因为 dubbox 并没有发布到maven中央仓库仓库中,所以需要我们自己到官网下载,自己编译,install 到本地。
1. 首先安装git客户端工具 TortoiseGit, 然后使用它将 dubbox 从官网github地址:https://github.com/dangdangdotcom/dubbox clone到本地:
2. 使用mvn 编译:
在cmd 中执行:
E:\Java_book\dubbo\dubbox\dubbox>mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary: [INFO] [INFO] dubbo-parent ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.644 s] [INFO] Hessian Lite(Alibaba embed version) ................ SUCCESS [ 0.982 s] [INFO] dubbo-common ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.744 s] [INFO] dubbo-container .................................... SUCCESS [ 0.013 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-api ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.127 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-spring ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.100 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-javaconfig ......................... SUCCESS [ 0.068 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-jetty .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.062 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-log4j .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.072 s] [INFO] dubbo-container-logback ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.081 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting ..................................... SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-api ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.317 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-netty ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.105 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-mina ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.086 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-grizzly ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.092 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-p2p ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.120 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-http ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.097 s] [INFO] dubbo-remoting-zookeeper ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.121 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc .......................................... SUCCESS [ 0.011 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-api ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.233 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-default .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.157 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-injvm .................................... SUCCESS [ 0.064 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-rmi ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.071 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-hessian .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.098 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-http ..................................... SUCCESS [ 0.079 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-webservice ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.145 s] [INFO] dubbo-cluster ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.226 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry ..................................... SUCCESS [ 0.008 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-api ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.109 s] [INFO] dubbo-monitor ...................................... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] dubbo-monitor-api .................................. SUCCESS [ 0.064 s] [INFO] dubbo-filter ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.009 s] [INFO] dubbo-filter-validation ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.075 s] [INFO] dubbo-filter-cache ................................. SUCCESS [ 0.091 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-default ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.076 s] [INFO] dubbo-monitor-default .............................. SUCCESS [ 0.073 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-multicast ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.063 s] [INFO] dubbo-config ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] [INFO] dubbo-config-api ................................... SUCCESS [ 0.139 s] [INFO] dubbo-config-spring ................................ SUCCESS [ 0.099 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-thrift ................................... SUCCESS [ 4.075 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-memcached ................................ SUCCESS [ 2.741 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-redis .................................... SUCCESS [ 2.312 s] [INFO] dubbo-rpc-rest ..................................... SUCCESS [ 23.272 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-zookeeper ........................... SUCCESS [ 1.666 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-redis ............................... SUCCESS [ 1.792 s] [INFO] dubbo .............................................. SUCCESS [ 26.157 s] [INFO] dubbo-simple ....................................... SUCCESS [ 0.010 s] [INFO] dubbo-registry-simple .............................. SUCCESS [ 50.771 s] [INFO] dubbo-monitor-simple ............................... SUCCESS [ 26.226 s] [INFO] dubbo-admin ........................................ SUCCESS [ 56.042 s] [INFO] dubbo-demo ......................................... SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] [INFO] dubbo-demo-api ..................................... SUCCESS [ 14.156 s] [INFO] dubbo-demo-provider ................................ SUCCESS [ 6.241 s] [INFO] dubbo-demo-consumer ................................ SUCCESS [ 24.484 s] [INFO] dubbo-test ......................................... SUCCESS [ 0.012 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-benchmark ............................... SUCCESS [ 8.547 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-compatibility ........................... SUCCESS [ 0.062 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-integration ............................. SUCCESS [ 0.077 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-examples ................................ SUCCESS [ 5.373 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-benchmark-api ........................... SUCCESS [ 1.620 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-benchmark-server ........................ SUCCESS [ 24.342 s] [INFO] dubbo-test-benchmark-client ........................ SUCCESS [ 24.110 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 05:11 min [INFO] Finished at: 2016-02-22T20:32:27+08:00 [INFO] Final Memory: 38M/157M [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
在各个项目的 target 目录下,会生成 对应的 jar 文件:
3. 测试 dubbox:
先转换成 eclipse 项目,执行下面的命令:
E:\Java_book\dubbo\dubbox\dubbox>mvn eclipse:eclipse
然后导入 eclipse。
然后启动 zookeeper:
1) E:\mycat\zookeeper-3.4.6\bin>zkServer.cmd
2) 运行 dubbo-demo-provider\src\test\java\com\alibaba\dubbo\demo\provider\DemoProvider.java
其中的 Error 不用管,没有关系。
到这里表示 dubbox 的服务成功注册到 zookeeper 中,下面测试服务消费者:
3) 运行:dubbo-demo-consumer\src\test\java\com\alibaba\dubbo\demo\consumer\DemoConsumer.java
[22/02/16 09:18:20:020 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The HTTP headers are: Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Content-Type: application/json , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: Writer interceptor invoked Dynamic writer interceptor invoked [22/02/16 09:18:21:021 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The contents of response body is: {"id":1,"username":"larrypage"} , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The HTTP headers are: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:18:22 GMT Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Transfer-Encoding: chunked , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: Client response filter invoked Reader interceptor invoked Dynamic reader interceptor invoked [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The contents of request body is: {"id":9} , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: SUCCESS: registered user with id 9 Client request filter invoked [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The HTTP headers are: Accept: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The HTTP headers are: Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8 Date: Mon, 22 Feb 2016 13:18:22 GMT Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1 Transfer-Encoding: chunked , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: Client response filter invoked Reader interceptor invoked Dynamic reader interceptor invoked [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO support.LoggingFilter: [DUBBO] The contents of request body is: {"id":1,"username":"username1"} , dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: SUCCESS: got user User (id=1, name='username1') [22/02/16 09:18:22:022 CST] main INFO container.Main: [DUBBO] Dubbo SpringContainer started!, dubbo version: 2.0.0, current host: [2016-02-22 21:18:22] Dubbo service server started!
SUCCESS: got user User (id=1, name='username1')
rest 调用成功。
这里 编译和测试的 master 分支,实际应用时我们一般下载官方的release版本,比如: