void sched_init(void) { /* ... */ outb_p(0x36,0x43); /* binary, mode 3, LSB/MSB, ch 0 */ outb_p(LATCH & 0xff , 0x40); /* LSB */ outb(LATCH >> 8 , 0x40); /* MSB */ set_intr_gate(0x20,&timer_interrupt); /* ... */ }
_timer_interrupt: push %ds # save ds,es and put kernel data space push %es # into them. %fs is used by _system_call push %fs pushl %edx # we save %eax,%ecx,%edx as gcc doesn't pushl %ecx # save those across function calls. %ebx pushl %ebx # is saved as we use that in ret_sys_call pushl %eax movl $0x10,%eax mov %ax,%ds mov %ax,%es movl $0x17,%eax mov %ax,%fs incl _jiffies movb $0x20,%al # EOI to interrupt controller #1 outb %al,$0x20 movl CS(%esp),%eax andl $3,%eax # %eax is CPL (0 or 3, 0=supervisor) pushl %eax call _do_timer # 'do_timer(long CPL)' does everything from addl $4,%esp # task switching to accounting ... jmp ret_from_sys_call注意在seched_init函数中,设置定时器的中断处理函数为timer_interrupt,而这里变成了_timer_interrupt,即多了个'_'前缀,这是为什么呢?在老版本的gcc在编译过程中会给全局变量和函数加上'_'前缀,而新版本的gcc则不会加上这个'_'前缀,因为新版本的gcc默认选项是-fnoleading-underscore,如果需要加上'_'前缀,可以使用-fleading-underscore选项,大家可以试一下(只编译生成.s文件,不汇编)。
void do_timer(long cpl) { extern int beepcount; extern void sysbeepstop(void); if (beepcount) if (!--beepcount) sysbeepstop(); if (cpl) current->utime++; else current->stime++; if (next_timer) { next_timer->jiffies--; while (next_timer && next_timer->jiffies <= 0) { void (*fn)(void); fn = next_timer->fn; next_timer->fn = NULL; next_timer = next_timer->next; (fn)(); } } if (current_DOR & 0xf0) do_floppy_timer(); if ((--current->counter)>0) return; current->counter=0; if (!cpl) return; schedule(); }beepcount为蜂鸣器的鸣叫时间,如果为0,需要停止蜂鸣器。
void schedule(void) { int i,next,c; struct task_struct ** p; /* check alarm, wake up any interruptible tasks that have got a signal */ for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) { if ((*p)->alarm && (*p)->alarm < jiffies) { (*p)->signal |= (1<<(SIGALRM-1)); (*p)->alarm = 0; } if (((*p)->signal & ~(_BLOCKABLE & (*p)->blocked)) && (*p)->state==TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) (*p)->state=TASK_RUNNING; } /* this is the scheduler proper: */ while (1) { c = -1; next = 0; i = NR_TASKS; p = &task[NR_TASKS]; while (--i) { if (!*--p) continue; if ((*p)->state == TASK_RUNNING && (*p)->counter > c) c = (*p)->counter, next = i; } if (c) break; for(p = &LAST_TASK ; p > &FIRST_TASK ; --p) if (*p) (*p)->counter = ((*p)->counter >> 1) + (*p)->priority; } switch_to(next); }首先是在for循环中,检查每个任务的alarm值,如果设置了alarm值,并且alarm值小于jiffies值(即已经过期),则在任务的signal位图中设置SIGALRM信号(即向任务发送SIGALRM信号),并将alarm值清零。