本文是对何晓飞老师的论文Locality Preserving Projections及其代码的一些简单j介绍,论文及代码均可以在何老师主页上下载。
(b) nearest neighbors
如果在的 nearest neighbors内,或者在的 nearest neighbors内,则节点与节点之间有边连接。
(a)Heat kernel
function [eigvector, eigvalue] = LPP(W, options, data) % LPP: Locality Preserving Projections % % [eigvector, eigvalue] = LPP(W, options, data) % % Input: % data - Data matrix. Each row vector of fea is a data point. % W - Affinity matrix. You can either call "constructW" % to construct the W, or construct it by yourself. % options - Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options % that can be set: % % Please see LGE.m for other options. % % Output: % eigvector - Each column is an embedding function, for a new % data point (row vector) x, y = x * eigvector % will be the embedding result of x. % eigvalue - The sorted eigvalue of LPP eigen-problem. % % % Examples: % % fea = rand(50,70); % options = []; % options.Metric = 'Euclidean'; % options.NeighborMode = 'KNN'; % options.k = 5; % options.WeightMode = 'HeatKernel'; % options.t = 5; % W = constructW(fea,options); % options.PCARatio = 0.99 % [eigvector, eigvalue] = LPP(W, options, fea); % Y = fea * eigvector; % % fea = rand(50,70); % gnd = [ones(10,1);ones(15,1)*2;ones(10,1)*3;ones(15,1)*4]; % options = []; % options.Metric = 'Euclidean'; % options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised'; % options.gnd = gnd; % options.bLDA = 1; % W = constructW(fea,options); % options.PCARatio = 1; % [eigvector, eigvalue] = LPP(W, options, fea); % Y = fea*eigvector; % % % Note: After applying some simple algebra, the smallest eigenvalue problem: % data^T*L*data = \lemda data^T*D*data % is equivalent to the largest eigenvalue problem: % data^T*W*data = \beta data^T*D*data % where L=D-W; \lemda= 1 - \beta. % Thus, the smallest eigenvalue problem can be transformed to a largest % eigenvalue problem. Such tricks are adopted in this code for the % consideration of calculation precision of Matlab. % % % See also constructW, LGE % %Reference: % Xiaofei He, and Partha Niyogi, "Locality Preserving Projections" % Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16 (NIPS 2003), % Vancouver, Canada, 2003. % % Xiaofei He, Shuicheng Yan, Yuxiao Hu, Partha Niyogi, and Hong-Jiang % Zhang, "Face Recognition Using Laplacianfaces", IEEE PAMI, Vol. 27, No. % 3, Mar. 2005. % % Deng Cai, Xiaofei He and Jiawei Han, "Document Clustering Using % Locality Preserving Indexing" IEEE TKDE, Dec. 2005. % % Deng Cai, Xiaofei He and Jiawei Han, "Using Graph Model for Face Analysis", % Technical Report, UIUCDCS-R-2005-2636, UIUC, Sept. 2005 % % Xiaofei He, "Locality Preserving Projections" % PhD's thesis, Computer Science Department, The University of Chicago, % 2005. % % version 2.1 --June/2007 % version 2.0 --May/2007 % version 1.1 --Feb/2006 % version 1.0 --April/2004 % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai2 AT cs.uiuc.edu) % if (~exist('options','var')) options = []; end [nSmp,nFea] = size(data); if size(W,1) ~= nSmp error('W and data mismatch!'); end %==================================================== % If data is too large, the following centering codes can be commented % options.keepMean = 1; %==================================================== if isfield(options,'keepMean') && options.keepMean ; else if issparse(data) data = full(data); end sampleMean = mean(data); data = (data - repmat(sampleMean,nSmp,1)); end %==================================================== D = full(sum(W,2)); if ~isfield(options,'Regu') || ~options.Regu DToPowerHalf = D.^.5; D_mhalf = DToPowerHalf.^-1; if nSmp < 5000 tmpD_mhalf = repmat(D_mhalf,1,nSmp); W = (tmpD_mhalf .