Visual Studio 2005支持两种截然不同但风格相近的C++:它完全支持ISO/INSA标准的C++,同时它也支持微软开发的被叫做C++/CLI的C++,它现在是一个PCMA标准。C++/CLI是专门用来开发.Net FrameWork的。
CLR的英文全称为:Common Language Runtime
CLI 的英文全称为:Common Language Infrastructure
Visual Studio 2005需要Windows XP SP2或者Windows 2000 SP4.
用到的数据库"NorthWind Traders"可以从http//www.microsoft.com下载。
即时窗口的快捷方式为:Ctrl + shilft + I
新建文件的快捷方式为:Ctrl + shift + N
A file with the extension .sln that records information about the projects in the solution.
A file with the extension .suo in which user options that apply to the solution will be recorded.
A file with the extension .ncb that records data about Intellisense for the solution. Intellisenseis the facility that provides auto-
.exe This is the executable file for the program. You get this file only if both thecompile and link steps are successful.
.obj The compiler produces these object files containing machine code from yourprogram source files. These are used by the linker, along with files from thelibraries, to produce your .exe file.
.ilk This file is used by the linker when you rebuild your project. It enables thelinker to incrementally link the object files produced from the modified sourcecode into the existing .exe file. This avoids the need to re-link everythingeach time you change your program.
.pch This is a pre-compiled header file. With pre-compiled headers, large tracts ofcode that are not subject to modification (particularly code supplied by C++libraries) can be processed once and stored in the .pch file. Using the .pchfile substantially reduces the time needed to rebuild your program.
.pdb This file contains debugging information that is used when you execute theprogram in debug mode. In this mode, you candynamically inspect informationthat is generated during program execution.
.idb Contains information used when you rebuild the solution.