Property |
Default |
Description |
transition |
"elastic" |
The transition type. Can be set to "elastic", "fade", or "none". |
speed |
350 |
Sets the speed of the fade and elastic transitions, in milliseconds. |
href |
false |
This can be used as an alternative anchor URL or to associate a URL for non-anchor elements such as images or form buttons.
title |
false |
This can be used as an anchor title alternative for ColorBox. |
rel |
false |
This can be used as an anchor rel alternative for ColorBox. This allows the user to group any combination of elements together for a gallery, or to override an existing rel so elements are not grouped together.
Note: The value can also be set to 'nofollow' to disable grouping. |
scalePhotos |
true |
If true, and if maxWidth, maxHeight, innerWidth, innerHeight, width, or height have been defined, ColorBox will scale photos to fit within the those values. |
scrolling |
true |
If false, ColorBox will hide scrollbars for overflowing content. This could be used on conjunction with the resize method (see below) for a smoother transition if you are appending content to an already open instance of ColorBox. |
opacity |
0.85 |
The overlay opacity level. Range: 0 to 1. |
open |
false |
If true, ColorBox will immediately open. |
returnFocus |
true |
If true, focus will be returned when ColorBox exits to the element it was launched from. |
fastIframe |
true |
If false, the loading graphic removal and onComplete event will be delayed until iframe's content has completely loaded. |
preloading |
true |
Allows for preloading of 'Next' and 'Previous' content in a group, after the current content has finished loading. Set to false to disable. |
overlayClose |
true |
If false, disables closing ColorBox by clicking on the background overlay. |
escKey |
true |
If false, will disable closing colorbox on 'esc' key press. |
arrowKey |
true |
If false, will disable the left and right arrow keys from navigating between the items in a group. |
loop |
true |
If false, will disable the ability to loop back to the beginning of the group when on the last element. |
current |
"image {current} of {total}" |
Text or HTML for the group counter while viewing a group. {current} and {total} are detected and replaced with actual numbers while ColorBox runs. |
previous |
"previous" |
Text or HTML for the previous button while viewing a group. |
next |
"next" |
Text or HTML for the next button while viewing a group. |
close |
"close" |
Text or HTML for the close button. The 'esc' key will also close ColorBox. |
data |
false |
For submitting GET or POST values through an ajax request. The data property will act exactly like jQuery's .load() data argument, as ColorBox uses .load() for ajax handling. |
Content Type |
iframe |
false |
If true, specifies that content should be displayed in an iFrame. |
inline |
false |
If true, content from the current document can be displayed by passing the href property a jQuery selector, or jQuery object.
// Using a selector:
$("#inline").colorbox({inline:true, href:"#myForm"});
// Using a jQuery object:
var $form = $("#myForm");
$("#inline").colorbox({inline:true, href:$form});
html |
false |
For displaying a string of HTML or text.
photo |
false |
If true, this setting forces ColorBox to display a link as a photo. Use this when automatic photo detection fails (such as using a url like 'photo.php' instead of 'photo.jpg') |
ajax |
This property isn't actually used as ColorBox assumes all hrefs should be treated as either ajax or photos, unless one of the other content types were specified. |
Dimensions |
width |
false |
Set a fixed total width. This includes borders and buttons. Example: "100%", "500px", or 500 |
height |
false |
Set a fixed total height. This includes borders and buttons. Example: "100%", "500px", or 500 |
innerWidth |
false |
This is an alternative to 'width' used to set a fixed inner width. This excludes borders and buttons. Example: "50%", "500px", or 500 |
innerHeight |
false |
This is an alternative to 'height' used to set a fixed inner height. This excludes borders and buttons. Example: "50%", "500px", or 500 |
initialWidth |
300 |
Set the initial width, prior to any content being loaded. |
initialHeight |
100 |
Set the initial height, prior to any content being loaded. |
maxWidth |
false |
Set a maximum width for loaded content. Example: "100%", 500, "500px" |
maxHeight |
false |
Set a maximum height for loaded content. Example: "100%", 500, "500px" |
Slideshow |
slideshow |
false |
If true, adds an automatic slideshow to a content group / gallery. |
slideshowSpeed |
2500 |
Sets the speed of the slideshow, in milliseconds. |
slideshowAuto |
true |
If true, the slideshow will automatically start to play. |
slideshowStart |
"start slideshow" |
Text for the slideshow start button. |
slideshowStop |
"stop slideshow" |
Text for the slideshow stop button |
Positioning |
fixed |
false |
If true, ColorBox will be displayed in a fixed position within the visitor's viewport. This is unlike the default absolute positioning relative to the document. |
top |
false |
Accepts a pixel or percent value (50, "50px", "10%"). Controls ColorBox's vertical positioning instead of using the default position of being centered in the viewport. |
bottom |
false |
Accepts a pixel or percent value (50, "50px", "10%"). Controls ColorBox's vertical positioning instead of using the default position of being centered in the viewport. |
left |
false |
Accepts a pixel or percent value (50, "50px", "10%"). Controls ColorBox's horizontal positioning instead of using the default position of being centered in the viewport. |
right |
false |
Accepts a pixel or percent value (50, "50px", "10%"). Controls ColorBox's horizontal positioning instead of using the default position of being centered in the viewport. |
Callbacks |
onOpen |
false |
Callback that fires right before ColorBox begins to open. |
onLoad |
false |
Callback that fires right before attempting to load the target content. |
onComplete |
false |
Callback that fires right after loaded content is displayed. |
onCleanup |
false |
Callback that fires at the start of the close process. |
onClosed |
false |
Callback that fires once ColorBox is closed. |