
WinSCP 上的解释非常简单到位,喜欢

How do I make WinSCP show localized and/or UTF-8 encoded (Unicode) filenames correctly?


FTPS  (also known as  FTP  Secure and  FTP - SSL ) is an extension to the commonly used File Transfer Protocol ( FTP ) that adds support for the Transport Layer Security ( TLS ) and the Secure Sockets Layer ( SSL ) cryptographic protocols.

SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol)

Despite  SSH  in its name, it is designed to work over any reliable data stream, but WinSCP supports only operation over  SSH , which is also by far its most common usage.

Unlike SCP, for connection with an SFTP server you do not need access to shell (although some implementations may still require that).

SCP (Secure Copy Protocol)

SCP  is mostly used with  SSH-1 SCP  is an older protocol but almost universally supported on Unix-like platforms as part of an  SSH  protocol suite. It is rarely supported on other platforms.  SCP  is a descendant of the ancient “rcp.”

Understanding SSH
