虽然apache认为JakartaORO是一个更完 备的正则表达式处理包,但regexp的应用也是非常广泛,大概是因为它的简单吧。下面 是regexp的学习笔记。
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1)Regexp是一个由100%纯java正则式处理包,是Jonathan Locke捐给Apache软件基金会的。 他最初开发这个软件是在1996年,在时间的考验面前RegExp表达非常坚 挺:)。 它包括完整的Javadoc文档,以及一个简单的Applet来做可视化调试和兼容性测试.
2)RE类regexp包中非常重要的一个类,它是一个高效的、轻量级的正则式计算器/匹配器的类,RE是regular expression的缩写。正则式是能够进行复杂的字符串匹配的模板,而且当一个字符串能匹配某个模板时,你可 以抽取出那些匹配的部分,这在进行文本解析时非常有用。下面讨论一下正则式的语法。
为了编译一个正则式,你需要简单地以模板为参数构造一个RE匹配器对象来完成,然后就可调用任一个 RE.match方法来对一个字符串进行匹配检查,如果匹配成功/失败,则返回真/假值。例如:
RE r = new RE("a*b");
boolean matched = r.match("aaaab");
RE.getParen可以取回匹配的字符序列,或者匹配的字符序列的某一部分(如果模板中有相应的括号的 话),以及它们的位置、长度等属性。如:
RE r = new RE("(a*)b"); // Compile expression
boolean matched = r.match("xaaaab"); // Match against "xaaaab"
String wholeExpr = r.getParen(0); // wholeExpr will be 'aaaab'
String insideParens = r.getParen(1); // insideParens will be 'aaaa'
int startWholeExpr = r.getParenStart(0); // startWholeExpr will be index 1
int endWholeExpr = r.getParenEnd(0); // endWholeExpr will be index 6
int lenWholeExpr = r.getParenLength(0); // lenWholeExpr will be 5
int startInside = r.getParenStart(1); // startInside will be index 1
int endInside = r.getParenEnd(1); // endInside will be index 5
int lenInside = r.getParenLength(1); // lenInside will be 4
匹配 n=n (象 0=0 or 2=2)这样的字符串
unicodeChar Matches any identical unicode character
/ Used to quote a meta-character (like '*')
// Matches a single '/' character
/0nnn Matches a given octal character
/xhh Matches a given 8-bit hexadecimal character
//uhhhh Matches a given 16-bit hexadecimal character
/t Matches an ASCII tab character
/n Matches an ASCII newline character
/r Matches an ASCII return character
/f Matches an ASCII form feed character
[abc] 简单字符集
[a-zA-Z] 带区间的 字符集
[^abc] 字符集的否定
标准POSIX 字符集
[:alnum:] Alphanumeric characters.
[:alpha:] Alphabetic characters.
[:blank:] Space and tab characters.
[:cntrl:] Control characters.
[:digit:] Numeric characters.
[:graph:] Characters that are printable and are also visible.(A space is printable, but not visible, while an `a' is both.)
[:lower:] Lower-case alphabetic characters.
[:print:] Printable characters (characters that are not control characters.)
[:punct:] Punctuation characters (characters that are not letter,digits, control characters, or space characters).
[:space:] Space characters (such as space, tab, and formfeed, to name a few).
[:upper:] Upper-case alphabetic characters.
[:xdigit:] Characters that are hexadecimal digits.
非标准的 POSIX样式的字符集
[:javastart:] Start of a Java identifier
[:javapart:] Part of a Java identifier
. Matches any character other than newline
/w Matches a "word" character (alphanumeric plus "_")
/W Matches a non-word character
/s Matches a whitespace character
/S Matches a non-whitespace character
/d Matches a digit character
/D Matches a non-digit character
^ Matches only at the beginning of a line
$ Matches only at the end of a line
/b Matches only at a word boundary
/B Matches only at a non-word boundary
A* Matches A 0 or more times (greedy)
A+ Matches A 1 or more times (greedy)
A? Matches A 1 or 0 times (greedy)
A{n} Matches A exactly n times (greedy)
A{n,} Matches A at least n times (greedy)
A*? Matches A 0 or more times (reluctant)
A+? Matches A 1 or more times (reluctant)
A?? Matches A 0 or 1 times (reluctant)
AB Matches A followed by B
A|B Matches either A or B
(A) Used for subexpression grouping
(?:A) Used for subexpression clustering (just like grouping but no backrefs)
/1 Backreference to 1st parenthesized subexpression
/2 Backreference to 2nd parenthesized subexpression
/3 Backreference to 3rd parenthesized subexpression
/4 Backreference to 4th parenthesized subexpression
/5 Backreference to 5th parenthesized subexpression
/6 Backreference to 6th parenthesized subexpression
/7 Backreference to 7th parenthesized subexpression
/8 Backreference to 8th parenthesized subexpression
/9 Backreference to 9th parenthesized subexpression
RE运行的程序先经过RECompiler类的编译. 由于效率的原因,RE匹配器没有包括正则式的编译类. 实际上, 如果要预编译1个或多个正则式,可以通过命令行运行'recompile'类,如
java org.apache.regexp.recompile a*b
// Pre-compiled regular expression "a*b"
char[] re1Instructions =
0x007c, 0x0000, 0x001a, 0x007c, 0x0000, 0x000d, 0x0041,
0x0001, 0x0004, 0x0061, 0x007c, 0x0000, 0x0003, 0x0047,
0x0000, 0xfff6, 0x007c, 0x0000, 0x0003, 0x004e, 0x0000,
0x0003, 0x0041, 0x0001, 0x0004, 0x0062, 0x0045, 0x0000,
REProgram re1 = new REProgram(re1Instructions);
RE r = new RE(re1);
通过利用预编译的req来构建RE匹配器对象,可以避免运行时进行编译的成本。 如果需要动态的构造正 则式,则可以创建单独一个RECompiler对象,并利用它来编译每个正则式。注意,RE 和 RECompiler 都不是 threadsafe的(出于效率的原因), 因此当多线程运行时,你需要为每个线程分别创建编译器和匹配器。
java org.apache.regexp.REDemo
2)Jeffer Hunter写了一个例程,可以下载。
3)regexp自带的测试例程,也很有参考价值。它把所有正则式及相关的字符串以及结果都放在一个单独的文件 里,在$REGEXPHOME/docs/RETest.txt中。当然,这个例程的运行也要在$REGEXPHOME目录下。
java org.apache.regexp.RETest