* W) .* tmpD_mhalf'; clear tmpD_mhalf; else [i_idx,j_idx,v_idx] = find(W); v1_idx = zeros(size(v_idx)); for i=1:length(v_idx) v1_idx(i) = v_idx(i) * D_mhalf(i_idx(i)) * D_mhalf(j_idx(i)); end W = sparse(i_idx,j_idx,v1_idx); clear i_idx j_idx v_idx v1_idx end W = max(W,W'); data = repmat(DToPowerHalf,1,nFea) .* data; [eigvector, eigvalue] = LGE(W, [], options, data); else options.ReguAlpha = options.ReguAlpha*sum(D)/length(D); D = sparse(1:nSmp,1:nSmp,D,nSmp,nSmp); [eigvector, eigvalue] = LGE(W, D, options, data); end eigIdx = find(eigvalue < 1e-3); eigvalue (eigIdx) = []; eigvector(:,eigIdx) = [];
function W = constructW(fea,options) % Usage: % W = constructW(fea,options) % % fea: Rows of vectors of data points. Each row is x_i % options: Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options that can be set: % % NeighborMode - Indicates how to construct the graph. Choices % are: [Default 'KNN'] % 'KNN' - k = 0 % Complete graph % k > 0 % Put an edge between two nodes if and % only if they are among the k nearst % neighbors of each other. You are % required to provide the parameter k in % the options. Default k=5. % 'Supervised' - k = 0 % Put an edge between two nodes if and % only if they belong to same class. % k > 0 % Put an edge between two nodes if % they belong to same class and they % are among the k nearst neighbors of % each other. % Default: k=0 % You are required to provide the label % information gnd in the options. % % WeightMode - Indicates how to assign weights for each edge % in the graph. Choices are: % 'Binary' - 0-1 weighting. Every edge receiveds weight % of 1. % 'HeatKernel' - If nodes i and j are connected, put weight % W_ij = exp(-norm(x_i - x_j)/2t^2). You are % required to provide the parameter t. [Default One] % 'Cosine' - If nodes i and j are connected, put weight % cosine(x_i,x_j). % % k - The parameter needed under 'KNN' NeighborMode. % Default will be 5. % gnd - The parameter needed under 'Supervised' % NeighborMode. Colunm vector of the label % information for each data point. % bLDA - 0 or 1. Only effective under 'Supervised' % NeighborMode. If 1, the graph will be constructed % to make LPP exactly same as LDA. Default will be % 0. % t - The parameter needed under 'HeatKernel' % WeightMode. Default will be 1 % bNormalized - 0 or 1. Only effective under 'Cosine' WeightMode. % Indicates whether the fea are already be % normalized to 1. Default will be 0 % bSelfConnected - 0 or 1. Indicates whether W(i,i) == 1. Default 0 % if 'Supervised' NeighborMode & bLDA == 1, % bSelfConnected will always be 1. Default 0. % bTrueKNN - 0 or 1. If 1, will construct a truly kNN graph % (Not symmetric!). Default will be 0. Only valid % for 'KNN' NeighborMode % % % Examples: % % fea = rand(50,15); % options = []; % options.NeighborMode = 'KNN'; % options.k = 5; % options.WeightMode = 'HeatKernel'; % options.t = 1; % W = constructW(fea,options); % % % fea = rand(50,15); % gnd = [ones(10,1);ones(15,1)*2;ones(10,1)*3;ones(15,1)*4]; % options = []; % options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised'; % options.gnd = gnd; % options.WeightMode = 'HeatKernel'; % options.t = 1; % W = constructW(fea,options); % % % fea = rand(50,15); % gnd = [ones(10,1);ones(15,1)*2;ones(10,1)*3;ones(15,1)*4]; % options = []; % options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised'; % options.gnd = gnd; % options.bLDA = 1; % W = constructW(fea,options); % % % For more details about the different ways to construct the W, please % refer: % Deng Cai, Xiaofei He and Jiawei Han, "Document Clustering Using % Locality Preserving Indexing" IEEE TKDE, Dec. 2005. % % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai2 AT cs.uiuc.edu), April/2004, Feb/2006, % May/2007 % bSpeed = 1; if (~exist('options','var')) options = []; end if isfield(options,'Metric') warning('This function has been changed and the Metric is no longer be supported'); end if ~isfield(options,'bNormalized') options.bNormalized = 0; end %================================================= if ~isfield(options,'NeighborMode') options.NeighborMode = 'KNN'; end switch lower(options.NeighborMode) case {lower('KNN')} %For simplicity, we include the data point itself in the kNN if ~isfield(options,'k') options.k = 5; end case {lower('Supervised')} if ~isfield(options,'bLDA') options.bLDA = 0; end if options.bLDA options.bSelfConnected = 1; end if ~isfield(options,'k') options.k = 0; end if ~isfield(options,'gnd') error('Label(gnd) should be provided under ''Supervised'' NeighborMode!'); end if ~isempty(fea) && length(options.gnd) ~= size(fea,1) error('gnd doesn''t match with fea!'); end otherwise error('NeighborMode does not exist!'); end %================================================= if ~isfield(options,'WeightMode') options.WeightMode = 'HeatKernel'; end bBinary = 0; bCosine = 0; switch lower(options.WeightMode) case {lower('Binary')} bBinary = 1; case {lower('HeatKernel')} if ~isfield(options,'t') nSmp = size(fea,1); if nSmp > 3000 D = EuDist2(fea(randsample(nSmp,3000),:)); else D = EuDist2(fea); end options.t = mean(mean(D)); end case {lower('Cosine')} bCosine = 1; otherwise error('WeightMode does not exist!'); end %================================================= if ~isfield(options,'bSelfConnected') options.bSelfConnected = 0; end %================================================= if isfield(options,'gnd') nSmp = length(options.gnd); else nSmp = size(fea,1); end maxM = 62500000; %500M BlockSize = floor(maxM/(nSmp*3)); if strcmpi(options.NeighborMode,'Supervised') Label = unique(options.gnd); nLabel = length(Label); if options.bLDA G = zeros(nSmp,nSmp); for idx=1:nLabel classIdx = options.gnd==Label(idx); G(classIdx,classIdx) = 1/sum(classIdx); end W = sparse(G); return; end switch lower(options.WeightMode) case {lower('Binary')} if options.k > 0 G = zeros(nSmp*(options.k+1),3); idNow = 0; for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); D = EuDist2(fea(classIdx,:),[],0); [dump idx] = sort(D,2); % sort each row clear D dump; idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); nSmpClass = length(classIdx)*(options.k+1); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,1) = repmat(classIdx,[options.k+1,1]); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,2) = classIdx(idx(:)); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,3) = 1; idNow = idNow+nSmpClass; clear idx end G = sparse(G(:,1),G(:,2),G(:,3),nSmp,nSmp); G = max(G,G'); else G = zeros(nSmp,nSmp); for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); G(classIdx,classIdx) = 1; end end if ~options.bSelfConnected for i=1:size(G,1) G(i,i) = 0; end end W = sparse(G); case {lower('HeatKernel')} if options.k > 0 G = zeros(nSmp*(options.k+1),3); idNow = 0; for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); D = EuDist2(fea(classIdx,:),[],0); [dump idx] = sort(D,2); % sort each row clear D; idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = dump(:,1:options.k+1); dump = exp(-dump/(2*options.t^2)); nSmpClass = length(classIdx)*(options.k+1); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,1) = repmat(classIdx,[options.k+1,1]); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,2) = classIdx(idx(:)); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,3) = dump(:); idNow = idNow+nSmpClass; clear dump idx end G = sparse(G(:,1),G(:,2),G(:,3),nSmp,nSmp); else G = zeros(nSmp,nSmp); for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); D = EuDist2(fea(classIdx,:),[],0); D = exp(-D/(2*options.t^2)); G(classIdx,classIdx) = D; end end if ~options.bSelfConnected for i=1:size(G,1) G(i,i) = 0; end end W = sparse(max(G,G')); case {lower('Cosine')} if ~options.bNormalized fea = NormalizeFea(fea); end if options.k > 0 G = zeros(nSmp*(options.k+1),3); idNow = 0; for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); D = fea(classIdx,:)*fea(classIdx,:)'; [dump idx] = sort(-D,2); % sort each row clear D; idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = -dump(:,1:options.k+1); nSmpClass = length(classIdx)*(options.k+1); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,1) = repmat(classIdx,[options.k+1,1]); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,2) = classIdx(idx(:)); G(idNow+1:nSmpClass+idNow,3) = dump(:); idNow = idNow+nSmpClass; clear dump idx end G = sparse(G(:,1),G(:,2),G(:,3),nSmp,nSmp); else G = zeros(nSmp,nSmp); for i=1:nLabel classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(i)); G(classIdx,classIdx) = fea(classIdx,:)*fea(classIdx,:)'; end end if ~options.bSelfConnected for i=1:size(G,1) G(i,i) = 0; end end W = sparse(max(G,G')); otherwise error('WeightMode does not exist!'); end return; end if bCosine && ~options.bNormalized Normfea = NormalizeFea(fea); end if strcmpi(options.NeighborMode,'KNN') && (options.k > 0) if ~(bCosine && options.bNormalized) G = zeros(nSmp*(options.k+1),3); for i = 1:ceil(nSmp/BlockSize) if i == ceil(nSmp/BlockSize) smpIdx = (i-1)*BlockSize+1:nSmp; dist = EuDist2(fea(smpIdx,:),fea,0); if bSpeed nSmpNow = length(smpIdx); dump = zeros(nSmpNow,options.k+1); idx = dump; for j = 1:options.k+1 [dump(:,j),idx(:,j)] = min(dist,[],2); temp = (idx(:,j)-1)*nSmpNow+[1:nSmpNow]'; dist(temp) = 1e100; end else [dump idx] = sort(dist,2); % sort each row idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = dump(:,1:options.k+1); end if ~bBinary if bCosine dist = Normfea(smpIdx,:)*Normfea'; dist = full(dist); linidx = [1:size(idx,1)]'; dump = dist(sub2ind(size(dist),linidx(:,ones(1,size(idx,2))),idx)); else dump = exp(-dump/(2*options.t^2)); end end G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),1) = repmat(smpIdx',[options.k+1,1]); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),2) = idx(:); if ~bBinary G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),3) = dump(:); else G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),3) = 1; end else smpIdx = (i-1)*BlockSize+1:i*BlockSize; dist = EuDist2(fea(smpIdx,:),fea,0); if bSpeed nSmpNow = length(smpIdx); dump = zeros(nSmpNow,options.k+1); idx = dump; for j = 1:options.k+1 [dump(:,j),idx(:,j)] = min(dist,[],2); temp = (idx(:,j)-1)*nSmpNow+[1:nSmpNow]'; dist(temp) = 1e100; end else [dump idx] = sort(dist,2); % sort each row idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = dump(:,1:options.k+1); end if ~bBinary if bCosine dist = Normfea(smpIdx,:)*Normfea'; dist = full(dist); linidx = [1:size(idx,1)]'; dump = dist(sub2ind(size(dist),linidx(:,ones(1,size(idx,2))),idx)); else dump = exp(-dump/(2*options.t^2)); end end G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),1) = repmat(smpIdx',[options.k+1,1]); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),2) = idx(:); if ~bBinary G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),3) = dump(:); else G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),3) = 