clc; RGB=imread('fruit.jpg'); %输入彩色图像,得到三维数组 R=RGB(:,:,1); %分别取三维数组的一维,得到红绿蓝三个分量 G=RGB(:,:,2); %为R G B B=RGB(:,:,3); subplot(4,2,1),imshow(RGB); %绘制各分量的图像及其直方图 title('原始真彩色图像'); subplot(4,2,3),imshow(R); title('真彩色图像的红色分量'); subplot(4,2,4), imhist(R); title('真彩色图像的红色分量直方图'); subplot(4,2,5),imshow(G); title('真彩色图像的绿色分量'); subplot(4,2,6), imhist(G); title('真彩色图像的绿色分量直方图'); subplot(4,2,7),imshow(B); title('真彩色图像的蓝色分量'); subplot(4,2,8), imhist(B); title('真彩色图像的蓝色分量直方图'); r=histeq(R); %对个分量直方图均衡化,得到个分量均衡化图像 g=histeq(G); b=histeq(B); figure, subplot(3,2,1),imshow(r); title('红色分量均衡化后图像'); subplot(3,2,2), imhist(r); title('红色分量均衡化后图像直方图'); subplot(3,2,3),imshow(g); title('绿色分量均衡化后图像'); subplot(3,2,4), imhist(g); title('绿色分量均衡化后图像直方图'); subplot(3,2,5), imshow(b); title('蓝色分量均衡化后图像'); subplot(3,2,6), imhist(b); title('蓝色分量均衡化后图像直方图'); figure, %通过均衡化后的图像还原输出原图像 newimg = cat(3,r,g,b); imshow(newimg,[]); title('均衡化后分量图像还原输出原图');
% BFILTER2 Two dimensional bilateral filtering. % This function implements 2-D bilateral filtering using % the method outlined in: % % C. Tomasi and R. Manduchi. Bilateral Filtering for % Gray and Color Images. In Proceedings of the IEEE % International Conference on Computer Vision, 1998. % % B = bfilter2(A,W,SIGMA) performs 2-D bilateral filtering % for the grayscale or color image A. A should be a double % precision matrix of size NxMx1 or NxMx3 (i.e., grayscale % or color images, respectively) with normalized values in % the closed interval [0,1]. The half-size of the Gaussian % bilateral filter window is defined by W. The standard % deviations of the bilateral filter are given by SIGMA, % where the spatial-domain standard deviation is given by % SIGMA(1) and the intensity-domain standard deviation is % given by SIGMA(2). % % Douglas R. Lanman, Brown University, September 2006. % [email protected], http://mesh.brown.edu/dlanman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Pre-process input and select appropriate filter. function B = bfilter2(A,w,sigma) % Verify that the input image exists and is valid. if ~exist('A','var') || isempty(A) error('Input image A is undefined or invalid.'); end if ~isfloat(A) || ~sum([1,3] == size(A,3)) || ... min(A(:)) < 0 || max(A(:)) > 1 error(['Input image A must be a double precision ',... 'matrix of size NxMx1 or NxMx3 on the closed ',... 'interval [0,1].']); end % Verify bilateral filter window size. if ~exist('w','var') || isempty(w) || ... numel(w) ~= 1 || w < 1 w = 5; end w = ceil(w); % Verify bilateral filter standard deviations. if ~exist('sigma','var') || isempty(sigma) || ... numel(sigma) ~= 2 || sigma(1) <= 0 || sigma(2) <= 0 sigma = [3 0.1]; end % Apply either grayscale or color bilateral filtering. if size(A,3) == 1 B = bfltGray(A,w,sigma(1),sigma(2)); else B = bfltColor(A,w,sigma(1),sigma(2)); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Implements bilateral filtering for grayscale images. function B = bfltGray(A,w,sigma_d,sigma_r) % Pre-compute Gaussian distance weights. [X,Y] = meshgrid(-w:w,-w:w); G = exp(-(X.^2+Y.^2)/(2*sigma_d^2)); % Create waitbar. h = waitbar(0,'Applying bilateral filter...'); set(h,'Name','Bilateral Filter Progress'); % Apply bilateral filter. dim = size(A); B = zeros(dim); for i = 1:dim(1) for j = 1:dim(2) % Extract local region. iMin = max(i-w,1); iMax = min(i+w,dim(1)); jMin = max(j-w,1); jMax = min(j+w,dim(2)); I = A(iMin:iMax,jMin:jMax); % Compute Gaussian intensity weights. H = exp(-(I-A(i,j)).