static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Press any key to start the server!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine(); var bootstrap = BootstrapFactory.CreateBootstrap(); if (!bootstrap.Initialize()) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to initialize!"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } var result = bootstrap.Start(); Console.WriteLine("Start result: {0}!", result); if (result == StartResult.Failed) { Console.WriteLine("Failed to start!"); Console.ReadKey(); return; } Console.WriteLine("Press key 'q' to stop it!"); while (Console.ReadKey().KeyChar != 'q') { Console.WriteLine(); continue; } Console.WriteLine(); //Stop the appServer bootstrap.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("The server was stopped!"); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool Initialize() { return Initialize(c => c); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration and config resolver. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverConfigResolver">The server config resolver.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool Initialize(Func<IServerConfig, IServerConfig> serverConfigResolver) { return Initialize(serverConfigResolver, null); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes the bootstrap with the configuration, config resolver and log factory. /// </summary> /// <param name="serverConfigResolver">The server config resolver.</param> /// <param name="logFactory">The log factory.</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual bool Initialize(Func<IServerConfig, IServerConfig> serverConfigResolver, ILogFactory logFactory) { if (m_Initialized) throw new Exception("The server had been initialized already, you cannot initialize it again!"); if (logFactory != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_Config.LogFactory)) { throw new ArgumentException("You cannot pass in a logFactory parameter, if you have configured a root log factory.", "logFactory"); } IEnumerable<WorkItemFactoryInfo> workItemFactories; using (var factoryInfoLoader = GetWorkItemFactoryInfoLoader(m_Config, logFactory)) { var bootstrapLogFactory = factoryInfoLoader.GetBootstrapLogFactory(); logFactory = bootstrapLogFactory.ExportFactory.CreateExport<ILogFactory>(); LogFactory = logFactory; m_GlobalLog = logFactory.GetLog(this.GetType().Name); AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException += new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException); try { workItemFactories = factoryInfoLoader.LoadResult(serverConfigResolver); } catch (Exception e) { if (m_GlobalLog.IsErrorEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Error(e); return false; } } m_AppServers = new List<IWorkItem>(m_Config.Servers.Count()); IWorkItem serverManager = null; //Initialize servers foreach (var factoryInfo in workItemFactories) { IWorkItem appServer = InitializeAndSetupWorkItem(factoryInfo); if (appServer == null) return false; if (factoryInfo.IsServerManager) serverManager = appServer; else if (!(appServer is IsolationAppServer))//No isolation { //In isolation mode, cannot check whether is server manager in the factory info loader if (TypeValidator.IsServerManagerType(appServer.GetType())) serverManager = appServer; } m_AppServers.Add(appServer); } if (serverManager != null) m_ServerManager = serverManager; if (!m_Config.DisablePerformanceDataCollector) { m_PerfMonitor = new PerformanceMonitor(m_Config, m_AppServers, serverManager, logFactory); if (m_GlobalLog.IsDebugEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Debug("The PerformanceMonitor has been initialized!"); } if (m_GlobalLog.IsDebugEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Debug("The Bootstrap has been initialized!"); try { RegisterRemotingService(); } catch (Exception e) { if (m_GlobalLog.IsErrorEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Error("Failed to register remoting access service!", e); return false; } m_Initialized = true; return true; }
private IWorkItem InitializeAndSetupWorkItem(WorkItemFactoryInfo factoryInfo) { IWorkItem appServer; try { appServer = CreateWorkItemInstance(factoryInfo.ServerType, factoryInfo.StatusInfoMetadata); if (m_GlobalLog.IsDebugEnabled) m_GlobalLog.DebugFormat("The server instance {0} has been created!", factoryInfo.Config.Name); } catch (Exception e) { if (m_GlobalLog.IsErrorEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Error(string.Format("Failed to create server instance {0}!", factoryInfo.Config.Name), e); return null; } var exceptionSource = appServer as IExceptionSource; if (exceptionSource != null) exceptionSource.ExceptionThrown += new EventHandler<ErrorEventArgs>(exceptionSource_ExceptionThrown); var setupResult = false; try { setupResult = SetupWorkItemInstance(appServer, factoryInfo); if (m_GlobalLog.IsDebugEnabled) m_GlobalLog.DebugFormat("The server instance {0} has been initialized!", appServer.Name); } catch (Exception e) { m_GlobalLog.Error(e); setupResult = false; } if (!setupResult) { if (m_GlobalLog.IsErrorEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Error("Failed to setup server instance!"); return null; } return appServer; }
