今晚在上传qtopia-openwrt代码是,不小心删了qpe-examples/.svn,然后我把这个空目录给删了,重新建立个同样名称的目录,svn mkdir qpe-examples,
svn: 提交失败(细节如下): svn: 服务器发送了意外的返回值(405 Method Not Allowed),在响应 “MKCOL” 的请求 “/svn/!svn/wrk/c30ea632-72de-4cc9-8677-ed32a8d59887/feeds/qpe/qpe-examples” 中
I managed to solve the problem: Delete the parent’s directory of the folder giving the problem. Did SVN Update A folder with the same name as the new one already existed in repository. Delete this folder SVN Commit Copy the new folder, Schedule for addition and SVN Commit
1. 删除出现错误的文件夹 2. SVN Update 3. 这时服务器上存在的文件夹会出现在本地 4. 删除原有的文件夹 5. SVN Commit 6、重新创建文件夹 7. SVN Commit
《linux上SVN解决冲突的办法》 http://www.cnblogs.com/zhangpengme/archive/2011/11/24/2261489.html