^2/(2*sigma_r^2)); % Calculate bilateral filter response. F = H.*G((iMin:iMax)-i+w+1,(jMin:jMax)-j+w+1); B(i,j) = sum(F(:).*I(:))/sum(F(:)); end waitbar(i/dim(1)); end % Close waitbar. close(h); %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Implements bilateral filter for color images. function B = bfltColor(A,w,sigma_d,sigma_r) % Convert input sRGB image to CIELab color space. if exist('applycform','file') A = applycform(A,makecform('srgb2lab')); else A = colorspace('Lab<-RGB',A); end % Pre-compute Gaussian domain weights. [X,Y] = meshgrid(-w:w,-w:w); G = exp(-(X.^2+Y.^2)/(2*sigma_d^2)); % Rescale range variance (using maximum luminance). sigma_r = 100*sigma_r; % Create waitbar. h = waitbar(0,'Applying bilateral filter...'); set(h,'Name','Bilateral Filter Progress'); % Apply bilateral filter. dim = size(A); B = zeros(dim); for i = 1:dim(1) for j = 1:dim(2) % Extract local region. iMin = max(i-w,1); iMax = min(i+w,dim(1)); jMin = max(j-w,1); jMax = min(j+w,dim(2)); I = A(iMin:iMax,jMin:jMax,:); % Compute Gaussian range weights. dL = I(:,:,1)-A(i,j,1); da = I(:,:,2)-A(i,j,2); db = I(:,:,3)-A(i,j,3); H = exp(-(dL.^2+da.^2+db.^2)/(2*sigma_r^2)); % Calculate bilateral filter response. F = H.*G((iMin:iMax)-i+w+1,(jMin:jMax)-j+w+1); norm_F = sum(F(:)); B(i,j,1) = sum(sum(F.*I(:,:,1)))/norm_F; B(i,j,2) = sum(sum(F.*I(:,:,2)))/norm_F; B(i,j,3) = sum(sum(F.*I(:,:,3)))/norm_F; end waitbar(i/dim(1)); end % Convert filtered image back to sRGB color space. if exist('applycform','file') B = applycform(B,makecform('lab2srgb')); else B = colorspace('RGB<-Lab',B); end % Close waitbar. close(h);cartoon.m
function C = cartoon(A) % CARTOON Image abstraction using bilateral filtering. % This function uses the bilateral filter to abstract % an image following the method outlined in: % % Holger Winnemoller, Sven C. Olsen, and Bruce Gooch. % Real-Time Video Abstraction. In Proceedings of ACM % SIGGRAPH, 2006. % % C = cartoon(A) modifies the color image A to have a % cartoon-like appearance. A must be a double precision % matrix of size NxMx3 with normalized values in the % closed interval [0,1]. Default filtering parameters % are defined in CARTOON.M. % % Douglas R. Lanman, Brown University, September 2006. % [email protected], http://mesh.brown.edu/dlanman %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Set the image abstraction parameters. % Set bilateral filter parameters. w = 5; % bilateral filter half-width sigma = [3 0.1]; % bilateral filter standard deviations % Set image abstraction paramters. max_gradient = 0.2; % maximum gradient (for edges) sharpness_levels = [3 14]; % soft quantization sharpness quant_levels = 8; % number of quantization levels min_edge_strength = 0.3; % minimum gradient (for edges) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Verify that the input image exists and is valid. if ~exist('A','var') || isempty(A) error('Input image A is undefined or invalid.'); end if ~isfloat(A) || size(A,3) ~= 3 || ... min(A(:)) < 0 || max(A(:)) > 1 error(['Input image A must be a double precision ',... 'matrix of size NxMx3 on the closed ',... 