chipset: MSM8X25Q
codebase: Android4.1
系统初始化会调用GraphicPlane::setDisplayHardware,此函数主要判断系统是否默认设置了rotation property值,如果有,则先保存下来。另外,SF是以transform其实就是以矩阵来作旋转计算的,计算方法以线性代数中的知识为依据:
void GraphicPlane::setDisplayHardware(DisplayHardware *hw) { mHw = hw; // initialize the display orientation transform. // it's a constant that should come from the display driver. int displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationDefault; char property[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; /*读取property*/ if (property_get("ro.sf.hwrotation", property, NULL) > 0) { //displayOrientation switch (atoi(property)) { /*当然,你也可以仿照添加180°的旋转。*/ case 90: displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation90; break; case 270: displayOrientation = ISurfaceComposer::eOrientation270; break; } } const float w = hw->getWidth(); const float h = hw->getHeight(); /*根据宽和高以及orientation生成一个transform*/ GraphicPlane::orientationToTransfrom(displayOrientation, w, h, &mDisplayTransform); /*90°或者270°时需要变换宽高。*/ if (displayOrientation & ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationSwapMask) { mDisplayWidth = h; mDisplayHeight = w; } else { mDisplayWidth = w; mDisplayHeight = h; } /*保存当前全局旋转角度,意味着整个系统的显示都要根据整个值 来得出最后是否要旋转。如果为90°或者270°,那就是横屏,如果 是180°,画面就要反转180°。*/ setOrientation(ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationDefault); } status_t GraphicPlane::setOrientation(int orientation) { // If the rotation can be handled in hardware, this is where // the magic should happen. const DisplayHardware& hw(displayHardware()); const float w = mDisplayWidth; const float h = mDisplayHeight; mWidth = int(w); mHeight = int(h); Transform orientationTransform; GraphicPlane::orientationToTransfrom(orientation, w, h, &orientationTransform); if (orientation & ISurfaceComposer::eOrientationSwapMask) { mWidth = int(h); mHeight = int(w); } mOrientation = orientation; /*将orientation和h/w计算和得出一个全局的transform,这里的 相乘计算方法,就是利用矩阵来实现的。*/ mGlobalTransform = mDisplayTransform * orientationTransform; return NO_ERROR; }
void SurfaceFlinger::setTransactionState(const Vector<ComposerState>& state, int orientation, uint32_t flags) { Mutex::Autolock _l(mStateLock); uint32_t transactionFlags = 0; /*当前坐标和要设置的坐标不相等表明要作旋转了!*/ if (mCurrentState.orientation != orientation) { if (uint32_t(orientation)<=eOrientation270 || orientation==42) { mCurrentState.orientation = orientation; transactionFlags |= eTransactionNeeded; } else if (orientation != eOrientationUnchanged) { ALOGW("setTransactionState: ignoring unrecognized orientation: %d", orientation); } } /*设置旋转标志,SF处理的时候会用到。*/ const size_t count = state.size(); for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { const ComposerState& s(state[i]); sp<Client> client( static_cast<Client *>(s.client.get()) ); transactionFlags |= setClientStateLocked(client, s.state); } if (transactionFlags) { // this triggers the transaction setTransactionFlags(transactionFlags); ~~snip }
