.net3.5 和vs2008中Ajax控件的使用--Animation(信息浮动面板)控件



a、新建Ajax Web窗体,命名为Animation.aspx。

.net3.5 和vs2008中Ajax控件的使用--Animation(信息浮动面板)控件_第1张图片




<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"> <div style="width:100px; height:200px; background-color:Green;">sdfsfsfsdfsf sdfsfsdfs</div> </asp:Panel>




.net3.5 和vs2008中Ajax控件的使用--Animation(信息浮动面板)控件_第2张图片




<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="Panel1_AnimationExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="Panel1"> </cc1:AnimationExtender>




<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="Panel1_AnimationExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="Panel1"> <Animations> <OnClick> <FadeOut Duration=".5" Fps="20" /> </OnClick> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender>














.net3.5 和vs2008中Ajax控件的使用--Animation(信息浮动面板)控件_第3张图片



<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="Button1_AnimationExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="Button1"> <Animations> <OnClick> <Sequence> <%-- Disable the button so it can't be clicked again --%> <EnableAction Enabled="false" /> <%-- Position the wire frame on top of the button and show it --%> <ScriptAction Script="Cover($get('ctl00_SampleContent_btnInfo'), $get('flyout'));" /> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="block"/> <%-- Move the wire frame from the button's bounds to the info panel's bounds --%> <Parallel AnimationTarget="flyout" Duration=".3" Fps="25"> <Move Horizontal="150" Vertical="-50" /> <Resize Width="260" Height="280" /> <Color PropertyKey="backgroundColor" StartValue="#AAAAAA" EndValue="#FFFFFF" /> </Parallel> <%-- Move the info panel on top of the wire frame, fade it in, and hide the frame --%> <ScriptAction Script="Cover($get('flyout'), $get('info'), true);" /> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="info" Attribute="display" Value="block"/> <FadeIn AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".2"/> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="none"/> <%-- Flash the text/border red and fade in the "close" button --%> <Parallel AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"> <Color PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#666666" EndValue="#FF0000" /> <Color PropertyKey="borderColor" StartValue="#666666" EndValue="#FF0000" /> </Parallel> <Parallel AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"> <Color PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#666666" /> <Color PropertyKey="borderColor" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#666666" /> <FadeIn AnimationTarget="btnCloseParent" MaximumOpacity=".9" /> </Parallel> </Sequence> </OnClick> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender>




1、<Sequence>  </Sequence> 顺序执行的动画脚本

2、<Parallel>  <Parallel >  并发执行的动画脚本

3、<EnableAction Enabled="false" />控件是否可用

4、<ScriptAction Script="Cover($get('ctl00_SampleContent_btnInfo'), $get('flyout'));" />执行一段脚本的 Action

5、<Color PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#666666" EndValue="#FF0000" />颜色渐变效果,设置起始结束颜色就可以

6、<FadeIn AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".2"/>淡入效果,对应<FadeOut />淡出效果。



.net3.5 和vs2008中Ajax控件的使用--Animation(信息浮动面板)控件_第4张图片


<cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender2" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="btnClose"> <Animations> <OnClick> <Sequence AnimationTarget="info"> <%-- Shrink the info panel out of view --%> <StyleAction Attribute="overflow" Value="hidden"/> <Parallel Duration=".3" Fps="15"> <Scale ScaleFactor="0.05" Center="true" ScaleFont="true" FontUnit="px" /> <FadeOut /> </Parallel> <%-- Reset the sample so it can be played again --%> <StyleAction Attribute="display" Value="none"/> <StyleAction Attribute="width" Value="250px"/> <StyleAction Attribute="height" Value=""/> <StyleAction Attribute="fontSize" Value="12px"/> <OpacityAction AnimationTarget="btnCloseParent" Opacity="0" /> <%-- Enable the button so it can be played again --%> <EnableAction AnimationTarget="btnInfo" Enabled="true" /> </Sequence> </OnClick> <OnMouseOver> <Color Duration=".2" PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FFFFFF" EndValue="#FF0000" /> </OnMouseOver> <OnMouseOut> <Color Duration=".2" PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#FFFFFF" /> </OnMouseOut> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender>





