LotusScript Language Quick-reference ( based on Notes Version 5.08 )
Function(syntax) Short description
Abs ( numExpr ) /* Returns the absolute value of a numeric expression.
ACos ( numExpr ) /* Returns the arccosine, in radians, of a number between -1 and 1, inclusively.
Asc ( stringExpr ) /* Returns the platform-specific numeric character code for the first character in a string.
ASin ( numExpr ) /* Returns the arcsine, in radians, of a number between -1 and 1, inclusive.
ATn ( numExpr ) /* Returns the arctangent, in radians, of a number.
ATn2 ( numExprX , numExprY ) /* Returns the polar coordinate angle, in radians, of a point in the Cartesian plane.
Bin [ $ ] ( numExpr ) /* Returns the binary representation of a number as a string.
CCur ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Currency data type.
CDat ( expr ) /* Converts a numeric value or string value to a date/time value.
CDbl ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Double data type.
Chr [ $ ] ( numExpr ) /* Returns the character represented by a platform-specific numeric character code.
CInt ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Integer data type.
CLng ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Long data type.
Cos ( angle ) /* Returns the cosine of an angle.
CreateUnlock( name As String) /* Finds the lock ID associated with Name. If none exists, the Lock ID is created
CreateObject ( className ) /* Example Creates an OLE Automation object of the specified class.
CSng ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Single data type.
CStr ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the String data type.
CurDir [ $ ] [ ( drive ) /* Returns the current directory on a specified drive.
CurDrive [ $ ] /* Returns a string identifying the current drive.
CVar ( expr ) /* Returns a value converted to the Variant data type.
DataType ( expr ) /* Returns the data type of the value of an expression.
Date [ $ ] /* Returns the current system date as a date/time value.
DateNumber ( year , month , day ) /* Returns a date value for a given set of year, month, and day numbers.
DateValue ( stringExpr ) /* Returns the date value represented by a string expression.
Day ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the day of the month (an integer from 1 to 31) for a date/time argument.
Dir [ $ ] [ ( fileSpec [ , attributeMask ] ) /* Returns file or directory names from a specified directory, or returns a drive volume
1 Environ [ $ ] ( { environName | n } ) /* Returns information about an environment variable from the operating system.
EOF ( fileNumber ) /* Returns an integer value that indicates whether the end of a file has been reached.
Erl /* Returns the line number in the script source file where the current err
Err /* Returns the current error number.
Error [ $ ] [ ( errNumber ) /* Returns an error message for either a specified error number or the current error.
Exp ( numExpr ) /* Returns the exponential (base e ) of a number.
FileAttr ( fileNumber , attribute ) /* Returns the access type, or the operating system file handle, for an open file.
FileDateTime ( fileName ) /* Returns a string showing the date and time that a file was created or last modified.
FileLen ( fileName ) /* Returns the length of a file in bytes.
Fix ( numExpr ) /* Returns the integer part of a number.
Format [ $ ] ( expr [ , fmt ] ) /* Example Formats a number, a date/time, or a string according to a supplied format.
Fraction ( numExpr ) /* Returns the fractional part of a number.
FreeFile /* Returns an unused file number.
GetFileAttr ( fileName ) /* Example Retrieves file-system attributes of a file or directory.
GetObject ( pathName [ , className ] ) /* Example Opens an OLE Automation object contained in an application file, or returns ...
Hex [ $ ] ( numExpr ) /* Example Return the hexadecimal representation of a number as a string.
Hour ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the hour of the day for a date/time argument as an integer from 0 to 23.
