要求Unity 3.x 版本
Direct Download
Asset Store
Installation instructions(安装说明)
Unzip and import "PublicRiverTool.unitypackage" into your project. If no package exists, just unzip and copy the folder directly into your assets folder.
First, drag "WaterToolScript.cs" onto your terrain object.
*Note: The terrain object's position needs to be at (0, 0, 0). If you need to you can create the river at this position and then move the terrain and river mesh back to the original, offset, location.
The River Tool has one basic function.
使用River Tool的基本步骤:
1.Click "New River" to create a new river Game Object - 'River' - and select it.
点击"New River" 创建一个新河流对象-“River” 并选择它。
2.Click "Add River Node". Give the editor window focus (right click) and find an appropriate node position with your mouse. Press 'r' on your keyboard to add a node at that location.
点击"Add River Node", 在编辑窗口上找到一个合适的位置点下鼠标右键。然后在键盘上按下"r" 键就可以在你选择的位置创建一个节点。
3.Continue adding nodes and changing parameters until you are satisfied with your river.
4.Click "Finalize River" to finish the river and deform the terrain. *You cannot add nodes after finalizing*
点击"Finalize River" 完成河流和变形的地形。当你点击"Finalize River"后,你就不能再添加节点。
5.Click "Smooth River" to smooth the terrain at the river's edge to your liking. This is available after you finalize.
点击"Smooth River"按钮用来平滑地形和河流边缘。
6.If the river's edge is protruding, click "Close River" to correct. This is available after you finalize.
如果河流边缘凸出地形外面,点击"Close River" 就可以得到矫正。
The River Tool has four parameters that are updated procedurally.
"Riverbed Texture Prototype" - This is the texture prototype (from the terrain's texture list) to use for the riverbed. *Remember, starts at 0*
河床纹理原型- 河床的纹理来自于地形的纹理。 *记住,要从0开始*
"River Width" - This is the width of the river.
"River Depth" - This is the depth at which the river is dug. *note: The terrain will not deform below height 0
河的深度- 调整河流的深度。* 地形的高度不能低于0*
"Mesh Smooth" - This is the number of steps used in the spline calculations. Change this to suit your triangle/UV needs.