<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" OnClientClick="return false;" /> <div id="flyout" style="display: none; width:250px; overflow: hidden; z-index: 2; background-color: #FFFFFF; border: solid 1px #D0D0D0;"></div> <!-- Info panel to be displayed as a flyout when the button is clicked --> <div id="info" style="display: none; width: 250px; z-index: 2; opacity: 0; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0); font-size: 12px; border: solid 1px #CCCCCC; background-color: #FFFFFF; padding: 5px;"> <div id="btnCloseParent" style="float: right; opacity: 0; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);" mce_style="float: right; opacity: 0; filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0);"> <asp:LinkButton id="btnClose" runat="server" OnClientClick="return false;" Text="X" ToolTip="Close" Style="background-color: #666666; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; border: outset thin #FFFFFF; padding: 5px;" mce_Style="background-color: #666666; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: center; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: none; border: outset thin #FFFFFF; padding: 5px;" /> </div> <div> <p> Once you get the general idea of the animation's markup, you'll want to play a bit. All of the animations are created from simple, reusable building blocks that you can compose together. Before long you'll be creating dazzling visuals. By grouping steps together and specifying them to be run either in sequence or in parallel, you'll achieve almost anything you can imagine, without writing a single line of code! </p> <br /> <p> The XML defining the animations is very easy to learn and write, such as this example's markup. </p> </div> </div> <cc1:AnimationExtender ID="Button1_AnimationExtender" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="Button1"> <Animations> <OnClick> <Sequence> <%-- Disable the button so it can't be clicked again --%> <EnableAction Enabled="false" /> <%-- Position the wire frame on top of the button and show it --%> <ScriptAction Script="Cover($get('ctl00_SampleContent_btnInfo'), $get('flyout'));" /> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="block"/> <%-- Move the wire frame from the button's bounds to the info panel's bounds --%> <Parallel AnimationTarget="flyout" Duration=".3" Fps="25"> <Move Horizontal="150" Vertical="-50" /> <Resize Width="260" Height="280" /> <Color PropertyKey="backgroundColor" StartValue="#AAAAAA" EndValue="#FFFFFF" /> </Parallel> <%-- Move the info panel on top of the wire frame, fade it in, and hide the frame --%> <ScriptAction Script="Cover($get('flyout'), $get('info'), true);" /> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="info" Attribute="display" Value="block"/> <FadeIn AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".2"/> <StyleAction AnimationTarget="flyout" Attribute="display" Value="none"/> <%-- Flash the text/border red and fade in the "close" button --%> <Parallel AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"> <Color PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#666666" EndValue="#FF0000" /> <Color PropertyKey="borderColor" StartValue="#666666" EndValue="#FF0000" /> </Parallel> <Parallel AnimationTarget="info" Duration=".5"> <Color PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#666666" /> <Color PropertyKey="borderColor" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#666666" /> <FadeIn AnimationTarget="btnCloseParent" MaximumOpacity=".9" /> </Parallel> </Sequence> </OnClick> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender> <cc1:AnimationExtender ID="AnimationExtender2" runat="server" Enabled="True" TargetControlID="btnClose"> <Animations> <OnClick> <Sequence AnimationTarget="info"> <%-- Shrink the info panel out of view --%> <StyleAction Attribute="overflow" Value="hidden"/> <Parallel Duration=".3" Fps="15"> <Scale ScaleFactor="0.05" Center="true" ScaleFont="true" FontUnit="px" /> <FadeOut /> </Parallel> <%-- Reset the sample so it can be played again --%> <StyleAction Attribute="display" Value="none"/> <StyleAction Attribute="width" Value="250px"/> <StyleAction Attribute="height" Value=""/> <StyleAction Attribute="fontSize" Value="12px"/> <OpacityAction AnimationTarget="btnCloseParent" Opacity="0" /> <%-- Enable the button so it can be played again --%> <EnableAction AnimationTarget="btnInfo" Enabled="true" /> </Sequence> </OnClick> <OnMouseOver> <Color Duration=".2" PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FFFFFF" EndValue="#FF0000" /> </OnMouseOver> <OnMouseOut> <Color Duration=".2" PropertyKey="color" StartValue="#FF0000" EndValue="#FFFFFF" /> </OnMouseOut> </Animations> </cc1:AnimationExtender> <mce:script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"><!-- // Move an element directly on top of another element (and optionally // make it the same size) function Cover(bottom, top, ignoreSize) { var location = Sys.UI.DomElement.getLocation(bottom); top.style.position = 'absolute'; top.style.top = location.y + 'px'; top.style.left = location.x + 'px'; if (!ignoreSize) { top.style.height = bottom.offsetHeight + 'px'; top.style.width = bottom.offsetWidth + 'px'; } } // --></mce:script>



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