1; end end end W = sparse(G(:,1),G(:,2),G(:,3),nSmp,nSmp); else G = zeros(nSmp*(options.k+1),3); for i = 1:ceil(nSmp/BlockSize) if i == ceil(nSmp/BlockSize) smpIdx = (i-1)*BlockSize+1:nSmp; dist = fea(smpIdx,:)*fea'; dist = full(dist); if bSpeed nSmpNow = length(smpIdx); dump = zeros(nSmpNow,options.k+1); idx = dump; for j = 1:options.k+1 [dump(:,j),idx(:,j)] = max(dist,[],2); temp = (idx(:,j)-1)*nSmpNow+[1:nSmpNow]'; dist(temp) = 0; end else [dump idx] = sort(-dist,2); % sort each row idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = -dump(:,1:options.k+1); end G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),1) = repmat(smpIdx',[options.k+1,1]); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),2) = idx(:); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:nSmp*(options.k+1),3) = dump(:); else smpIdx = (i-1)*BlockSize+1:i*BlockSize; dist = fea(smpIdx,:)*fea'; dist = full(dist); if bSpeed nSmpNow = length(smpIdx); dump = zeros(nSmpNow,options.k+1); idx = dump; for j = 1:options.k+1 [dump(:,j),idx(:,j)] = max(dist,[],2); temp = (idx(:,j)-1)*nSmpNow+[1:nSmpNow]'; dist(temp) = 0; end else [dump idx] = sort(-dist,2); % sort each row idx = idx(:,1:options.k+1); dump = -dump(:,1:options.k+1); end G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),1) = repmat(smpIdx',[options.k+1,1]); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),2) = idx(:); G((i-1)*BlockSize*(options.k+1)+1:i*BlockSize*(options.k+1),3) = dump(:); end end W = sparse(G(:,1),G(:,2),G(:,3),nSmp,nSmp); end if bBinary W(logical(W)) = 1; end if isfield(options,'bSemiSupervised') && options.bSemiSupervised tmpgnd = options.gnd(options.semiSplit); Label = unique(tmpgnd); nLabel = length(Label); G = zeros(sum(options.semiSplit),sum(options.semiSplit)); for idx=1:nLabel classIdx = tmpgnd==Label(idx); G(classIdx,classIdx) = 1; end Wsup = sparse(G); if ~isfield(options,'SameCategoryWeight') options.SameCategoryWeight = 1; end W(options.semiSplit,options.semiSplit) = (Wsup>0)*options.SameCategoryWeight; end if ~options.bSelfConnected W = W - diag(diag(W)); end if isfield(options,'bTrueKNN') && options.bTrueKNN else W = max(W,W'); end return; end % strcmpi(options.NeighborMode,'KNN') & (options.k == 0) % Complete Graph switch lower(options.WeightMode) case {lower('Binary')} error('Binary weight can not be used for complete graph!'); case {lower('HeatKernel')} W = EuDist2(fea,[],0); W = exp(-W/(2*options.t^2)); case {lower('Cosine')} W = full(Normfea*Normfea'); otherwise error('WeightMode does not exist!'); end if ~options.bSelfConnected for i=1:size(W,1) W(i,i) = 0; end end W = max(W,W');
function [eigvector, eigvalue] = LGE(W, D, options, data) % LGE: Linear Graph Embedding % % [eigvector, eigvalue] = LGE(W, D, options, data) % % Input: % data - data matrix. Each row vector of data is a % sample vector. % W - Affinity graph matrix. % D - Constraint graph matrix. % LGE solves the optimization problem of % a* = argmax (a'data'WXa)/(a'data'DXa) % Default: D = I % % options - Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options % that can be set: % % ReducedDim - The dimensionality of the reduced % subspace. If 0, all the dimensions % will be kept. Default is 30. % % Regu - 1: regularized solution, % a* = argmax (a'X'WXa)/(a'X'DXa+ReguAlpha*I) % 0: solve the sinularity problem by SVD (PCA) % Default: 0 % % ReguAlpha - The regularization parameter. Valid % when Regu==1. Default value is 0.1. % % ReguType - 'Ridge': Tikhonov regularization % 'Custom': User provided % regularization matrix % Default: 'Ridge' % regularizerR - (nFea x