With the inclusion of XAudio2 in Windows 8, there’s been renewed interest in learning how to use this API. The documentation on MSDNis of course a great place to start, and be sure to read through the entire Programmer’s Guide as there’s lots of great information throughout. You should also start by watching the BUILD 2011 presentation on audio. There are also a number of presentations from pastGamefest events that cover audio and XAudio2. While these talks are focused on the older versions, XAudio 2.8 is essentially the same design and API with a few specific differences so this information is all very relevant.
Gamefest 2007
Power to the Core: Audio Foundations on Microsoft Platforms
XAudio2 Goes Green: Making Game Audio a Sustainable Resource
Learn to Speak XAudio2 Like a Pro: Translating from DirectSound and XAudio
Positioning Yourself for 3D: X3DAudio and Sound Spatialization
xAPOs Mark the Spot: The DSP Implementation Framework for XAudio2
Gamefest 2008
Audio Blueprints: Microsoft Platform Audio Architecture 101
XAudio2: An Acoustic Architecture
Learn to Speak XAudio2 Like a Pro: Translating from DirectSound and XAudio
XAudio2 Advanced
Codifying Microsoft Game Audio Codecs
xAPOs: Build Your Own “Sound Shaders”
Gamefest 2010
XAudio2 – High Performance Considerations
The (3D) Sound of Success – X3DAudio and Sound Positioning
Gamefest 2011
Higher-Performance XAudio2
Making the Most of XAudio2’s xAPO Framework (US | UK)
Windows Store app samples
XAudio2 audio file playback sample
XAudio2 audio stream effect sample
Win32 desktop samples
XAudio2 Win32 Samples
MSDN Magazine
Windows 8 Sound Generation with XAudio2
Constructing Audio Oscillators for Windows 8
Streaming and Manipulating Audio Files in Windows 8