'interval [0,1].']); end % Apply bilateral filter to input image. B = bfilter2(A,w,sigma); % Convert sRGB image to CIELab color space. if exist('applycform','file') B = applycform(B,makecform('srgb2lab')); else B = colorspace('Lab<-RGB',B); end % Determine gradient magnitude of luminance. [GX,GY] = gradient(B(:,:,1)/100); G = sqrt(GX.^2+GY.^2); G(G>max_gradient) = max_gradient; G = G/max_gradient; % Create a simple edge map using the gradient magnitudes. E = G; E(E<min_edge_strength) = 0; % Determine per-pixel "sharpening" parameter. S = diff(sharpness_levels)*G+sharpness_levels(1); % Apply soft luminance quantization. qB = B; dq = 100/(quant_levels-1); qB(:,:,1) = (1/dq)*qB(:,:,1); qB(:,:,1) = dq*round(qB(:,:,1)); qB(:,:,1) = qB(:,:,1)+(dq/2)*tanh(S.*(B(:,:,1)-qB(:,:,1))); % Transform back to sRGB color space. if exist('applycform','file') Q = applycform(qB,makecform('lab2srgb')); else Q = colorspace('RGB<-Lab',qB); end % Add gradient edges to quantized bilaterally-filtered image. C = repmat(1-E,[1 1 3]).*Q;colorspace.m
function varargout = colorspace(Conversion,varargin) %COLORSPACE Convert a color image between color representations. % B = COLORSPACE(S,A) converts the color representation of image A % where S is a string specifying the conversion. S tells the % source and destination color spaces, S = 'dest<-src', or % alternatively, S = 'src->dest'. Supported color spaces are % % 'RGB' R'G'B' Red Green Blue (ITU-R BT.709 gamma-corrected) % 'YPbPr' Luma (ITU-R BT.601) + Chroma % 'YCbCr'/'YCC' Luma + Chroma ("digitized" version of Y'PbPr) % 'YUV' NTSC PAL Y'UV Luma + Chroma % 'YIQ' NTSC Y'IQ Luma + Chroma % 'YDbDr' SECAM Y'DbDr Luma + Chroma % 'JPEGYCbCr' JPEG-Y'CbCr Luma + Chroma % 'HSV'/'HSB' Hue Saturation Value/Brightness % 'HSL'/'HLS'/'HSI' Hue Saturation Luminance/Intensity % 'XYZ' CIE XYZ % 'Lab' CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) % 'Luv' CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) % 'Lch' CIE L*ch (CIELCH) % % All conversions assume 2 degree observer and D65 illuminant. Color % space names are case insensitive. When R'G'B' is the source or % destination, it can be omitted. For example 'yuv<-' is short for % 'yuv<-rgb'. % % MATLAB uses two standard data formats for R'G'B': double data with % intensities in the range 0 to 1, and uint8 data with integer-valued % intensities from 0 to 255. As MATLAB's native datatype, double data is % the natural choice, and the R'G'B' format used by colorspace. However, % for memory and computational performance, some functions also operate % with uint8 R'G'B'. Given uint8 R'G'B' color data, colorspace will % first cast it to double R'G'B' before processing. % % If A is an Mx3 array, like a colormap, B will also have size Mx3. % % [B1,B2,B3] = COLORSPACE(S,A) specifies separate output channels. % COLORSPACE(S,A1,A2,A3) specifies separate input channels. % Pascal Getreuer 2005-2006 %%% Input parsing %%% if nargin < 2, error('Not enough input arguments.'); end [SrcSpace,DestSpace] = parse(Conversion); if nargin == 2 Image = varargin{1}; elseif nargin >= 3 Image = cat(3,varargin{:}); else error('Invalid number of input arguments.'); end FlipDims = (size(Image,3) == 1); if FlipDims, Image = permute(Image,[1,3,2]); end if ~isa(Image,'double'), Image = double(Image)/255; end if size(Image,3) ~= 3, error('Invalid input size.'); end SrcT = gettransform(SrcSpace); DestT = gettransform(DestSpace); if ~ischar(SrcT) & ~ischar(DestT) % Both source and destination transforms are affine, so they % can be composed into one affine operation T = [DestT(:,1:3)*SrcT(:,1:3),DestT(:,1:3)*SrcT(:,4)+DestT(:,4)]; Temp = zeros(size(Image)); Temp(:,:,1) = T(1)*Image(:,:,1) + T(4)*Image(:,:,2) + T(7)*Image(:,:,3) + T(10); Temp(:,:,2) = T(2)*Image(:,:,1) + T(5)*Image(:,:,2) + T(8)*Image(:,:,3) + T(11); Temp(:,:,3) = T(3)*Image(:,:,1) + T(6)*Image(:,:,2) + T(9)*Image(:,:,3) + T(12); Image = Temp; elseif ~ischar(DestT) Image = rgb(Image,SrcSpace); Temp = zeros(size(Image)); Temp(:,:,1) = DestT(1)*Image(:,:,1) + DestT(4)*Image(:,:,2) + DestT(7)*Image(:,:,3) + DestT(10); Temp(:,:,2) = DestT(2)*Image(:,:,1) + DestT(5)*Image(:,:,2) + DestT(8)*Image(:,:,3) + DestT(11); Temp(:,:,3) = DestT(3)*Image(:,:,1) + DestT(6)*Image(:,:,2) + DestT(9)*Image(:,:,3) + DestT(12); Image = Temp; else Image = feval(DestT,Image,SrcSpace); end %%% Output format %%% if nargout > 1 varargout = {Image(:,:,1),Image(:,:,2),Image(:,:,3)}; else if FlipDims, Image = permute(Image,[1,3,2]); end varargout = {Image}; end return; function [SrcSpace,DestSpace] = parse(Str) % Parse conversion argument if isstr(Str) Str = lower(strrep(strrep(Str,'-',''),' ','')); k = find(Str == '>'); if length(k) == 1 % Interpret the form 'src->dest' SrcSpace = Str(1:k-1); DestSpace = Str(k+1:end); else k = find(Str == '<'); if length(k) == 1 % Interpret the form 'dest<-src' DestSpace = Str(1:k-1); SrcSpace = Str(k+1:end); else error(['Invalid conversion, ''',Str,'''.']); end end SrcSpace = alias(SrcSpace); DestSpace = alias(DestSpace); else SrcSpace = 1; % No source pre-transform DestSpace = Conversion; if any(size(Conversion) ~= 3), error('Transformation matrix must be 3x3.'); end end return; function Space = alias(Space) Space = strrep(Space,'cie',''); if isempty(Space) Space = 'rgb'; end switch Space case {'ycbcr','ycc'} Space = 'ycbcr'; case {'hsv','hsb'} Space = 'hsv'; case {'hsl','hsi','hls'} Space = 'hsl'; case {'rgb','yuv','yiq','ydbdr','ycbcr','jpegycbcr','xyz','lab','luv','lch'} return; end return; function T = gettransform(Space) % Get a colorspace transform: either a matrix describing an affine transform, % or a string referring to a conversion subroutine switch Space case 'ypbpr' T = [0.299,0.587,0.114,0;-0.1687367,-0.331264,0.5,0;0.5,-0.418688,-0.081312,0]; case 'yuv' % R'G'B' to NTSC/PAL YUV % Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YUV T = [0.299,0.587,0.114,0;-0.147,-0.289,0.436,0;0.615,-0.515,-0.100,0]; case 'ydbdr' % R'G'B' to SECAM YDbDr % Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YDbDr T = [0.299,0.587,0.114,0;-0.450,-0.883,1.333,0;-1.333,1.116,0.217,0]; case 'yiq' % R'G'B' in [0,1] to NTSC YIQ in [0,1];[-0.595716,0.595716];[-0.522591,0.522591]; % Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YIQ T = [0.299,0.587,0.114,0;0.595716,-0.274453,-0.321263,0;0.211456,-0.522591,0.311135,0]; case 'ycbcr' % R'G'B' (range [0,1]) to ITU-R BRT.601 (CCIR 601) Y'CbCr % Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr % Poynton, Equation 3, scaling of R'G'B to Y'PbPr conversion T = [65.481,128.553,24.966,16;-37.797,-74.203,112.0,128;112.0,-93.786,-18.214,128]; case 'jpegycbcr' % Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YCbCr T = [0.299,0.587,0.114,0;-0.168736,-0.331264,0.5,0.5;0.5,-0.418688,-0.081312,0.5]*255; case {'rgb','xyz','hsv','hsl','lab','luv','lch'} T = Space; otherwise error(['Unknown color space, ''',Space,'''.']); end return; function Image = rgb(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to Rec. 709 R'G'B' from 'SrcSpace' switch SrcSpace case 'rgb' return; case 'hsv' % Convert HSV to R'G'B' Image = huetorgb((1 - Image(:,:,2)).*Image(:,:,3),Image(:,:,3),Image(:,:,1)); case 'hsl' % Convert HSL to R'G'B' L = Image(:,:,3); Delta = Image(:,:,2).*min(L,1-L); Image = huetorgb(L-Delta,L+Delta,Image(:,:,1)); case {'xyz','lab','luv','lch'} % Convert to CIE XYZ Image = xyz(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert XYZ to RGB T = [3.240479,-1.53715,-0.498535;-0.969256,1.875992,0.041556;0.055648,-0.204043,1.057311]; R = T(1)*Image(:,:,1) + T(4)*Image(:,:,2) + T(7)*Image(:,:,3); % R G = T(2)*Image(:,:,1) + T(5)*Image(:,:,2) + T(8)*Image(:,:,3); % G B = T(3)*Image(:,:,1) + T(6)*Image(:,:,2) + T(9)*Image(:,:,3); % B % Desaturate and rescale to constrain resulting RGB values to [0,1] AddWhite = -min(min(min(R,G),B),0); Scale = max(max(max(R,G),B)+AddWhite,1); R = (R + AddWhite)./Scale; G = (G + AddWhite)./Scale; B = (B + AddWhite)./Scale; % Apply gamma correction to convert RGB to Rec. 709 R'G'B' Image(:,:,1) = gammacorrection(R); % R' Image(:,:,2) = gammacorrection(G); % G' Image(:,:,3) = gammacorrection(B); % B' otherwise % Conversion is through an affine transform T = gettransform(SrcSpace); temp = inv(T(:,1:3)); T = [temp,-temp*T(:,4)]; R = T(1)*Image(:,:,1) + T(4)*Image(:,:,2) + T(7)*Image(:,:,3) + T(10); G = T(2)*Image(:,:,1) + T(5)*Image(:,:,2) + T(8)*Image(:,:,3) + T(11); B = T(3)*Image(:,:,1) + T(6)*Image(:,:,2) + T(9)*Image(:,:,3) + T(12); AddWhite = -min(min(min(R,G),B),0); Scale = max(max(max(R,G),B)+AddWhite,1); R = (R + AddWhite)./Scale; G = (G + AddWhite)./Scale; B = (B + AddWhite)./Scale; Image(:,:,1) = R; Image(:,:,2) = G; Image(:,:,3) = B; end % Clip to [0,1] Image = min(max(Image,0),1); return; function Image = xyz(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to CIE XYZ from 'SrcSpace' WhitePoint = [0.950456,1,1.088754]; switch SrcSpace case 'xyz' return; case 'luv' % Convert CIE L*uv to XYZ WhitePointU = (4*WhitePoint(1))./(WhitePoint(1) + 15*WhitePoint(2) + 3*WhitePoint(3)); WhitePointV = (9*WhitePoint(2))./(WhitePoint(1) + 15*WhitePoint(2) + 3*WhitePoint(3)); L = Image(:,:,1); Y = (L + 16)/116; Y = invf(Y)*WhitePoint(2); U = Image(:,:,2)./(13*L + 1e-6*(L==0)) + WhitePointU; V = Image(:,:,3)./(13*L + 1e-6*(L==0)) + WhitePointV; Image(:,:,1) = -(9*Y.*U)./((U-4).*V - U.*V); % X Image(:,:,2) = Y; % Y Image(:,:,3) = (9*Y - (15*V.*Y) - (V.*Image(:,:,1)))./(3*V); % Z case {'lab','lch'} Image = lab(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert CIE L*ab to XYZ fY = (Image(:,:,1) + 16)/116; fX = fY + Image(:,:,2)/500; fZ = fY - Image(:,:,3)/200; Image(:,:,1) = WhitePoint(1)*invf(fX); % X Image(:,:,2) = WhitePoint(2)*invf(fY); % Y Image(:,:,3) = WhitePoint(3)*invf(fZ); % Z otherwise % Convert from some gamma-corrected space % Convert to Rec. 701 R'G'B' Image = rgb(Image,SrcSpace); % Undo gamma correction R = invgammacorrection(Image(:,:,1)); G = invgammacorrection(Image(:,:,2)); B = invgammacorrection(Image(:,:,3)); % Convert RGB to XYZ T = inv([3.240479,-1.53715,-0.498535;-0.969256,1.875992,0.041556;0.055648,-0.204043,1.057311]); Image(:,:,1) = T(1)*R + T(4)*G + T(7)*B; % X Image(:,:,2) = T(2)*R + T(5)*G + T(8)*B; % Y Image(:,:,3) = T(3)*R + T(6)*G + T(9)*B; % Z end return; function Image = hsv(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to HSV Image = rgb(Image,SrcSpace); V = max(Image,[],3); S = (V - min(Image,[],3))./(V + (V == 0)); Image(:,:,1) = rgbtohue(Image); Image(:,:,2) = S; Image(:,:,3) = V; return; function Image = hsl(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to HSL switch SrcSpace case 'hsv' % Convert HSV to HSL MaxVal = Image(:,:,3); MinVal = (1 - Image(:,:,2)).*MaxVal; L = 0.5*(MaxVal + MinVal); temp = min(L,1-L); Image(:,:,2) = 0.5*(MaxVal - MinVal)./(temp + (temp == 0)); Image(:,:,3) = L; otherwise Image = rgb(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert to Rec. 701 R'G'B' % Convert R'G'B' to HSL MinVal = min(Image,[],3); MaxVal = max(Image,[],3); L = 0.5*(MaxVal + MinVal); temp = min(L,1-L); S = 0.5*(MaxVal - MinVal)./(temp + (temp == 0)); Image(:,:,1) = rgbtohue(Image); Image(:,:,2) = S; Image(:,:,3) = L; end return; function Image = lab(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to CIE L*a*b* (CIELAB) WhitePoint = [0.950456,1,1.088754]; switch SrcSpace case 'lab' return; case 'lch' % Convert CIE L*CH to CIE L*ab C = Image(:,:,2); Image(:,:,2) = cos(Image(:,:,3)*pi/180).*C; % a* Image(:,:,3) = sin(Image(:,:,3)*pi/180).*C; % b* otherwise Image = xyz(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert to XYZ % Convert XYZ to CIE L*a*b* X = Image(:,:,1)/WhitePoint(1); Y = Image(:,:,2)/WhitePoint(2); Z = Image(:,:,3)/WhitePoint(3); fX = f(X); fY = f(Y); fZ = f(Z); Image(:,:,1) = 116*fY - 16; % L* Image(:,:,2) = 500*(fX - fY); % a* Image(:,:,3) = 200*(fY - fZ); % b* end return; function Image = luv(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to CIE L*u*v* (CIELUV) WhitePoint = [0.950456,1,1.088754]; WhitePointU = (4*WhitePoint(1))./(WhitePoint(1) + 15*WhitePoint(2) + 3*WhitePoint(3)); WhitePointV = (9*WhitePoint(2))./(WhitePoint(1) + 15*WhitePoint(2) + 3*WhitePoint(3)); Image = xyz(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert to XYZ U = (4*Image(:,:,1))./(Image(:,:,1) + 15*Image(:,:,2) + 3*Image(:,:,3)); V = (9*Image(:,:,2))./(Image(:,:,1) + 15*Image(:,:,2) + 3*Image(:,:,3)); Y = Image(:,:,2)/WhitePoint(2); L = 116*f(Y) - 16; Image(:,:,1) = L; % L* Image(:,:,2) = 13*L.*(U - WhitePointU); % u* Image(:,:,3) = 13*L.*(V - WhitePointV); % v* return; function Image = lch(Image,SrcSpace) % Convert to CIE L*ch Image = lab(Image,SrcSpace); % Convert to CIE L*ab H = atan2(Image(:,:,3),Image(:,:,2)); H = H*180/pi + 360*(H < 0); Image(:,:,2) = sqrt(Image(:,:,2).^2 + Image(:,:,3).^2); % C Image(:,:,3) = H; % H return; function Image = huetorgb(m0,m2,H) % Convert HSV or HSL hue to RGB N = size(H); H = min(max(H(:),0),360)/60; m0 = m0(:); m2 = m2(:); F = H - round(H/2)*2; M = [m0, m0 + (m2-m0).