internal virtual bool SetupWorkItemInstance(IWorkItem workItem, WorkItemFactoryInfo factoryInfo) { try { //Share AppDomain AppServers also share same socket server factory and log factory instances factoryInfo.SocketServerFactory.ExportFactory.EnsureInstance(); factoryInfo.LogFactory.ExportFactory.EnsureInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { if (m_GlobalLog.IsErrorEnabled) m_GlobalLog.Error(e); return false; } return workItem.Setup(this, factoryInfo.Config, factoryInfo.ProviderFactories.ToArray()); }
/// <summary> /// Setups the specified root config. /// </summary> /// <param name="bootstrap">The bootstrap.</param> /// <param name="config">The socket server instance config.</param> /// <param name="factories">The factories.</param> /// <returns></returns> bool IWorkItem.Setup(IBootstrap bootstrap, IServerConfig config, ProviderFactoryInfo[] factories) { if (bootstrap == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("bootstrap"); Bootstrap = bootstrap; if (factories == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factories"); TrySetInitializedState(); var rootConfig = bootstrap.Config; SetupBasic(rootConfig, config, GetSingleProviderInstance<ISocketServerFactory>(factories, ProviderKey.SocketServerFactory)); if (!SetupLogFactory(GetSingleProviderInstance<ILogFactory>(factories, ProviderKey.LogFactory))) return false; Logger = CreateLogger(this.Name); IEnumerable<IConnectionFilter> connectionFilters = null; if (!TryGetProviderInstances(factories, ProviderKey.ConnectionFilter, null, (p, f) => { var ret = p.Initialize(f.Name, this); if(!ret) { Logger.ErrorFormat("Failed to initialize the connection filter: {0}.", f.Name); } return ret; }, out connectionFilters)) { return false; } if (!SetupMedium( GetSingleProviderInstance<IReceiveFilterFactory<TRequestInfo>>(factories, ProviderKey.ReceiveFilterFactory), connectionFilters, GetProviderInstances<ICommandLoader<ICommand<TAppSession, TRequestInfo>>>( factories, ProviderKey.CommandLoader, (t) => Activator.CreateInstance(t.MakeGenericType(typeof(ICommand<TAppSession, TRequestInfo>)))))) { return false; } if (!SetupAdvanced(config)) return false; if (!Setup(rootConfig, config)) return false; if (!SetupFinal()) return false; m_StateCode = ServerStateConst.NotStarted; return true; }
private bool SetupFinal() { //Check receiveFilterFactory if (ReceiveFilterFactory == null) { ReceiveFilterFactory = CreateDefaultReceiveFilterFactory(); if (ReceiveFilterFactory == null) { if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled) Logger.Error("receiveFilterFactory is required!"); return false; } } var plainConfig = Config as ServerConfig; if (plainConfig == null) { //Using plain config model instead of .NET configuration element to improve performance plainConfig = new ServerConfig(Config); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(plainConfig.Name)) plainConfig.Name = Name; Config = plainConfig; } try { m_ServerStatus = new StatusInfoCollection(); m_ServerStatus.Name = Name; m_ServerStatus.Tag = Name; m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.MaxConnectionNumber] = Config.MaxConnectionNumber; m_ServerStatus[StatusInfoKeys.Listeners] = m_Listeners; } catch (Exception e) { if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled) Logger.Error("Failed to create ServerSummary instance!", e); return false; } return SetupSocketServer(); }
/// <summary> /// Setups the socket server.instance /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> private bool SetupSocketServer() { try { m_SocketServer = m_SocketServerFactory.CreateSocketServer<TRequestInfo>(this, m_Listeners, Config); return m_SocketServer != null; } catch (Exception e) { if (Logger.IsErrorEnabled) Logger.Error(e); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// Default socket server factory /// </summary> public class SocketServerFactory : ISocketServerFactory { #region ISocketServerFactory Members /// <summary> /// Creates the socket server. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="TRequestInfo">The type of the request info.</typeparam> /// <param name="appServer">The app server.</param> /// <param name="listeners">The listeners.</param> /// <param name="config">The config.</param> /// <returns></returns> public ISocketServer CreateSocketServer<TRequestInfo>(IAppServer appServer, ListenerInfo[] listeners, IServerConfig config) where TRequestInfo : IRequestInfo { if (appServer == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("appServer"); if (listeners == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("listeners"); if (config == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("config"); switch(config.Mode) { case(SocketMode.Tcp): return new AsyncSocketServer(appServer, listeners); case(SocketMode.Udp): return new UdpSocketServer<TRequestInfo>(appServer, listeners); default: throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported SocketMode:" + config.Mode); } } #endregion }