一、For Eigen
//初始化状态向量和状态协方差 int initialize_x_and_p(Eigen::MatrixXf &x_k_k,Eigen::MatrixXf &p_k_k) { //Initial velocity values float v_0 = 0; float std_v_0 = 0.025; float w_0 = 1e-15; float std_w_0 = 0.025; // Initial state vector and covariance matrix x_k_k = Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(1,13) ; x_k_k<<0,0,0,1,0,0,0,v_0,v_0,v_0,w_0,w_0,w_0; p_k_k= Eigen::MatrixXf::Zero(13,13); //eps为MATLAB的最小精度;eps是浮点相对误差限,是指计算机用于区分两个数的差的最小常数 //最小精度eps(N)随着数量级增大,eps也在逐渐增大 p_k_k(1,1)=eps; p_k_k(2,2)=eps; p_k_k(3,3)=eps; p_k_k(4,4)=eps; p_k_k(5,5)=eps; p_k_k(6,6)=eps; p_k_k(7,7)=eps; p_k_k(8,8) =std_v_0 * std_v_0; p_k_k(9,9) =std_v_0 * std_v_0; p_k_k(10,10) =std_v_0 * std_v_0; p_k_k(11,11) =std_w_0 * std_w_0; p_k_k(12,12) =std_w_0 * std_w_0; p_k_k(13,13) =std_w_0 * std_w_0; return 1; }
2. 矩阵元的运算
r=size(A,1)该语句返回的时矩阵A的行数, c=size(A,2) 该语句返回的时矩阵A的列数。size( yi, 2 ) 转译为 yi.cols()
Matlab : M= rand( 1, nPointsRand )-0.5; //生成从0到1的nPointsRand个随机数,再减去0.5即:(-0.5,.0.5)
X= Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand) //默认生成 1行 nPointsRand列,率属于(-0.5,.0.5)的随机数
<pre name="code" class="cpp"> int nPointsRand = 12; Eigen::MatrixXf X = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf Y = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf Z = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf theta = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf phi = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf lambda = Eigen::MatrixXf::Random(1,nPointsRand); Eigen::MatrixXf randSphere6D =Eigen::MatrixXf (6,nPointsRand);//randSphere6D 是6*nPointsRandDouble! //以下两种赋值方法都可以 //randSphere6D(0)=X(0); //randSphere6D(1)=Y(0); //randSphere6D(2)=Z(0); //randSphere6D(3)= theta(0); //randSphere6D(4)= phi(0); //randSphere6D(5)=lambda(0); randSphere6D<< X,Y,Z,theta,phi,lambda; //释放6个矩阵! X.resize(0,0);Y.resize(0,0);Z.resize(0,0);theta.resize(0,0);phi.resize(0,0);lambda.resize(0,0);
Matlab: round
atan2(X,Y)的含义和atan(X/Y)的含义是一样的。就是求正切值 X/Y 对应的弧度值。
但ATAN2(a, b) 与 ATAN(a/b)值域稍有不同,ATAN2(a,b)的取值范围介于 -pi 到 pi 之间(不包括 -pi),而ATAN(a/b)的取值范围介于-pi/2到pi/2之间(不包括±pi/2)。
atan2( hrl( 1, : ), hrl( 3, : ) )
atan( hrl.row( 1)*hrl.row( 3)/(hrl.row(1).norm()*hrl.row( 3).norm() ) )
matlab inv(M)
Eigen: M.Array().inverse()// 值得注意的是:不能达到矩阵逆的实现 Eigen: M.inverse() //此函数可以实现,但有时会失效,这是为何?
<pre name="code" class="cpp">#include <Eigen/Dense>
Eigen: M.inverse() //包含此头文件才能实现矩阵求逆。
B = permute(A, order) ;
Eigen: P.block(i, j, rows, cols) Matlab: P(i+1 : i+rows, j+1 : j+cols)
Eigen::MatrixXf P_xv(13,13); //= P( 1:13, 1:13 ); P_xv=P.block(0,0,13,13); Eigen::MatrixXf P_yxv = P.block(13,0,P.rows()-13,13 );// P( 14:end, 1:13 ); Eigen::MatrixXf P_y = P.block(13,13,P.rows()-13,P.cols()-13 );//P( 14:end, 14:end ); Eigen::MatrixXf P_xvy = P.block(0,13,P.rows()-13,P.cols()-13 );//P( 1:13, 14:end );
x.cross(y)Eigen还提供了dot()点乘函数和cross()叉乘函数。其中dot可以针对任意两个长度相等的向量,而叉乘只能是两个三维向量,例如Vector3d v(1, 2, 3); Vector3d w(0, 1, 2); 那么v.dot(w) 得到的结果是8(等价于v.adjoint() * w),v.corss(w)得到的结果是(1;-2;1)。
M = eig(S);
Eigen::MatrixXf S = features_info[i_feature].S; Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXf> eigensolver(S); Eigen::MatrixXf E = eigensolver.eigenvalues()
Eigen::MatrixXf correlation_matrix = corrcoef( LocM );对行向量求相关系数 , 与列数无关,返回 cols()*cols() 矩阵...