void SurfaceFlinger::onMessageReceived(int32_t what) { ATRACE_CALL(); switch (what) { case MessageQueue::INVALIDATE: case MessageQueue::REFRESH: { // case MessageQueue::INVALIDATE: { // if we're in a global transaction, don't do anything. const uint32_t mask = eTransactionNeeded | eTraversalNeeded; uint32_t transactionFlags = peekTransactionFlags(mask); /*处理事务*/ if (CC_UNLIKELY(transactionFlags)) { handleTransaction(transactionFlags); } const uint32_t mask1 = eDelayedTraversalNeeded; uint32_t transactionFlags1 = peekTransactionFlags(mask1); if (CC_UNLIKELY(transactionFlags1)) { handleDelayedTransaction(transactionFlags); } /*计算可视区域*/ // post surfaces (if needed) handlePageFlip(); ~~snip case MessageQueue::REFRESH: { ~~snip /*处理几何坐标*/ if (CC_UNLIKELY(mHwWorkListDirty)) { // build the h/w work list handleWorkList(); } /*render*/ if (CC_LIKELY(hw.canDraw())) { // repaint the framebuffer (if needed) handleRepaint(); // inform the h/w that we're done compositing hw.compositionComplete(); postFramebuffer(); } else { // pretend we did the post hw.compositionComplete(); } } break; } }
void SurfaceFlinger::handleTransaction(uint32_t transactionFlags) { ~~snip const uint32_t mask = eTransactionNeeded | eTraversalNeeded; transactionFlags = getTransactionFlags(mask); handleTransactionLocked(transactionFlags); ~~snip } void SurfaceFlinger::handleTransactionLocked(uint32_t transactionFlags) { const LayerVector& currentLayers(mCurrentState.layersSortedByZ); const size_t count = currentLayers.size(); /* * Traversal of the children * (perform the transaction for each of them if needed) */ /*判断是否有事务要处理。*/ const bool layersNeedTransaction = transactionFlags & eTraversalNeeded; if (layersNeedTransaction) { for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { const sp<LayerBase>& layer = currentLayers[i]; uint32_t trFlags = layer->getTransactionFlags(eTransactionNeeded); if (!trFlags) continue; const uint32_t flags = layer->doTransaction(0); if (flags & Layer::eVisibleRegion) mVisibleRegionsDirty = true; } } ~~snip if (transactionFlags & eTransactionNeeded) { /*有旋转角度变化的事务。*/ if (mCurrentState.orientation != mDrawingState.orientation) { // the orientation has changed, recompute all visible regions // and invalidate everything. const int dpy = 0; const int orientation = mCurrentState.orientation; // Currently unused: const uint32_t flags = mCurrentState.orientationFlags; GraphicPlane& plane(graphicPlane(dpy)); /*根据当前旋转的坐标,还有默认的旋转坐标,计算和得出最终全局transform。 此函数前面分析过了。*/ plane.setOrientation(orientation); const Transform& planeTransform(plane.transform()); // update the shared control block const DisplayHardware& hw(plane.displayHardware()); volatile display_cblk_t* dcblk = mServerCblk->displays + dpy; dcblk->orientation = orientation; dcblk->w = plane.getWidth(); dcblk->h = plane.getHeight(); /*旋转过后当然要重新绘制显示画面了,设置标志。*/ mVisibleRegionsDirty = true; mDirtyRegion.set(hw.bounds()); } ~~snip }
void SurfaceFlinger::handlePageFlip() { ATRACE_CALL(); const DisplayHardware& hw = graphicPlane(0).displayHardware(); const Region screenRegion(hw.bounds()); const LayerVector& currentLayers(mDrawingState.layersSortedByZ); const bool visibleRegions = lockPageFlip(currentLayers); if (visibleRegions || mVisibleRegionsDirty) { Region opaqueRegion; /*有旋转过,所以要重新计算可视区域*/ computeVisibleRegions(currentLayers, mDirtyRegion, opaqueRegion); ~~snip } ~~snip } void SurfaceFlinger::computeVisibleRegions( const LayerVector& currentLayers, Region& dirtyRegion, Region& opaqueRegion) { ATRACE_CALL(); const GraphicPlane& plane(graphicPlane(0)); const Transform& planeTransform(plane.transform()); const DisplayHardware& hw(plane.displayHardware()); const Region screenRegion(hw.bounds()); Region aboveOpaqueLayers; Region aboveCoveredLayers; Region dirty; bool secureFrameBuffer = false; size_t i = currentLayers.size(); while (i--) { const sp<LayerBase>& layer = currentLayers[i]; /*将全局的transform传进去,然后调用各个layer作计算。