatively, calling ProxyBusObject.ParseXml will create the InterfaceDescription instances for that proxy object directly from an XML string. Calling ProxyBusObject.IntrospectRemoteObject or ProxyBusObject.IntrospectRemoteObjectAsync also creates the InterfaceDescription instances from XML but in this case the XML is obtained by making a remote Introspect method call on a bus object.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::InterfaceDescription::AccessFlags

Access type.


Read Access type.


Write Access type.


Read-Write Access type.

enum AllJoynUnity::AllJoyn::InterfaceDescription::AnnotationFlags

Annotation flags.


Default annotate flag.


No reply annotate flag.


Deprecated annotate flag.

Member Function Documentation

void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Activate (   ) [inline]

Activate this interface.

An interface must be activated before it can be used. Activating an interface locks the interface so that is can no longer be modified.

QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddAnnotation ( string  name,
    string  value 
  )   [inline]

Add an annotation to the interface.

name Name of annotation.
value Value of the annotation
  • QStatus.OK if successful.
  • QStatus.BUS_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS if the property can not be added because it already exists.
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddMember ( Message.Type  type,
    string  name,
    string  inputSignature,
    string  outputSignature,
    string  argNames 
  )   [inline]

Add a member to the interface.

type Message type.
name Name of member.
inputSignature Signature of input parameters or NULL for none.
outputSignature Signature of output parameters or NULL for none.
argNames Comma separated list of input and then output arg names used in interface XML.
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • QStatus.BUS_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS if member already exists
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddMember ( Message.Type  type,
    string  name,
    string  inputSignature,
    string  outputSignature,
    string  argNames,
    AnnotationFlags  annotation 
  )   [inline]

Add a member to the interface.

type Message type.
name Name of member.
inputSignature Signature of input parameters or NULL for none.
outputSignature Signature of output parameters or NULL for none.
argNames Comma separated list of input and then output arg names used in interface XML.
annotation Annotation flags.
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • QStatus.BUS_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS if member already exists
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddMemberAnnotation ( string  member,
    string  name,
    string  value 
  )   [inline]

Add an annotation to a member.

member Name of member.
name Name of annotation
value Value for the annotation
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • QStatus.BUS_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS if member already exists
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddProperty ( string  name,
    string  signature,
    AccessFlags  access 
  )   [inline]

Add a property to the interface.

name Name of property.
signature Property type.
access Read, Write or ReadWrite
  • QStatus.OK if successful.
  • QStatus.BUS_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS if the property can not be added because it already exists.
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddPropertyAnnotation ( string  property,
    string  name,
    string  value 
  )   [inline]

Add an annotation to a member.

property Name of property
name Name of annotation
value Value for the annotation
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • QStatus.BUS_PROPERTY_ALREADY_EXISTS if the annotation can not be added to the property because it already exists
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.AddSignal ( string  name,
    string  inputSignature,
    string  argNames,
    AnnotationFlags  annotation 
  )   [inline]

Add a signal member to the interface.

name Name of method call member.
inputSignature Signature of parameters or NULL for none.
argNames Comma separated list of arg names used in interface XML.
annotation Annotation flags.
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • QStatus.BUS_MEMBER_ALREADY_EXISTS if member already exists
override bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Equals ( object  o ) [inline]

Equality operation.

o InterfaceDescription to be compared against
true if InterfaceDescriptions are equal
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetAnnotation ( string  name,
    ref string  value 
  )   [inline]

Get the value of an annotation.

name Name of annotation.
value Returned value of the annotation
  • true if annotation found.
  • false if annotation not found
Dictionary<string, string> AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetAnnotations (   ) [inline]

Get a Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this interface.

Dictionary containing the names and values of all annotations associated with this interface
override int AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetHashCode (   ) [inline]

Returns the raw pointer of the interfaceDescription.

the raw pointer of the interfaceDescription
MemberAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetMember ( string  name ) [inline]

Lookup a member description by name.

name Name of the member to lookup
  • Pointer to member.
  • NULL if does not exist.
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetMemberAnnotation ( string  member,
    string  name,
    ref string  value 
  )   [inline]

Get annotation to an existing member (signal or method).

member Name of member
name Name of annotation
value Output value for the annotation
  • true if found
  • false if property not found
Member []AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetMembers (   ) [inline]

Get all the members.

The members array to receive the members.
Property []AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetProperties (   ) [inline]

Get all the properties.

