Lock-free 多核数据结构设计






2、我们不是每秒都用lock,但是我们可以自己构建相同的东西(loop  until free[不知翻译成什么好]);





Example:Lock-Free Hashtable 设计

这里有一个很好的例子on Dr. Cliff Click's lock-free hashtable(in Java,for "Azul" native Java 54-core/chip massive muticore hardware)。Dr Cliff Click思想很简单直接,他把内存一致性模型暴露给了用户。lock free的写操作时很复杂的,特别是重新调整hashtable的大小时。

以下是Dr. Lawlor采取Cliff的思想,但是去掉了最棘手的调整操作。这些代码只适合于小测试。

#include <omp.h>

For performance debugging: count hashtable collisions

int collisions = 0;

/*A lockness hashtable. Both reads and writes are lock-free.
Does not yet implement hashtable resize.*/

template <class KEY, class VALUE>
class LockFreeHashtable {
	KEY missingk; // invalid key
	VALUE missingv; // invalid key

	long size;
	struct KEY_VALUE{
		KEY k;
		VALUE v;

	volatile KEY_VALUE *data;
	void operator=(const LockFreeHashtable &){} // do not copy use
	LockFreeHashtable(long size_, KEY missingk=KEY(), VALUE missingv=VALUE())
		:missingk(missingk_), missingv(missingv_), size(0), data(0) {

	~LockFreeHashtable() {delete[] data;}

	/* Reinitialize to be this new size*/
	void reinit(long size_) {
		delete[] data;
		size = size_;
		data = new KEY_VALUE[size];

		for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
			data[i].k = missingk;
			data[i].v = missingv;

	/*read the VALUE for the KEY*/
	volatile const VALUE &get(consts KEY &k) {
		int idx = k;
		while (true) { /*while we haven't found that key yet*/
			idx &= size - 1; /*===     idx %= size; */
			if (data[idx].k == k) { /*old key*/
				return data[idx].v;

			if (data[idx].k == missingk) { /*missing key*/
				return missingv;

			idx ++; /*move down: keep looking !*/
#pragma omp atomic
			collisions ++;

	/*Writes a copy of Value for this KEY*/
	void put(const KEY &k, const VALUE &v) {
		int idx = k;
		while(true) {
			idx &= size -1; /*===   idx %= size;  */
			if (data[idx].k == k) {/*fast path:resue old key*/
				data[idx].v = v;

			if (data[idx].k == missingk) { /*try to claim new key*/
				data[idx].k = k; /*provisinal ownership*/
				goto check_key; /*subtle: check ownership below *before* use */
			idx ++; // move down: keep looking;
#pragma omp atomic
			collisions ++;

	/*Count number of valid values in table */
	int count (void) {
		int sum = 0;
		for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
			if (data[i].k != missingk) sum ++;

		return sum;

LockFreeHashtable<int, float> h(0, -1, -99.0);

enum {n = 100000}; /*total number of hashtable operations*/

inline int make_key(int i) {
	i *= 8193; /*randomizing function*/
	return i ^ (i >> 16);

int do_hashtable_writes(void) {
	collisions = 0;
#pragma omp parallel for
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		h.put(make_key(i), i * 1.23456);

	return 0;

int do_hashtable_reads(void) {
	collisions = 0;
	double sum = 0.0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:sum)
	for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
		sum += h.get(make_key(i));

	return sum;

int foo(void) {
	for (int nthread = 1; nthread <= 4; nthread *=2) {
		h.reinit(1024 * 512);
		printf("%d threads : \n", nthread);


		double t = time_function(do_hashtable_writes);
		printf("	writes: %.3f ns per (%.3f ms total)\n",t*1.0e9/n,t*1.0e3);
		std::cout <<"	collisions: "<< collisions <<"\n";
		std::cout <<"	total values: "<< h.count() <<"\n";

		t = time_function(do_hashtable_reads);
		printf("	reads: %.3f ns per (%.3f ms total)\n",t*1.0e9/n,t*1.0e3);
		std::cout << "	collisions: " << collisions << "\n";

	return 0;

在collisions很少的情况下,可伸缩性还是很好的 微笑

上面的例子对于int类型和float类型是很安全的,但是对于动态分配的对象而言,“ABA问题”使回收很棘手——Java的解决方案就是垃圾收集,有一个较好的解决方案叫 Hazard Pointers
