javascript优化编译器 - Closure Compiler

Closure Compiler是一个javascript优化编译工具,它会解析javascript代码并分析,移除其中的无用和重复代码,尽最大可能减少 javascript的大小。它还能够检测语法错误和变量引用、类型、警告及常见的javascript陷阱。Closure Compiler被用在许多google开发的javascript应用程序中,包括Gmail,Google Web Search,Google Maps和Google Docs等。
Closure Compiler is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It parses your JavaScript, analyzes it, removes dead code and rewrites and minimizes what's left. It also checks syntax, variable references, and types, and warns about common JavaScript pitfalls. It is used in many of Google's JavaScript apps, including Gmail, Google Web Search, Google Maps, and Google Docs.


