体绘制描述了在某一密度条件下,光线穿越物体时,每个体素对光线强度的影响,包括吸收,发射,散射等 。对该过程有不同的建立模型的方法:
1. 吸收模型( Absorption only ):体素对光线只是吸收,本身既不发射光线,也不反射、透射光线;
2. 发射模型( Emission only ):体数据中的体素只是发射光线,不吸收光线;
3. 吸收和发射模型( Absorption plus emission ):这种光学模型使用最为广泛,体数据中的体素本身发射光线,并且可以吸收光线,但不对光线进行反射和散射。
4. 散射和阴影模型( Scattering and Shading/shadowing ):体素可以散射(反射和折射)外部光源的光线,并且由于体素之间的遮挡关系,可以产生阴影;
5. 多散射模型( Multiple Scattering ):光线在被眼睛观察之前,可以被多个体素散射。
同理,长度为delta_x~的物体其透明度为T~=exp(-k*delta_x~), T 和T~的关系为:
假设采样点是以纹理坐标表示的,纹理坐标的范围是texMin=vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0)到texMax=vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0)之间,判断一个点是否在体数据范围内科使用符号函数。符号函数的特性是:如果输入小于0,则返回结果-1;如果输入等于0,则返回结果0;如果输入大于0,则返回结果1. 假设采样点的纹理坐标是tPos,若采样点在体数据范围之内,则sign(tPos-texMin)与sign(texmax-tPos)的结果都是vec3(1,1,1),对这两个向量做点积则得到结果3.如果采样点不在体数据范围内,则该点积值小于3.
void dvr_raycasting() { //get the 3D world coordinate for start point,assuming vUV //is the texture coordinate of current frament vec3 vPos=FromtPosTovPos(vUV); //Getting the ray marching direction. camPos is a unifrom //variable in this shader, which is the camera position vec3 geomDir = normalize(vPos - camPos); //multiply the raymarching direction with the step size to get the //sub-step size we need to take at each raymarching step float samplingStepSize_=1.0/288.0/sample_rate; vec3 dirStep=geomDir * samplingStepSize_; bool stop = false; //for all samples along the ray for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SAMPLES; i++) { //get the position of one new sampling point vPos=vPos+dirStep; // convert world coordinate to texture coordinate vec3 tPos=FromvPosTotPos(vPos); stop = dot(sign(tPos-texMin),sign(texMax-tPos)) < 3.0; //if the stopping condition is true we brek out of the ray marching loop if (stop) break; // data fetching from the red channel of volume texture float sample = texture(volume, tPos).r; // get the gradient at the sample point,we use sample value and gradient //to construct a 2D transfer function float gradient=GetGradientMagnitude(tPos); float src_alpha=0; vec3 src_composition=vec3(0); // color resulting from transfer function vec4 lut_value; lut_value=TransferFunction(sample,gradient); src_alpha=lut_value.a; src_composition=lut_value.rgb; //opasity correlation src_alpha=1.0-pow(1.0-src_alpha,samplingStepSize_ * SAMPLING_BASE_INTERVAL_RCP); //Opacity calculation using compositing: vFragColor.rgb+=src_alpha*src_composition*(1-vFragColor.a); vFragColor.a+=src_alpha*(1-vFragColor.a); //early ray termination //if the currently composited colour alpha is already fully saturated //we terminated the loop if( vFragColor.a>0.99) break; } }
vec4 directRendering(vec3 first,vec3 last) { vec4 result = vec4(0.0); float samplingStepSize_=1.0/288.0/sample_rate; vec3 direction = last - first; vec3 normalized_dir=normalize(direction); int steps = int(floor(length(direction)/samplingStepSize_)); vec3 diff1 = direction / float(steps); for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) { first += diff1; float sample = texture(volume, first).r; float gradient=GetGradientMagnitude(first); float src_alpha=0; vec3 src_composition=vec3(0); lut_value=TransferFunction(sample,gradient); src_alpha=lut_value.a; src_composition=lut_value.rgb; //opasity correlation src_alpha=1.0-pow(1.0-src_alpha,samplingStepSize_ * SAMPLING_BASE_INTERVAL_RCP); result.rgb+=src_alpha*src_composition*(1-result.a); result.a+=src_alpha*(1-result.a); //early ray termination //if the currently composited colour alpha is already fully saturated //we terminated the loop if( result.a>0.99) break; } return result; } void dvr_raycasting_front_back_position() { vec2 fragCoord = vec2(gl_FragCoord.xy/viewportSize); vec3 frontPos_t = texture2D(frontTex, fragCoord.xy).rgb; vec3 backPos_t = texture2D(backTex, fragCoord.xy).rgb; vFragColor=directRendering(frontPos_t,backPos_t); }
Real time volume graphics http://download.csdn.net/download/dragonag/3566275