The property array that represents the available properties.
PropertyAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetProperty ( string  name ) [inline]

Lookup a property description by name.

name Name of the property to lookup
a structure representing the properties of the interface
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.GetPropertyAnnotation ( string  property,
    string  name,
    ref string  value 
  )   [inline]

Get annotation to an existing property.

property Name of property
name Name of annotation
value Output value for the annotation
  • true if found
  • false if property not found
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.HasMember ( string  name,
    string  inSig,
    string  outSig 
  )   [inline]

Check for existence of a member.

Optionally check the signature also.

if the a signature is not provided this method will only check to see if a member with the given name exists. If a signature is provided a member with the given name and signature must exist for this to return true.
name Name of the member to lookup
inSig Input parameter signature of the member to lookup
outSig Output parameter signature of the member to lookup (leave NULL for signals)
true if the member name exists.
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.HasProperty ( string  name ) [inline]

Check for existence of a property.

name Name of the property to lookup
true if the property exists.
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.operator!= ( InterfaceDescription  one,
    InterfaceDescription  other 
  )   [inline, static]

Not Equality operation.

one InterfaceDescription to be compared to
other InterfaceDescription to be compared against
true if InterfaceDescriptions are not equal
static bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.operator== ( InterfaceDescription  one,
    InterfaceDescription  other 
  )   [inline, static]

Equality operation.

one InterfaceDescription to be compared to
other InterfaceDescription to be compared against
true if InterfaceDescriptions are equal

Property Documentation

bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.HasProperties [get]

Check for existence of any properties.

true if interface has any properties.
bool AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.IsSecure [get]

Indicates if this interface is secure.

Secure interfaces require end-to-end authentication. The arguments for methods calls made to secure interfaces and signals emitted by secure interfaces are encrypted.

true if the interface is secure.
string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.InterfaceDescription.Name [get]

Returns the name of the interface.

the interface name.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • InterfaceDescription.cs






AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.KeyStore Class Reference

The KeyStore class manages the storing and loading of key blobs from external storage.More...

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

QStatus  PutKeys (string source, string password)
  Put keys into the key store from an encrypted byte string.
string  GetKeys ()
  Get the current keys from the key store as an encrypted byte string.

Detailed Description

The KeyStore class manages the storing and loading of key blobs from external storage.

Member Function Documentation

string AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.KeyStore.GetKeys (   ) [inline]

Get the current keys from the key store as an encrypted byte string.

current keys
QStatusAllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.KeyStore.PutKeys ( string  source,
    string  password 
  )   [inline]

Put keys into the key store from an encrypted byte string.

source The byte string containing the encrypted key store contents.
password The password required to decrypt the key data
  • QStatus.OK if successful
  • An error status otherwise
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • KeyStoreListener.cs







AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener Class Reference

An application can provide a key store listener to override the default key store Load and Store behavior.More...

List of all members.


class   KeyStore
  The KeyStore class manages the storing and loading of key blobs from external storage.More...
struct   KeyStoreListenerCallbacks

Public Member Functions

  KeyStoreListener ()
  Constructor for a KeyStoreListener object.
abstract QStatus  LoadRequest (KeyStore store)
  This method is called when a key store needs to be loaded.
abstract QStatus  StoreRequest (KeyStore store)
  This method is called when a key store needs to be stored.
void  Dispose ()
  Dispose the KeyStoreListener.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  Dispose (bool disposing)
  Dispose the KeyStoreListener.

Detailed Description

An application can provide a key store listener to override the default key store Load and Store behavior.

This will override the default key store behavior.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.Dispose ( bool  disposing ) [inline, protected, virtual]

Dispose the KeyStoreListener.

disposing describes if its activly being disposed
abstract QStatus AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.LoadRequest ( KeyStore  store ) [pure virtual]

This method is called when a key store needs to be loaded.

The application must call KeyStore::PutKeys to put the new key store data into the internal key store.
store Reference to the KeyStore to be loaded.
  • QStatus.OK if the load request was satisfied
  • An error status otherwise
abstract QStatus AllJoynUnity.AllJoyn.KeyStoreListener.StoreRequest ( KeyStore  store ) [pure virtual]

This method is called when a key store needs to be stored.

The application must call KeyStore::GetKeys to obtain the key data to be stored.
store Reference to the KeyStore to be stored.
  • QStatus.OK if the store request was satisfied
  • An error status otherwise
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
  • KeyStoreListener.cs
















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