nFea) regularization % matrix which should be provided % if ReguType is 'Custom'. nFea is % the feature number of data % matrix % % PCARatio - The percentage of principal % component kept in the PCA % step. The percentage is % calculated based on the % eigenvalue. Default is 1 % (100%, all the non-zero % eigenvalues will be kept. % If PCARatio > 1, the PCA step % will keep exactly PCARatio principle % components (does not exceed the % exact number of non-zero components). % % Output: % eigvector - Each column is an embedding function, for a new % sample vector (row vector) x, y = x*eigvector % will be the embedding result of x. % eigvalue - The sorted eigvalue of the eigen-problem. % elapse - Time spent on different steps % % Examples: % % See also LPP, NPE, IsoProjection, LSDA. % % Reference: % % 1. Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Jiawei Han, "Spectral Regression for Efficient % Regularized Subspace Learning", IEEE International Conference on % Computer Vision (ICCV), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2007. % % 2. Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Yuxiao Hu, Jiawei Han, and Thomas Huang, % "Learning a Spatially Smooth Subspace for Face Recognition", CVPR'2007 % % 3. Deng Cai, Xiaofei He, Jiawei Han, "Spectral Regression: A Unified % Subspace Learning Framework for Content-Based Image Retrieval", ACM % Multimedia 2007, Augsburg, Germany, Sep. 2007. % % 4. Deng Cai, "Spectral Regression: A Regression Framework for % Efficient Regularized Subspace Learning", PhD Thesis, Department of % Computer Science, UIUC, 2009. % % version 3.0 --Dec/2011 % version 2.1 --June/2007 % version 2.0 --May/2007 % version 1.0 --Sep/2006 % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai AT gmail.com) % MAX_MATRIX_SIZE = 1600; % You can change this number according your machine computational power EIGVECTOR_RATIO = 0.1; % You can change this number according your machine computational power if (~exist('options','var')) options = []; end ReducedDim = 30; if isfield(options,'ReducedDim') ReducedDim = options.ReducedDim; end if ~isfield(options,'Regu') || ~options.Regu bPCA = 1; if ~isfield(options,'PCARatio') options.PCARatio = 1; end else bPCA = 0; if ~isfield(options,'ReguType') options.ReguType = 'Ridge'; end if ~isfield(options,'ReguAlpha') options.ReguAlpha = 0.1; end end bD = 1; if ~exist('D','var') || isempty(D) bD = 0; end [nSmp,nFea] = size(data); if size(W,1) ~= nSmp error('W and data mismatch!'); end if bD && (size(D,1) ~= nSmp) error('D and data mismatch!'); end bChol = 0; if bPCA && (nSmp > nFea) && (options.PCARatio >= 1) if bD DPrime = data' * D * data; else DPrime = data' * data; end DPrime = full(DPrime); DPrime = max(DPrime,DPrime'); [R,p] = chol(DPrime); if p == 0 bPCA = 0; bChol = 1; end end %====================================== % SVD %====================================== if bPCA [U, S, V] = mySVD(data); [U, S, V] = CutonRatio(U,S,V,options); eigvalue_PCA = full(diag(S)); if bD data = U * S; eigvector_PCA = V; DPrime = data' * D * data; DPrime = max(DPrime,DPrime'); else data = U; eigvector_PCA = V*spdiags(eigvalue_PCA.