接着就看到了这句“But the matter is not so simple.”,次奥,看来是个三维的呢。。。
接着就看到了这句“However, the problem is more complicated than imagine. ”,尼玛四维。。。好吧,四维spfa本质还是spfa吧。。
注意题目中的“ will end his journey immediately once he arrives at Uncle Yang’s house. ”这句,到达n之后就不能松弛了。
#include<algorithm> #include<iostream> #include<cstring> #include<cstdio> #include<vector> #include<queue> #define REP(i, n) for(int i=0; i<n; i++) #define FF(i, a, b) for(int i=a; i<b; i++) #define CLR(a, b) memset(a, b, sizeof(a)) #define PB push_back using namespace std; int C, N, M, B, K, R, T; int price[10][111], dp[111][222][10][10]; bool inq[111][222][10][10]; struct Edge { int to, dist, cost; Edge(int a=0, int b=0, int c=0) : to(a), dist(b), cost(c){} }; vector<int> G[111]; vector<Edge> edges; struct Node { int u, t, b, k; Node(int u=0, int t=0, int b=0, int k=0) : u(u), t(t), b(b), k(k){} bool operator < (const Node& rhs) const { return t > rhs.t; } }; priority_queue<Node> q; void init() { CLR(dp, -1); CLR(inq, 0); REP(i, N+1) G[i].clear(); edges.clear(); } void relax(int u, int t, int b, int k, int w) { if((u == 1 || u == N) && k != 0) return ; if(dp[u][t][b][k] < w) { dp[u][t][b][k] = w; if(!inq[u][t][b][k]) { q.push(Node(u, t, b, k)); inq[u][t][b][k] = true; } } } void spfa() { dp[1][0][0][0] = R; inq[1][0][0][0] = true; q.push(Node(1, 0, 0, 0)); while(!q.empty()) { Node tmp = q.top(); q.pop(); int u=tmp.u, t=tmp.t, b=tmp.b, k=tmp.k, w=dp[u][t][b][k]; inq[u][t][b][k] = false; int kk = (k + 1) % K; if(t < T) { relax(u, t+1, b, kk, w); if(price[k][u] != -1) { if(b > 0) relax(u, t+1, b-1, kk, w + price[k][u]); if(b < B && w >= price[k][u]) relax(u, t+1, b+1, kk, w - price[k][u]); } } REP(i, G[u].size()) { if(u == N) break; Edge e = edges[G[u][i]]; int v = e.to, dist = e.dist, cost = e.cost; if(t + dist > T || w < cost) continue; relax(v, t + dist, b, k, w - cost); if(price[k][u] != -1) { if(b > 0) relax(v, t+dist, b-1, k, w-cost+price[k][u]); if(b < B && w >= price[k][u]+cost) relax(v, t+dist, b+1, k, w-cost-price[k][u]); } } } } int main() { scanf("%d", &C); FF(kase, 1, C+1) { init(); scanf("%d%d%d%d%d%d", &N, &M, &B, &K, &R, &T); REP(i, K) FF(j, 1, N+1) scanf("%d", &price[i][j]); int sz = 0; while(M--) { int a, b, t, m; scanf("%d%d%d%d", &a, &b, &t, &m); edges.PB(Edge(b, t, m)); G[a].PB(sz++); } spfa(); int ans = 0, flag = 0; REP(i, T+1) if(dp[N][i][0][0] != -1) { flag = 1; ans = max(ans, dp[N][i][0][0]); } printf("Case #%d: ", kase); if(flag) printf("%d\n", ans); else puts("Forever Alone"); } return 0; }