C++ 点在多边形内算法——判断一个点是否在一个复杂多边形的内部


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C++ 点在多边形内算法——判断一个点是否在一个复杂多边形的内部_第1张图片

图 1




C++ 点在多边形内算法——判断一个点是否在一个复杂多边形的内部_第2张图片

图 2


图 3


图 4



图 5


C++ 点在多边形内算法——判断一个点是否在一个复杂多边形的内部_第3张图片

图 6

图6说明了一种特殊的情况(由加州州立理工大学的John David Munch指出)。多边形的一个角刚好落在扫描线上。其实这也没问题,上面的图中只有红色的边与扫描线相交产生交点,所以第一张图有1个交点第二张图有3个交点,交点的个数任然是奇数个,所以测试点在多边形内部。


如果测试点刚好在多边形的边上,则这种算法得到的结果是不确定的;例如结果可能是“在里面”或“不在里面”,这取决于很多不定的因素例如多边形在坐标系统中的方向。(不过这也没啥影响,因为多边形的边是无限小的,and points that fall right on the edge can go either way withouthurting the look of the polygon)



// Globals which should be set before calling this function:
// int    polySides  =  how many cornersthe polygon has
// float  polyX[]    =  horizontalcoordinates of corners
// float  polyY[]    =  verticalcoordinates of corners
// float  x,y       =  point to be tested
// (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
// desired.)
//  Thefunction will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NOif it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
// then the function may return YES or NO.
// Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  bythe "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i,j=polySides-1 ;
  bool  oddNodes=NO     ;

  for (i=0;i<polySides; i++) {
    if(polyY[i]<y && polyY[j]>=y
    ||  polyY[j]<y&& polyY[i]>=y) {
      if(polyX[i]+(y-polyY[i])/(polyY[j]-polyY[i])*(polyX[j]-polyX[i])<x) {

  returnoddNodes; }


下面是由Nathan Mercer提供的效力比较的的版本,蓝色的代码eliminatescalculations on sides that are entirely to the right of the test point.。虽然对某些多边形来说可能不是最快的方法,但是大多数情况下是最快的。

// Globals which should be set before calling this function:
// int    polySides  =  how many cornersthe polygon has
// float  polyX[]    =  horizontalcoordinates of corners
// float  polyY[]    =  verticalcoordinates of corners
// float  x,y       =  point to be tested
// (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
// desired.)
//  Thefunction will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NOif it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
// then the function may return YES or NO.
// Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  bythe "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i,j=polySides-1 ;
  bool  oddNodes=NO     ;

  for (i=0;i<polySides; i++) {
    if((polyY[i]< y && polyY[j]>=y
    ||   polyY[j]<y && polyY[i]>=y)
    &&  (polyX[i]<=x || polyX[j]<=x)){
      if(polyX[i]+(y-polyY[i])/(polyY[j]-polyY[i])*(polyX[j]-polyX[i])<x) {

  returnoddNodes; }


// Globals which should be set before calling this function:
// int    polySides  =  how many cornersthe polygon has
// float  polyX[]    =  horizontalcoordinates of corners
// float  polyY[]    =  verticalcoordinates of corners
// float  x,y       =  point to be tested
// (Globals are used in this example for purposes of speed.  Change as
// desired.)
//  Thefunction will return YES if the point x,y is inside the polygon, or
//  NOif it is not.  If the point is exactly on the edge of the polygon,
// then the function may return YES or NO.
// Note that division by zero is avoided because the division is protected
//  bythe "if" clause which surrounds it.

bool pointInPolygon() {

  int   i,j=polySides-1 ;
  bool  oddNodes=NO     ;

  for (i=0;i<polySides; i++) {
    if((polyY[i]< y && polyY[j]>=y
    ||   polyY[j]<y && polyY[i]>=y)
    && (polyX[i]<=x || polyX[j]<=x)) {

  returnoddNodes; }




C++ 点在多边形内算法——判断一个点是否在一个复杂多边形的内部_第4张图片

图 7

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