^-1,0,length(eigvalue_PCA),length(eigvalue_PCA)); end else if ~bChol if bD DPrime = data'*D*data; else DPrime = data'*data; end switch lower(options.ReguType) case {lower('Ridge')} if options.ReguAlpha > 0 for i=1:size(DPrime,1) DPrime(i,i) = DPrime(i,i) + options.ReguAlpha; end end case {lower('Tensor')} if options.ReguAlpha > 0 DPrime = DPrime + options.ReguAlpha*options.regularizerR; end case {lower('Custom')} if options.ReguAlpha > 0 DPrime = DPrime + options.ReguAlpha*options.regularizerR; end otherwise error('ReguType does not exist!'); end DPrime = max(DPrime,DPrime'); end end WPrime = data' * W * data; WPrime = max(WPrime,WPrime'); %====================================== % Generalized Eigen %====================================== dimMatrix = size(WPrime,2); if ReducedDim > dimMatrix ReducedDim = dimMatrix; end if isfield(options,'bEigs') bEigs = options.bEigs; else if (dimMatrix > MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) && (ReducedDim < dimMatrix * EIGVECTOR_RATIO) bEigs = 1; else bEigs = 0; end end if bEigs %disp('use eigs to speed up!'); option = struct('disp',0); if bPCA && ~bD [eigvector, eigvalue] = eigs(WPrime,ReducedDim,'la',option); else if bChol option.cholB = 1; [eigvector, eigvalue] = eigs(WPrime,R,ReducedDim,'la',option); else [eigvector, eigvalue] = eigs(WPrime,DPrime,ReducedDim,'la',option); end end eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); else if bPCA && ~bD [eigvector, eigvalue] = eig(WPrime); else [eigvector, eigvalue] = eig(WPrime,DPrime); end eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); [junk, index] = sort(-eigvalue); eigvalue = eigvalue(index); eigvector = eigvector(:,index); if ReducedDim < size(eigvector,2) eigvector = eigvector(:, 1:ReducedDim); eigvalue = eigvalue(1:ReducedDim); end end if bPCA eigvector = eigvector_PCA*eigvector; end for i = 1:size(eigvector,2) eigvector(:,i) = eigvector(:,i)./norm(eigvector(:,i)); end function [U, S, V] = CutonRatio(U,S,V,options) if ~isfield(options, 'PCARatio') options.PCARatio = 1; end eigvalue_PCA = full(diag(S)); if options.PCARatio > 1 idx = options.PCARatio; if idx < length(eigvalue_PCA) U = U(:,1:idx); V = V(:,1:idx); S = S(1:idx,1:idx); end elseif options.PCARatio < 1 sumEig = sum(eigvalue_PCA); sumEig = sumEig*options.PCARatio; sumNow = 0; for idx = 1:length(eigvalue_PCA) sumNow = sumNow + eigvalue_PCA(idx); if sumNow >= sumEig break; end end U = U(:,1:idx); V = V(:,1:idx); S = S(1:idx,1:idx); end
function D = EuDist2(fea_a,fea_b,bSqrt) %EUDIST2 Efficiently Compute the Euclidean Distance Matrix by Exploring the %Matlab matrix operations. % % D = EuDist(fea_a,fea_b) % fea_a: nSample_a * nFeature % fea_b: nSample_b * nFeature % D: nSample_a * nSample_a % or nSample_a * nSample_b % % Examples: % % a = rand(500,10); % b = rand(1000,10); % % A = EuDist2(a); % A: 500*500 % D = EuDist2(a,b); % D: 500*1000 % % version 2.1 --November/2011 % version 2.0 --May/2009 % version 1.0 --November/2005 % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai AT gmail.com) if ~exist('bSqrt','var') bSqrt = 1; end if (~exist('fea_b','var')) || isempty(fea_b) aa = sum(fea_a.*fea_a,2); ab = fea_a*fea_a'; if issparse(aa) aa = full(aa); end D = bsxfun(@plus,aa,aa') - 2*ab; D(D<0) = 0; if bSqrt D = sqrt(D); end D = max(D,D'); else aa = sum(fea_a.*fea_a,2); bb = sum(fea_b.*fea_b,2); ab = fea_a*fea_b'; if issparse(aa) aa = full(aa); bb = full(bb); end D = bsxfun(@plus,aa,bb') - 2*ab; D(D<0) = 0; if bSqrt D = sqrt(D); end end
function [U, S, V] = mySVD(X,ReducedDim) %mySVD Accelerated singular value decomposition. % [U,S,V] = mySVD(X) produces a diagonal matrix S, of the % dimension as the rank of X and with nonnegative diagonal elements in % decreasing order, and unitary matrices U and V so that % X = U*S*V'. % % [U,S,V] = mySVD(X,ReducedDim) produces a diagonal matrix S, of the % dimension as ReducedDim and with nonnegative diagonal elements in % decreasing order, and unitary matrices U and V so that % Xhat = U*S*V' is the best approximation (with respect to F norm) of X % among all the matrices with rank no larger than