

Void TEncCu::compressCU( TComDataCU*& rpcCU )
  // initialize CU data
  m_ppcBestCU[0]->initCU( rpcCU->getPic(), rpcCU->getAddr() );
  m_ppcTempCU[0]->initCU( rpcCU->getPic(), rpcCU->getAddr() );

  m_addSADDepth      = 0;
  m_LCUPredictionSAD = 0;
  m_temporalSAD      = 0;

  // analysis of CU
  xCompressCU( m_ppcBestCU[0], m_ppcTempCU[0], 0 );

  if( m_pcEncCfg->getUseAdaptQpSelect() )
    if(rpcCU->getSlice()->getSliceType()!=I_SLICE) //IIII
      xLcuCollectARLStats( rpcCU);
其中完成实际编码一个CU操作的是xCompressCU方法。前面的综述中已经描述过,每一个CTU按照四叉树结构进行划分,CompressCU中调用的 xCompressCU则相当于四叉树的根节点。另外,在每一个xCompressCU方法中间,会对每一个CU进行分析判断是否进行下一级划分。



Void TEncCu::xCompressCU( TComDataCU*& rpcBestCU, TComDataCU*& rpcTempCU, UInt uiDepth, PartSize eParentPartSize )
// do normal intra modes
        if ( !bEarlySkip )
          // speedup for inter frames
          if( rpcBestCU->getSlice()->getSliceType() == I_SLICE || 
            rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_LUMA     ) != 0   ||
            rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_CHROMA_U ) != 0   ||
            rpcBestCU->getCbf( 0, TEXT_CHROMA_V ) != 0     ) // avoid very complex intra if it is unlikely
            xCheckRDCostIntra( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2Nx2N );
            rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP );
            if( uiDepth == g_uiMaxCUDepth - g_uiAddCUDepth )
              if( rpcTempCU->getWidth(0) > ( 1 << rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getQuadtreeTULog2MinSize() ) )
                xCheckRDCostIntra( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_NxN   );
                rpcTempCU->initEstData( uiDepth, iQP );
在这部分代码中xCheckRDCostIntra( rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, SIZE_2Nx2N )查看了各种intra预测模式下的代价:

Void TEncCu::xCheckRDCostIntra( TComDataCU*& rpcBestCU, TComDataCU*& rpcTempCU, PartSize eSize )
  UInt uiDepth = rpcTempCU->getDepth( 0 );
  rpcTempCU->setSkipFlagSubParts( false, 0, uiDepth );

  rpcTempCU->setPartSizeSubParts( eSize, 0, uiDepth );
  rpcTempCU->setPredModeSubParts( MODE_INTRA, 0, uiDepth );
  rpcTempCU->setCUTransquantBypassSubParts( m_pcEncCfg->getCUTransquantBypassFlagValue(), 0, uiDepth );
  Bool bSeparateLumaChroma = true; // choose estimation mode
  UInt uiPreCalcDistC      = 0;
  if( !bSeparateLumaChroma )
    m_pcPredSearch->preestChromaPredMode( rpcTempCU, m_ppcOrigYuv[uiDepth], m_ppcPredYuvTemp[uiDepth] );
  m_pcPredSearch  ->estIntraPredQT      ( rpcTempCU, m_ppcOrigYuv[uiDepth], m_ppcPredYuvTemp[uiDepth], m_ppcResiYuvTemp[uiDepth], m_ppcRecoYuvTemp[uiDepth], uiPreCalcDistC, bSeparateLumaChroma );

  m_ppcRecoYuvTemp[uiDepth]->copyToPicLuma(rpcTempCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec(), rpcTempCU->getAddr(), rpcTempCU->getZorderIdxInCU() );
  m_pcPredSearch  ->estIntraPredChromaQT( rpcTempCU, m_ppcOrigYuv[uiDepth], m_ppcPredYuvTemp[uiDepth], m_ppcResiYuvTemp[uiDepth], m_ppcRecoYuvTemp[uiDepth], uiPreCalcDistC );
  if ( rpcTempCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getTransquantBypassEnableFlag())
    m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeCUTransquantBypassFlag( rpcTempCU, 0,          true );
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeSkipFlag ( rpcTempCU, 0,          true );
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodePredMode( rpcTempCU, 0,          true );
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodePartSize( rpcTempCU, 0, uiDepth, true );
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodePredInfo( rpcTempCU, 0,          true );
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeIPCMInfo(rpcTempCU, 0, true );