Eigen::MatrixXf CIcSearchM::cov(Eigen::MatrixXf &d1, Eigen::MatrixXf &d2) { Eigen::MatrixXf CovM(1,1); assert(1 ==d1.cols() && 1 ==d2.cols() &&d1.cols()==d2.cols() ); //求协方差 float Ex =0;float Ey=0; for (int i=0;i< d1.rows();++i){ Ex +=d1(i); Ey +=d2(i); } Ex /=d1.rows(); Ey /=d2.rows(); for (int i=0;i< d1.rows();++i){ CovM(0) += (d1(i)-Ex)*(d2(i)-Ey); } CovM(0) /= d1.rows() -1; return CovM; }//2.写入方差矩阵
//求矩阵的相关系数! //返回矩阵A的列向量的相关系数矩阵//对行向量求相关系数 , 与行数无关,返回 cols()*cols() 矩阵... Eigen::MatrixXf CIcSearchM::corrcoef(Eigen::MatrixXf &M) { // C(i,j)/SQRT(C(i,i)*C(j,j)).//C is the covariation Matrix int Row= M.rows(); int Col= M.cols(); int Order= Col;//int Order= (std::max)(Row,Col); Eigen::MatrixXf Coef(Order,Order); for (int i=0;i<Order;++i){ for (int j=0;j<Order;++j){ Coef(i,j)= cov((Eigen::MatrixXf)M.col(i),(Eigen::MatrixXf)M.col(j))(0); } } return Coef; }
M = 0.4300 -0.0300 -0.0400 -0.1600 -0.2500 -0.6500 -0.6700 -0.0300 0.0400 0.1600 0.2500 0.6500 0.6700 0.2500 >> x =logical(M) x = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 >> M(2,2)=0 M = 0.4300 -0.0300 -0.0400 -0.1600 -0.2500 -0.6500 -0.6700 -0.0300 0 0.1600 0.2500 0.6500 0.6700 0.2500 <pre name="code" class="cpp">>> x =logical(M) x = 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1转化为Eigen:
//代替Matlab的逻辑转换函数!把非0值转换为1,0值为0! Eigen::MatrixXf CRansHyper::logical(Eigen::MatrixXf &M) { Eigen::MatrixXf MD(M.rows(),M.cols()); for (int i=0;i<M.rows();++i) { for (int j=0;j< M.cols();++j) { if (M(i,j)!=0 ){ MD(i,j) =1; } else MD(i,j) =0; } } return MD; }
>> M=[45,6,6;6,7,8] M = 45 6 6 6 7 8 >> N =repmat(M,2,3) N = 45 6 6 45 6 6 45 6 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 45 6 6 45 6 6 45 6 6 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8释义:把矩阵M(2,3)以两行三列的形式填充成大矩阵N(4,9)
//用小矩阵填充成大矩阵!wishchin!! Eigen::MatrixXf CRansHyper::repmat(Eigen::MatrixXf &M,int rowM,int colM) { Eigen::MatrixXf MD(rowM*M.rows(), colM*M.cols() ); for (int i=0;i< rowM;++i){ for (int j=0;j< colM;++j){ for (int m=0;m< M.rows();++m){ for (int n=0;n<M.cols();++n){ MD(i*M.rows()+m, j*M.cols()+n)= M(m,n); } } } } return MD; }
K>> x=[5,34,5,6] x = 5 34 5 6 K>> sin(x) ans = -0.9589 0.5291 -0.9589 -0.2794 K>> sin(5) ans = -0.9589
/* 找出矩阵X中的所有非零元素,并将这些元素的线性索引值(linear indices:按列)返回到向量ind中。 如果X是一个行向量,则ind是一个行向量;否则,ind是一个列向量。 如果X不含非零元素或是一个空矩阵,则ind是一个空矩阵。 */ ind = find(X) /* 返回第一个非零元素k的索引值。 k必须是一个正数,但是它可以是任何数字数值类型。 */ ind = find(X, k) /* 返回X中非零元素行索引值的向量*/ ind = find(X, k, 'first') /* 返回最后一个非零元素k的索引值。*/ ind = find(X, k, 'last') /* 返回矩阵X中非零元素的行和列的索引值。 这个语法对于处理稀疏矩阵尤其有用。 如果X是一个N(N>2)维矩阵,col包括列的线性索引。 例如,一个5*7*3的矩阵X,有一个非零元素X(4,2,3),find函数将返回row=4和col=16。也就是说,(第1页有7列)+(第2页有7列)+(第3页有2列)=16。*/ [row,col] = find(X, ...) /* 返回X中非零元素的一个列或行向量v,同时返回行和列的索引值。 如果X是一个逻辑表示,则v是一个逻辑矩阵。 输出向量v(稀疏矩阵)包含通过评估X表示得到的逻辑矩阵的非零元素。*/ [row,col,v] = find(X, ...)