*abs(F), m2]; Num = length(m0); j = [2 1 0;1 2 0;0 2 1;0 1 2;1 0 2;2 0 1;2 1 0]*Num; k = floor(H) + 1; Image = reshape([M(j(k,1)+(1:Num).'),M(j(k,2)+(1:Num).'),M(j(k,3)+(1:Num).')],[N,3]); return; function H = rgbtohue(Image) % Convert RGB to HSV or HSL hue [M,i] = sort(Image,3); i = i(:,:,3); Delta = M(:,:,3) - M(:,:,1); Delta = Delta + (Delta == 0); R = Image(:,:,1); G = Image(:,:,2); B = Image(:,:,3); H = zeros(size(R)); k = (i == 1); H(k) = (G(k) - B(k))./Delta(k); k = (i == 2); H(k) = 2 + (B(k) - R(k))./Delta(k); k = (i == 3); H(k) = 4 + (R(k) - G(k))./Delta(k); H = 60*H + 360*(H < 0); H(Delta == 0) = nan; return; function Rp = gammacorrection(R) Rp = real(1.099*R.^0.45 - 0.099); i = (R < 0.018); Rp(i) = 4.5138*R(i); return; function R = invgammacorrection(Rp) R = real(((Rp + 0.099)/1.099).^(1/0.45)); i = (R < 0.018); R(i) = Rp(i)/4.5138; return; function fY = f(Y) fY = real(Y.^(1/3)); i = (Y < 0.008856); fY(i) = Y(i)*(841/108) + (4/29); return; function Y = invf(fY) Y = fY.^3; i = (Y < 0.008856); Y(i) = (fY(i) - 4/29)*(108/841); return;runDemo.m
% RUNDEMO Illustrates the use of BFILTER2 and CARTOON. % This demo shows typical usage for the bilateral % filter implemented by BFILTER2. The application % of bilateral filtering to image abstraction is % demonstrated by the CARTOON function. % % Douglas R. Lanman, Brown University, September 2006. % [email protected], http://mesh.brown.edu/dlanman % Load test images. % Note: Must be double precision in the interval [0,1]. img1 = double(imread('einstein.jpg'))/255; img2 = double(imread('mandrill.jpg'))/255; img3 = double(imread('academy.jpg'))/255; % Introduce AWGN into test images. % Note: This will show the benefit of bilateral filtering. img1 = img1+0.03*randn(size(img1)); img2 = img2+0.03*randn(size(img2)); img1(img1<0) = 0; img1(img1>1) = 1; img2(img2<0) = 0; img2(img2>1) = 1; % Set bilateral filter parameters. w = 5; % bilateral filter half-width sigma = [3 0.1]; % bilateral filter standard deviations % Apply bilateral filter to each image. bflt_img1 = bfilter2(img1,w,sigma); bflt_img2 = bfilter2(img2,w,sigma); % Display grayscale input image and filtered output. figure(1); clf; set(gcf,'Name','Grayscale Bilateral Filtering Results'); subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(img1); axis image; colormap gray; title('Input Image'); subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bflt_img1); axis image; colormap gray; title('Result of Bilateral Filtering'); % Display color input image and filtered output. figure(2); clf; set(gcf,'Name','Color Bilateral Filtering Results'); subplot(1,2,1); imagesc(img2); axis image; colormap gray; title('Input Image'); subplot(1,2,2); imagesc(bflt_img2); axis image; title('Result of Bilateral Filtering'); drawnow; % Apply bilateral filter for a "cartoon" effect. cartoon_img3 = cartoon(img3); % Display color input image and abstracted output. figure(3); clf; set(gcf,'Name','Image Abstraction Input'); imagesc(img3); axis image; title('Input Image'); figure(4); clf; set(gcf,'Name','Result of Image Abstraction'); imagesc(cartoon_img3); axis image; title('Abstracted Image');
% % 图像的模糊增强 % % 准备工作 % x=imread('lena.bmp'); [M,N]=size(x); x1=double(x); % % 基本参数 % Fd=0.8; FD=-1*Fd; % Fe=128; Fe=128; Xmax=255; % % 模糊特征平面 % for i=1:M for j=1:N P(i,j)=(1+(Xmax-x1(i,j))/Fe)^FD; end end % % 模糊增强 % times=1; for k=1:times for i=1:M for j=1:N if P(i,j) <= 0.5000 P1(i,j)=2*P(i,j)^2; else P1(i,j)=1-2*(1-P(i,j))^2; end end end P=P1; end % % 反模糊化 % for i=1:M for j=1:N I(i,j)=Xmax-Fe*((1/P(i,j))^(1/Fd)-1); end end X=uint8(I); figure,imshow(x); figure,imshow(X);