Cloud Design Pattern - Circuit Breaker Pattern(断路器模式)










Closed: The request from the application is routed through to the operation. The proxy maintains a count of the number of recent failures, and if the call to the operation is unsuccessful the proxy increments this count. If the number of recent failures exceeds a specified threshold within a given time period, the proxy is placed into theOpen state. At this point the proxy starts a timeout timer, and when this timer expires the proxy is placed into theHalf-Open state.

Open: The request from the application fails immediately and an exception is returned to the application.

Half-Open: A limited number of requests from the application are allowed to pass through and invoke the operation. If these requests are successful, it is assumed that the fault that was previously causing the failure has been fixed and the circuit breaker switches to the Closed state (the failure counter is reset). If any request fails, the circuit breaker assumes that the fault is still present so it reverts back to the Open state and restarts the timeout timer to give the system a further period of time to recover from the failure.

Cloud Design Pattern - Circuit Breaker Pattern(断路器模式)_第1张图片



interface ICircuitBreakerStateStore
  CircuitBreakerStateEnum State { get; }

  Exception LastException { get; }

  DateTime LastStateChangedDateUtc { get; }

  void Trip(Exception ex);

  void Reset();

  void HalfOpen();

  bool IsClosed { get; }

public class CircuitBreaker
  private readonly ICircuitBreakerStateStore stateStore =

  private readonly object halfOpenSyncObject = new object ();
  public bool IsClosed { get { return stateStore.IsClosed; } }

  public bool IsOpen { get { return !IsClosed; } }

  public void ExecuteAction(Action action)
    if (IsOpen)
      // The circuit breaker is Open.
      ... (see code sample below for details)

    // The circuit breaker is Closed, execute the action.
    catch (Exception ex)
      // If an exception still occurs here, simply 
      // re-trip the breaker immediately.

      // Throw the exception so that the caller can tell
      // the type of exception that was thrown.

  private void TrackException(Exception ex)
    // For simplicity in this example, open the circuit breaker on the first exception.
    // In reality this would be more complex. A certain type of exception, such as one
    // that indicates a service is offline, might trip the circuit breaker immediately. 
    // Alternatively it may count exceptions locally or across multiple instances and
    // use this value over time, or the exception/success ratio based on the exception
    // types, to open the circuit breaker.

    if (IsOpen)
      // The circuit breaker is Open. Check if the Open timeout has expired.
      // If it has, set the state to HalfOpen. Another approach may be to simply 
      // check for the HalfOpen state that had be set by some other operation.
      if (stateStore.LastStateChangedDateUtc + OpenToHalfOpenWaitTime < DateTime.UtcNow)
        // The Open timeout has expired. Allow one operation to execute. Note that, in
        // this example, the circuit breaker is simply set to HalfOpen after being 
        // in the Open state for some period of time. An alternative would be to set 
        // this using some other approach such as a timer, test method, manually, and 
        // so on, and simply check the state here to determine how to handle execution
        // of the action. 
        // Limit the number of threads to be executed when the breaker is HalfOpen.
        // An alternative would be to use a more complex approach to determine which
        // threads or how many are allowed to execute, or to execute a simple test 
        // method instead.
        bool lockTaken = false;
          Monitor.TryEnter(halfOpenSyncObject, ref lockTaken)
          if (lockTaken)
            // Set the circuit breaker state to HalfOpen.

            // Attempt the operation.

            // If this action succeeds, reset the state and allow other operations.
            // In reality, instead of immediately returning to the Open state, a counter
            // here would record the number of successful operations and return the
            // circuit breaker to the Open state only after a specified number succeed.
          catch (Exception ex)
            // If there is still an exception, trip the breaker again immediately.

            // Throw the exception so that the caller knows which exception occurred.
            if (lockTaken)
      // The Open timeout has not yet expired. Throw a CircuitBreakerOpen exception to
      // inform the caller that the caller that the call was not actually attempted, 
      // and return the most recent exception received.
      throw new CircuitBreakerOpenException(stateStore.LastException);

var breaker = new CircuitBreaker();

  breaker.ExecuteAction(() =>
    // Operation protected by the circuit breaker.
catch (CircuitBreakerOpenException ex)
  // Perform some different action when the breaker is open.
  // Last exception details are in the inner exception.
catch (Exception ex)

The following patterns may also be relevant when implementing this pattern:

Retry Pattern. The Retry pattern is a useful adjunct to the Circuit Breaker pattern. It describes how an application can handle anticipated temporary failures when it attempts to connect to a service or network resource by transparently retrying an operation that has previously failed in the expectation that the cause of the failure is transient.

Health Endpoint Monitoring Pattern. A circuit breaker may be able to test the health of a service by sending a request to an endpoint exposed by the service. The service should return information indicating its status.


Circuit Breaker Pattern