/* 找出矩阵X中的所有非零元素,并将这些元素的线性索引值(linear indices:按列)返回到向量中。 如果X是一个行向量,则ind是一个行向量;否则,ind是一个列向量。 如果X不含非零元素或是一个空矩阵,则ind是一个空矩阵。 */ //默认返回大于0的值//为X *1的矩阵,行优先! Eigen::MatrixXf CEkfSlam::find(Eigen::MatrixXf &M) { assert(1 == M.rows() ); int counter =0; //返回数组中大于value的下标,返回索引 //使用Push太慢了,还是遍历两次吧 for (int i =0;i< M.cols();++i) { if (M(i)> 1) { ++counter; } } Eigen::MatrixXf index(counter,1); counter=0; for (int i =0;i< M.cols();++i) { if (M(i)> 1) { M(counter) =counter; ++counter; } } return index; }
二、For OpenCV—Mat
1. 三角函数
atan2(X,Y)的含义和atan(X/Y)的含义是一样的。就是求正切值 X/Y 对应的弧度值。
但ATAN2(a, b) 与 ATAN(a/b)值域稍有不同,ATAN2(a,b)的取值范围介于 -pi 到 pi 之间(不包括 -pi),而ATAN(a/b)的取值范围介于-pi/2到pi/2之间(不包括±pi/2)。
atan2( hrl( 1, : ), hrl( 3, : ) )
//使用OpenCV getRect函数 //GetRectSubPix 从图像中提取象素矩形,使用子象素精度 std::vector<CvPoint> cs(0); cv::Mat RectImg; const double Thres =100; CvSize Rect; Rect.height=initializing_box_semisize.height; Rect.width =initializing_box_semisize.width ; cv::getRectSubPix(im_k,Rect,search_region_center,RectImg,-1);
3.Matlab到OpenCV Mat型的转化
static Matx all(_Tp alpha); static Matx zeros(); static Matx ones(); static Matx eye(); static Matx <span style="color:#FF0000;">diag</span>(const diag_type& d); static Matx randu(_Tp a, _Tp b); static Matx randn(_Tp a, _Tp b); //! dot product computed with the default precision _Tp dot(const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& v) const; //! dot product computed in double-precision arithmetics double ddot(const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& v) const; //! conversion to another data type template<typename T2> operator Matx<T2, m, n>() const; //! change the matrix shape template<int m1, int n1> Matx<_Tp, m1, n1> reshape</span>() const; //! extract part of the matrix template<int m1, int n1> Matx<_Tp, m1, n1> get_minor(int i, int j) const; //! extract the matrix row Matx<_Tp, 1, n> row(int i) const; //! extract the matrix column Matx<_Tp, m, 1> col(int i) const; //! extract the matrix diagonal diag_type diag() const; //! transpose the matrix Matx<_Tp, n, m> t() const; //! invert matrix the matrix Matx<_Tp, n, m> inv (int method=DECOMP_LU) const; //! solve linear system template<int l> Matx<_Tp, n, l> solve(const Matx<_Tp, m, l>& rhs, int flags=DECOMP_LU) const; Vec<_Tp, n> solve(const Vec<_Tp, m>& rhs, int method) const; //! multiply two matrices element-wise Matx<_Tp, m, n> mul(const Matx<_Tp, m, n>& a) const; Vec cross(const Vec& v) const;
三、for C++
Y = rand(n) Y = rand(m,n) Y = rand([m n]) Y = rand(m,n,p,...) Y = rand([m n p...]) Y = rand(size(A))rand
Y = rand(n) 返回一个n x n的随机矩阵。如果n不是数量,则返回错误信息。 Y = rand(m,n) 或 Y = rand([m n]) 返回一个m x n的随机矩阵。 Y = rand(m,n,p,...) 或 Y = rand([m n p...]) 产生随机数组。 Y = rand(size(A)) 返回一个和A有相同尺寸的随机矩阵。
v1 = rand() % 100; // v1 in the range 0 to 99 v2 = rand() % 100 + 1; // v2 in the range 1 to 100 v3 = rand() % 30 + 1985; // v3 in the range 1985-2014
3.Matlab meshgrid
47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998
[u_pred,v_pred]=meshgrid( uv_predSrc );
47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998
47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 47.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 48.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 49.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 50.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 51.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 52.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998 53.9999999999998
