
今天遇到ORA-16038 ora-19809错误,查了资料解决了:


There are a couple of possible options.
1) Increase the parameter db_recovery_file_dest_size
2) Stop using the db_recovery_file_dest by unsetting the parameter. (This assumes you never really wanted to use this option)
3) Remove the Entries from the rman repository/Controlfile

The removal is desribed in the RMAN documentation but this is a quick and dirty way if you don't have an rman repository - but could endanger your ability to recover - so be careful.

a) delete unwanted archive log files from disk (rm, del commands)
b) connect to rman ( RMAN> connect target / )
c) RMAN> crosscheck archivelog all;
- marks the controlfile that the archives have been deleted
d) RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;
- deletes the log entries identified above.