ReducedDim. % % Based on the size of X, mySVD computes the eigvectors of X*X^T or X^T*X % first, and then convert them to the eigenvectors of the other. % % See also SVD. % % version 2.0 --Feb/2009 % version 1.0 --April/2004 % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai AT gmail.com) % MAX_MATRIX_SIZE = 1600; % You can change this number according your machine computational power EIGVECTOR_RATIO = 0.1; % You can change this number according your machine computational power if ~exist('ReducedDim','var') ReducedDim = 0; end [nSmp, mFea] = size(X); if mFea/nSmp > 1.0713 ddata = X*X'; ddata = max(ddata,ddata'); dimMatrix = size(ddata,1); if (ReducedDim > 0) && (dimMatrix > MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) && (ReducedDim < dimMatrix*EIGVECTOR_RATIO) option = struct('disp',0); [U, eigvalue] = eigs(ddata,ReducedDim,'la',option); eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); else if issparse(ddata) ddata = full(ddata); end [U, eigvalue] = eig(ddata); eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); [dump, index] = sort(-eigvalue); eigvalue = eigvalue(index); U = U(:, index); end clear ddata; maxEigValue = max(abs(eigvalue)); eigIdx = find(abs(eigvalue)/maxEigValue < 1e-10); eigvalue(eigIdx) = []; U(:,eigIdx) = []; if (ReducedDim > 0) && (ReducedDim < length(eigvalue)) eigvalue = eigvalue(1:ReducedDim); U = U(:,1:ReducedDim); end eigvalue_Half = eigvalue.^.5; S = spdiags(eigvalue_Half,0,length(eigvalue_Half),length(eigvalue_Half)); if nargout >= 3 eigvalue_MinusHalf = eigvalue_Half.^-1; V = X'*(U.*repmat(eigvalue_MinusHalf',size(U,1),1)); end else ddata = X'*X; ddata = max(ddata,ddata'); dimMatrix = size(ddata,1); if (ReducedDim > 0) && (dimMatrix > MAX_MATRIX_SIZE) && (ReducedDim < dimMatrix*EIGVECTOR_RATIO) option = struct('disp',0); [V, eigvalue] = eigs(ddata,ReducedDim,'la',option); eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); else if issparse(ddata) ddata = full(ddata); end [V, eigvalue] = eig(ddata); eigvalue = diag(eigvalue); [dump, index] = sort(-eigvalue); eigvalue = eigvalue(index); V = V(:, index); end clear ddata; maxEigValue = max(abs(eigvalue)); eigIdx = find(abs(eigvalue)/maxEigValue < 1e-10); eigvalue(eigIdx) = []; V(:,eigIdx) = []; if (ReducedDim > 0) && (ReducedDim < length(eigvalue)) eigvalue = eigvalue(1:ReducedDim); V = V(:,1:ReducedDim); end eigvalue_Half = eigvalue.^.5; S = spdiags(eigvalue_Half,0,length(eigvalue_Half),length(eigvalue_Half)); eigvalue_MinusHalf = eigvalue_Half.^-1; U = X*(V.*repmat(eigvalue_MinusHalf',size(V,1),1)); end
function fea = NormalizeFea(fea,row) % if row == 1, normalize each row of fea to have unit norm; % if row == 0, normalize each column of fea to have unit norm; % % version 3.0 --Jan/2012 % version 2.0 --Jan/2012 % version 1.0 --Oct/2003 % % Written by Deng Cai (dengcai AT gmail.com) % if ~exist('row','var') row = 1; end if row nSmp = size(fea,1); feaNorm = max(1e-14,full(sum(fea.^2,2))); fea = spdiags(feaNorm.^-.5,0,nSmp,nSmp)*fea; else nSmp = size(fea,2); feaNorm = max(1e-14,full(sum(fea.^2,1))'); fea = fea*spdiags(feaNorm.^-.5,0,nSmp,nSmp); end return; if row [nSmp, mFea] = size(fea); if issparse(fea) fea2 = fea'; feaNorm = mynorm(fea2,1); for i = 1:nSmp fea2(:,i) = fea2(:,i) ./ max(1e-10,feaNorm(i)); end fea = fea2'; else feaNorm = sum(fea.^2,2).^.5; fea = fea./feaNorm(:,ones(1,mFea)); end else [mFea, nSmp] = size(fea); if issparse(fea) feaNorm = mynorm(fea,1); for i = 1:nSmp fea(:,i) = fea(:,i) ./ max(1e-10,feaNorm(i)); end else feaNorm = sum(fea.^2,1).^.5; fea = fea./feaNorm(ones(1,mFea),:); end end
LPP(Locality Preserving Projection),局部保留投影