FreeWind 报Java version过低问题解决

安装了freemind,启动时老是报我的Java version 过低,需要1.4以上。我开发一直用的1.6怎么会有这个问题呢。于是Google之,在FreeMind官网里找到了些线索

FreeMind cannot detect new version of Java. What can I do?
Let us assume that you have installed a new version of Java, and still, FreeMind complains about having old version of Java. This may occur especially if you installed SDK rather than JRE. SDK stands for software development kit and contains much more than you need to run FreeMind; you only need the runtime environment. It is important that the new version of java is in your path. To check it out on Microsoft Windows, run command ``cmd" using Windows-key + R, followed by ``java -version". You should get something like
java version "1.4.2_03"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_03-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_03-b02, mixed mode)
where the particular version number is not important as long as it is at least 1.4.0.
Additionally, it may be helpful to start freemind.bat and see what messages come.
NOTE: If you have an Oracle database product installed on your computer, check the Oracle Installer to see what version of Java was installed with the database. Versions of Oracle 8, 8i, and later install JRE 1.3.1 and modify the startup path for Windows to ensure the database can start using this JRE. This installation WILL cause FreeMind to report the older version of Java, even if you install the new version (the .ini file for Oracle points Windows to the JRE 1.3.1 directory, places that in memory, and causes the fault). You can modify the .ini file to point Oracle to the newer JRE.
If you don't want to change the Oracle settings: just create a batch file in the FreeMind folder with the following entry "Path-to-your-new-java-runtimes-bin/java.exe -jar lib/freemind.jar" and use that to start freemind.

我大概知道是安装了oracle 导致的。之后才发现,安装Oracle 客户端以后,我的Java版本居然一直都是在1.3的。幸而开发用的是IDE。