  // Encode Coefficients
  Bool bCodeDQP = getdQPFlag();
  m_pcEntropyCoder->encodeCoeff( rpcTempCU, 0, uiDepth, rpcTempCU->getWidth (0), rpcTempCU->getHeight(0), bCodeDQP );
  setdQPFlag( bCodeDQP );
  if( m_bUseSBACRD ) m_pcRDGoOnSbacCoder->store(m_pppcRDSbacCoder[uiDepth][CI_TEMP_BEST]);
  rpcTempCU->getTotalBits() = m_pcEntropyCoder->getNumberOfWrittenBits();
    rpcTempCU->getTotalBins() = ((TEncBinCABAC *)((TEncSbac*)m_pcEntropyCoder->m_pcEntropyCoderIf)->getEncBinIf())->getBinsCoded();
  rpcTempCU->getTotalCost() = m_pcRdCost->calcRdCost( rpcTempCU->getTotalBits(), rpcTempCU->getTotalDistortion() );
  xCheckDQP( rpcTempCU );
  xCheckBestMode(rpcBestCU, rpcTempCU, uiDepth);



TEncSearch::estIntraPredQT( TComDataCU* pcCU, 
                           TComYuv*    pcOrgYuv, 
                           TComYuv*    pcPredYuv, 
                           TComYuv*    pcResiYuv, 
                           TComYuv*    pcRecoYuv,
                           UInt&       ruiDistC,
                           Bool        bLumaOnly )
      for( Int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < numModesAvailable; modeIdx++ )
        UInt uiMode = modeIdx;

        predIntraLumaAng( pcCU->getPattern(), uiMode, piPred, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight, bAboveAvail, bLeftAvail );
        // use hadamard transform here
        UInt uiSad = m_pcRdCost->calcHAD(g_bitDepthY, piOrg, uiStride, piPred, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight );
        UInt   iModeBits = xModeBitsIntra( pcCU, uiMode, uiPU, uiPartOffset, uiDepth, uiInitTrDepth );
        Double cost      = (Double)uiSad + (Double)iModeBits * m_pcRdCost->getSqrtLambda();
        CandNum += xUpdateCandList( uiMode, cost, numModesForFullRD, uiRdModeList, CandCostList );



Void TComPrediction::predIntraLumaAng(TComPattern* pcTComPattern, UInt uiDirMode, Pel* piPred, UInt uiStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Bool bAbove, Bool bLeft )
	Pel *pDst = piPred;
	Int *ptrSrc;

	assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] >= 0 ); //   4x  4
	assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] <= 5 ); // 128x128
	assert( iWidth == iHeight  );

	ptrSrc = pcTComPattern->getPredictorPtr( uiDirMode, g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2, m_piYuvExt );

	// get starting pixel in block
	Int sw = 2 * iWidth + 1;

	// Create the prediction
	if ( uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX )
		xPredIntraPlanar( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight );
		if ( (iWidth > 16) || (iHeight > 16) )
			xPredIntraAng(g_bitDepthY, ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight, uiDirMode, bAbove, bLeft, false );
			xPredIntraAng(g_bitDepthY, ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight, uiDirMode, bAbove, bLeft, true );

			if( (uiDirMode == DC_IDX ) && bAbove && bLeft )
				xDCPredFiltering( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight);


Void TComPrediction::xPredIntraPlanar( Int* pSrc, Int srcStride, Pel* rpDst, Int dstStride, UInt width, UInt height )
	assert(width == height);
	Int k, l, bottomLeft, topRight;
	Int horPred;
	Int leftColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE], topRow[MAX_CU_SIZE], bottomRow[MAX_CU_SIZE], rightColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE];
	UInt blkSize = width;
	UInt offset2D = width;
	UInt shift1D = g_aucConvertToBit[ width ] + 2;
	UInt shift2D = shift1D + 1;

	// Get left and above reference column and row
		topRow[k] = pSrc[k-srcStride];
		leftColumn[k] = pSrc[k*srcStride-1];

	// Prepare intermediate variables used in interpolation
	bottomLeft = leftColumn[blkSize];
	topRight   = topRow[blkSize];
	for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
		bottomRow[k]   = bottomLeft - topRow[k];
		rightColumn[k] = topRight   - leftColumn[k];
		topRow[k]      <<= shift1D;
		leftColumn[k]  <<= shift1D;

	// Generate prediction signal
	for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
		horPred = leftColumn[k] + offset2D;
		for (l=0;l<blkSize;l++)
			horPred += rightColumn[k];
			topRow[l] += bottomRow[l];
			rpDst[k*dstStride+l] = ( (horPred + topRow[l]) >> shift2D );