*/ layer->validateVisibility(planeTransform); ~~snip } } void LayerBase::validateVisibility(const Transform& planeTransform) { const Layer::State& s(drawingState()); /*全局transform和当前layer的transform相乘计算得到一个transform.*/ const Transform tr(planeTransform * s.transform); const bool transformed = tr.transformed(); const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware()); const uint32_t hw_h = hw.getHeight(); const Rect& crop(; Rect win(,; if (!crop.isEmpty()) { win.intersect(crop, &win); } mNumVertices = 4; /* mVertices 相当重要,系统根据当前的transform还有当前layer的 区域作计算,当然也包含了全局的transform信息在里面,计算出来的 坐标保存到了mVertices 去。要注意,mVertices 只是给GPU用的,如果 用mdp做旋转,SF后面的流程会对其做相应设置。*/ tr.transform(mVertices[0], win.left,; tr.transform(mVertices[1], win.left, win.bottom); tr.transform(mVertices[2], win.right, win.bottom); tr.transform(mVertices[3], win.right,; for (size_t i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) mVertices[i][1] = hw_h - mVertices[i][1]; if (CC_UNLIKELY(transformed)) { // NOTE: here we could also punt if we have too many rectangles // in the transparent region /*根据transform对透明区域作处理。*/ if (tr.preserveRects()) { // transform the transparent region transparentRegionScreen = tr.transform(s.transparentRegion); } else { // transformation too complex, can't do the transparent region // optimization. transparentRegionScreen.clear(); } } else { transparentRegionScreen = s.transparentRegion; } /*保存相应的一些信息到新的参数变量中,以便后面用到。*/ // cache a few things... mOrientation = tr.getOrientation(); mPlaneOrientation = planeTransform.getOrientation(); mTransform = tr; mTransformedBounds = tr.transform(win); }
void SurfaceFlinger::handleWorkList() { mHwWorkListDirty = false; HWComposer& hwc(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware().getHwComposer()); if (hwc.initCheck() == NO_ERROR) { const Vector< sp<LayerBase> >& currentLayers(mVisibleLayersSortedByZ); const size_t count = currentLayers.size(); hwc.createWorkList(count); hwc_layer_t* const cur(hwc.getLayers()); for (size_t i=0 ; cur && i<count ; i++) { /*依次调用各个layer的setGeometry 。*/ currentLayers[i]->setGeometry(&cur[i]); } } } void Layer::setGeometry(hwc_layer_t* hwcl) { /*调用基类函数。*/ LayerBaseClient::setGeometry(hwcl); hwcl->flags &= ~HWC_SKIP_LAYER; /*不完全透明时需要GPU处理。*/ // we can't do alpha-fade with the hwc HAL const State& s(drawingState()); if (s.alpha < 0xFF) { hwcl->flags = HWC_SKIP_LAYER; } /* * Transformations are applied in this order: * 1) buffer orientation/flip/mirror * 2) state transformation (window manager) * 3) layer orientation (screen orientation) * mTransform is already the composition of (2) and (3) * (NOTE: the matrices are multiplied in reverse order) */ /*这里就是在根据要求的旋转信息得出最终的transform, 然后赋值给hwcl,hwcl的信息最后会传给mdp处理。*/ const Transform bufferOrientation(mCurrentTransform); hwcl->sourceTransform = bufferOrientation.getOrientation(); const Transform tr(mTransform * bufferOrientation); // this gives us only the "orientation" component of the transform const uint32_t finalTransform = tr.getOrientation(); // we can only handle simple transformation if (finalTransform & Transform::ROT_INVALID) { hwcl->flags = HWC_SKIP_LAYER; } else { hwcl->transform = finalTransform; } /*得到layer区域相对坐标,绝对坐标在基类中计算得到。*/ Rect crop = computeBufferCrop(); hwcl->sourceCrop.left = crop.left; hwcl-> =; hwcl->sourceCrop.right = crop.right; hwcl->sourceCrop.bottom = crop.bottom; }
