

Given a sorted list but it is rotated. Find the start point in that list


Hey folks. I think you are all missing a very important hint that the array is sorted and rotated by some K positions. In that case we should use the binary search principle to find the reset point, which will be the minimum element in the array. Below is the complete code to demonstarte this technique that runs in O(Log N) time:

int find_reset_point(int arr[],int start ,int end)
	if (start>end)
		return -1;
	int midd;
	while (start<end)
		if (end - start <= 1)
			if (arr[start]>arr[end])
				return arr[end];
		midd = (start+end)>>1;
		if (arr[midd]>arr[start])//从中间元素开始考查,如果中间元素大于start元素,表面要搜索的点在midd到end之间
			start = midd;
			end = midd;
	return -1;