Void TComPrediction::xPredIntraAng(Int bitDepth, Int* pSrc, Int srcStride, Pel*& rpDst, Int dstStride, UInt width, UInt height, UInt dirMode, Bool blkAboveAvailable, Bool blkLeftAvailable, Bool bFilter )
	Int k,l;
	Int blkSize        = width;
	Pel* pDst          = rpDst;

	// Map the mode index to main prediction direction and angle
	assert( dirMode > 0 ); //no planar
	Bool modeDC        = dirMode < 2;
	Bool modeHor       = !modeDC && (dirMode < 18);
	Bool modeVer       = !modeDC && !modeHor;
	Int intraPredAngle = modeVer ? (Int)dirMode - VER_IDX : modeHor ? -((Int)dirMode - HOR_IDX) : 0;
	Int absAng         = abs(intraPredAngle);
	Int signAng        = intraPredAngle < 0 ? -1 : 1;

	// Set bitshifts and scale the angle parameter to block size
	Int angTable[9]    = {0,    2,    5,   9,  13,  17,  21,  26,  32};
	Int invAngTable[9] = {0, 4096, 1638, 910, 630, 482, 390, 315, 256}; // (256 * 32) / Angle
	Int invAngle       = invAngTable[absAng];
	absAng             = angTable[absAng];
	intraPredAngle     = signAng * absAng;

	// Do the DC prediction
	if (modeDC)
		Pel dcval = predIntraGetPredValDC(pSrc, srcStride, width, height, blkAboveAvailable, blkLeftAvailable);

		for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
			for (l=0;l<blkSize;l++)
				pDst[k*dstStride+l] = dcval;

	// Do angular predictions
		Pel* refMain;
		Pel* refSide;
		Pel  refAbove[2*MAX_CU_SIZE+1];
		Pel  refLeft[2*MAX_CU_SIZE+1];

		// Initialise the Main and Left reference array.
		if (intraPredAngle < 0)
			for (k=0;k<blkSize+1;k++)
				refAbove[k+blkSize-1] = pSrc[k-srcStride-1];
			for (k=0;k<blkSize+1;k++)
				refLeft[k+blkSize-1] = pSrc[(k-1)*srcStride-1];
			refMain = (modeVer ? refAbove : refLeft) + (blkSize-1);
			refSide = (modeVer ? refLeft : refAbove) + (blkSize-1);

			// Extend the Main reference to the left.
			Int invAngleSum    = 128;       // rounding for (shift by 8)
			for (k=-1; k>blkSize*intraPredAngle>>5; k--)
				invAngleSum += invAngle;
				refMain[k] = refSide[invAngleSum>>8];
			for (k=0;k<2*blkSize+1;k++)
				refAbove[k] = pSrc[k-srcStride-1];
			for (k=0;k<2*blkSize+1;k++)
				refLeft[k] = pSrc[(k-1)*srcStride-1];
			refMain = modeVer ? refAbove : refLeft;
			refSide = modeVer ? refLeft  : refAbove;

		if (intraPredAngle == 0)
			for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
				for (l=0;l<blkSize;l++)
					pDst[k*dstStride+l] = refMain[l+1];

			if ( bFilter )
				for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
					pDst[k*dstStride] = Clip3(0, (1<<bitDepth)-1, pDst[k*dstStride] + (( refSide[k+1] - refSide[0] ) >> 1) );
			Int deltaPos=0;
			Int deltaInt;
			Int deltaFract;
			Int refMainIndex;

			for (k=0;k<blkSize;k++)
				deltaPos += intraPredAngle;
				deltaInt   = deltaPos >> 5;
				deltaFract = deltaPos & (32 - 1);

				if (deltaFract)
					// Do linear filtering
					for (l=0;l<blkSize;l++)
						refMainIndex        = l+deltaInt+1;
						pDst[k*dstStride+l] = (Pel) ( ((32-deltaFract)*refMain[refMainIndex]+deltaFract*refMain[refMainIndex+1]+16) >> 5 );
					// Just copy the integer samples
					for (l=0;l<blkSize;l++)
						pDst[k*dstStride+l] = refMain[l+deltaInt+1];

		// Flip the block if this is the horizontal mode
		if (modeHor)
			Pel  tmp;
			for (k=0;k<blkSize-1;k++)
				for (l=k+1;l<blkSize;l++)
					tmp                 = pDst[k*dstStride+l];
					pDst[k*dstStride+l] = pDst[l*dstStride+k];
					pDst[l*dstStride+k] = tmp;