void SurfaceFlinger::handleRepaint() { ~~snip setupHardwareComposer(); /*对各个layer作render*/ composeSurfaces(mDirtyRegion); // update the swap region and clear the dirty region mSwapRegion.orSelf(mDirtyRegion); mDirtyRegion.clear(); } void SurfaceFlinger::composeSurfaces(const Region& dirty) { const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware()); HWComposer& hwc(hw.getHwComposer()); hwc_layer_t* const cur(hwc.getLayers()); const size_t fbLayerCount = hwc.getLayerCount(HWC_FRAMEBUFFER); if (!cur || fbLayerCount) { ~~snip const Vector< sp<LayerBase> >& layers(mVisibleLayersSortedByZ); const size_t count = layers.size(); for (size_t i=0 ; i<count ; i++) { const sp<LayerBase>& layer(layers[i]); const Region clip(dirty.intersect(layer->visibleRegionScreen)); ~~snip /*如果不是HWC_FRAMEBUFFER 类型的话不处理,也就是让mdp去做处理。*/ #ifdef QCOMHW if (cur && (cur[i].compositionType != HWC_FRAMEBUFFER)) continue; #endif /*依次调用各种layer的draw函数 */ // render the layer layer->draw(clip); } } ~~snip } void LayerBase::draw(const Region& clip) const { //Dont draw External-only layers if (isLayerExternalOnly(getLayer())) { return; } onDraw(clip); } void Layer::onDraw(const Region& clip) const { ~~snip /*画图*/ drawWithOpenGL(clip); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES); glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); } void LayerBase::drawWithOpenGL(const Region& clip) const { const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware()); const uint32_t fbHeight = hw.getHeight(); const State& s(drawingState()); ~~snip struct TexCoords { GLfloat u; GLfloat v; }; Rect crop(,; if (! { crop =; } GLfloat left = GLfloat(crop.left) / GLfloat(; GLfloat top = GLfloat( / GLfloat(; GLfloat right = GLfloat(crop.right) / GLfloat(; GLfloat bottom = GLfloat(crop.bottom) / GLfloat(; /*得到顶点坐标*/ TexCoords texCoords[4]; texCoords[0].u = left; texCoords[0].v = top; texCoords[1].u = left; texCoords[1].v = bottom; texCoords[2].u = right; texCoords[2].v = bottom; texCoords[3].u = right; texCoords[3].v = top; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { texCoords[i].v = 1.0f - texCoords[i].v; } /*OpenGL利用下面这些函数将根据纹理坐标和顶点坐标 得到最后layer的显示区域以及内容。*/ glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, mVertices); glTexCoordPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, texCoords); glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, mNumVertices); glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY); glDisable(GL_BLEND); }
void SurfaceFlinger::postFramebuffer() { ~~snip const DisplayHardware& hw(graphicPlane(0).displayHardware()); const nsecs_t now = systemTime(); mDebugInSwapBuffers = now; hw.flip(mSwapRegion); ~~snip } void DisplayHardware::flip(const Region& dirty) const { ~~snip if (mHwc->initCheck() == NO_ERROR) { mHwc->commit(); } else { eglSwapBuffers(dpy, surface); } ~~snip } status_t HWComposer::commit() const { /*调用了HAL的set,看起来和硬件有关联了!*/ int err = mHwc->set(mHwc, mDpy, mSur, ((mSwapRectOn)?mListDirty:mList)); if (mSwapRectOn && mListDirty) { mListDirty->flags &= ~HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED; } else if ( mList) { mList->flags &= ~HWC_GEOMETRY_CHANGED; } return (status_t)err; } static int hwc_set(hwc_composer_device_t *dev, hwc_display_t dpy, hwc_surface_t sur, hwc_layer_list_t* list) { int ret = 0; hwc_context_t* ctx = (hwc_context_t*)(dev); if (LIKELY(list)) { VideoOverlay::draw(ctx, list); ExtOnly::draw(ctx, list); CopyBit::draw(ctx, list, (EGLDisplay)dpy, (EGLSurface)sur); /*调用到mdp的draw了!!!*/ MDPComp::draw(ctx, list); EGLBoolean sucess = eglSwapBuffers((EGLDisplay)dpy, (EGLSurface)sur); ~~snip } return ret; }