//返回两个行列方阵矩阵 double CIcSearchM::meshgrid( Eigen::MatrixXf &MSrc,Eigen::MatrixXf &MU,Eigen::MatrixXf &MV) { Eigen::MatrixXf MSrcCol(MSrc.rows() ,1); for (int i =0;i< MSrc.rows();++i) { MSrcCol(i) = MSrc(i); } MU.resize( MSrc.rows(), MSrc.rows() ); MV.resize( MSrc.rows(), MSrc.rows() ); for (int i=0;i< MSrc.rows();++i) { MU.row(i) = MSrc.row(0); MV.col(i) = MSrcCol.col(0); } return 1; }
4.Matlab interp2
四、for OpenGL
function vectarrow(p0,p1,color) if max(size(p0))==3 if max(size(p1))==3 x0 = p0(1); y0 = p0(2); z0 = p0(3); x1 = p1(1); y1 = p1(2); z1 = p1(3); plot3([x0;x1],[y0;y1],[z0;z1],'color',color); % Draw a line between p0 and p1画出从p0到p1的射线
</pre><pre name="code" class="cpp">this->vectArrow(PointS,PointE,ColorType); int CPlot::vectArrow( Eigen::MatrixXf &PointS, Eigen::MatrixXf &PointE,std::string type) { Eigen::MatrixXf EndPoints(6,1); EndPoints<< PointS(0),PointS(1),PointS(2), PointE(0),PointE(1),PointE(2); this->openglViewer->GetVectorPoint(EndPoints);// return 1; } drawTransAxis(this->m_PointSeries); int OpenGLViewer::GetVectorPoint(Eigen::MatrixXf &endPoints) { Eigen::MatrixXf NewEndPoint= endPoints; this->m_PointSeries.push_back( NewEndPoint); return 1; } void OpenGLViewer::paintGL(){ glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); this->drawWorldAxis(); this->drawTransAxis(this->m_PointSeries); this->drawTriangle(this->m_TriangleSeries); this->drawCloud(); } void OpenGLViewer::drawTransAxis(std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXf> &PointSeries) { GLfloat x = GLfloat(640) / 480; glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(-2.0 , 6.0, -4.0, 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0, 1.0 , 0.0); float len = 0.2; glTranslatef(transX,transY,-transZ); glRotatef(rotationX , 1.0,0.0,0.0); glRotatef(rotationY , 0.0,1.0,0.0); glRotatef(rotationZ , 0.0,0.0,1.0); glScalef(xscale, yscale, zscale); //The Cube aixs / coordinate system! //1. The axis line! glColor3f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex3f(-1.9f,00.0f,0.0f); glVertex3f(1.9f,0.0f,0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f,-1.9f,0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f,1.9f,0.0f); glVertex3f(0.0f,0.0f,-1.9f); glVertex3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.9f); //画出多个线段 for (int i=0;i< PointSeries.size();++i) { glVertex3f(PointSeries[i](0),PointSeries[i](1),PointSeries[i](2) ); glVertex3f(PointSeries[i](3),PointSeries[i](4),PointSeries[i](5) ); } glEnd(); //The Cube aixs / coordinate system! //2. The axis arrow! glColor3f(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); //x arrow glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(1.2f,0.0f,0.0f); glRotatef(90.0f,0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); glutSolidCone(0.05,0.15,10,10); glPopMatrix(); glColor3f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f); // y glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(0.0f,1.2f,0.0f); glRotatef(-90.0f,1.0f,0.0f,0.0f); glutSolidCone(0.05,0.15,10,10); glPopMatrix(); glColor3f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); // z glPushMatrix(); glTranslatef(0.0f,0.0f,1.2f); glRotatef(90.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f); glutSolidCone(0.05,0.15,10,10); glPopMatrix(); glFlush(); }
1. 错误 52 error C2338: THIS_METHOD_IS_ONLY_FOR_VECTORS_OF_A_SPECIFIC_SIZE c:\tools\eigen\include\eigen\src\core\matrix.h 265
Eigen::MatrixXf x_features(1,x_k_km1.rows()-13,x_k_km1.cols() );// = x_k_km1(14:end); x_features =x_k_km1.block(13,0,x_k_km1.rows()-13 ,x_k_km1.cols() );错误原因:使用了三个参数,真郁闷...
(1,x_k_km1.rows()-13,x_k_km1.cols() )修改为:
(x_k_km1.rows()-13,x_k_km1.cols() )就可以了!