IMEStatus /* Returns an integer indicating the current input mode (IME)
Input [ $ ] ( count , [ # ] fileNumber ) /* Example Reads a sequence of characters from a sequential or binary file into a string variable, with
InputB [ $ ] ( count , [ # ] fileNumber ) /* Example Reads a sequence of bytes from a sequential or binary file into a string variable without i
InputBox [ $ ] ( prompt [ , [ title ] [ , [ default ] [ , xpos /* Example Displays a dialog box containing a prompt for user entry, and returns
InputBP [ $ ] ( count , [ # ] fileNumber ) /* Example Reads a sequence of bytes (in the platform-native character set) from a sequential or bina
InStr ( [ begin , ] string1 , string2 [ , compMethod ] ) /* Returns the position of the character that begins the first occurrence of on
InStrB ( [ begin , ] string1 , string2 ) /* Returns the position of the byte beginning the first occurrence of one string within another
InStrBP ( [ begin , ] string1 , string2 ) /* Returns the position of the byte (in the platform-native character set) beginning the first
Int ( numExpr ) /* Returns the nearest integer value that is less than or equal to a number.
IsArray ( expr ) /* Example Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is an array.
IsDate ( expr ) /* Example Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is a date/time value.
IsDefined ( stringExpr ) /* Tests a string expression to determine whether it is the name of a product constant at run time.
IsElement ( listName ( stringExpr ) /* Example Tests a string to determine whether it is a list tag for a given list.
IsEmpty ( expr ) /* Example Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is EMPTY.
IsList ( expr ) /* Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is a list.
IsNull ( expr ) /* Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is NULL.
IsNumeric ( expr ) /* Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is numeric, or can be converted to
IsObject ( expr ) /* Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it is a user-defined object, a product
IsScalar ( expr ) /* Tests an expression to determine if it evaluates to a single value.
IsUnknown ( expr ) /* Tests the value of an expression to determine whether it has the OLE value V_IUNKNOWN.
LBound ( arrayName [ , dimension ] ) /* Returns the lower bound for one dimension of an array.
LCase [ $ ] ( expr ) /* Returns the lowercase representation of a string.
Left [ $ ] ( expr , n ) /* Extracts a specified number of the leftmost characters in a string.
LeftBP [ $ ] ( expr , n ) /* Extracts a specified number of the leftmost bytes in a string using the platform-specified c
Len ( { stringExpr | variantExpr | numericExpr | typeName } ) /* Returns the number of characters in a string, or the number of bytes us
LenB ( { stringExpr | variantExpr | numericExpr | typeName } ) /* Returns the length of a string in bytes, or the number of bytes used t
LenBP ( { stringExpr | variantExpr | numericExpr | typeName } ) /* Returns the length of a string in bytes, or the number of bytes used to hold
ListTag ( refVar ) /* Returns the name of the list element currently being processed by a ForAll statement.
LOC ( fileNumber ) /* Returns the current position of the file pointer in a file.
LOF ( fileNumber ) /* Returns the length of an open file in bytes.
Log ( numExpr ) /* Returns the natural (base e ) logarithm of a number.
LTrim ( stringExpr ) /* Removes leading spaces from a string and returns the result.
Mid [ $ ] ( expr , start [ , length ] ) /* Extracts a string from within another string, beginning with the character at a specified
MidBP [ $ ] ( expr , start [ , length ] ) /* Extracts a number of bytes (using the platform-specified character set) from within another
Minute ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the minute of the hour (an integer from 0 to 59) for a date/time argument.
Month ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the month of the year (an integer from 1 to 12) for a date/time argument.
Now /* Returns the current system date and time as a date/ti
Oct [ $ ] ( numExpr ) /* Returns the octal representation of a number as a string.
Right [ $ ] ( expr , n ) /* Example Extracts a specified number of the rightmost characters in a string.
RightBP [ $ ] ( expr , n ) /* Example Extracts a specified number of the rightmost bytes in a string using the platform-specified
RightC( StringExpr , n ) /* Extracts the rightmost n columns from a string for column-based writing systems, such as Thai and Vi
Rnd [ ( numExpr ) /* Example Generates a random number greater than 0 and less than 1.
Round ( numExpr , places ) /* Example Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places.
RTrim [ $ ] ( stringExpr ) /* Example Remove trailing spaces from a string and return the resulting string.
Second ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the second of the minute (an integer from 0 to 59) for a date/time argument.
Seek ( fileNumber ) /* Returns the file position (the byte position in a binary file or the record number in a rand
Sgn ( numExpr ) /* Example Identifies the sign (positive or negative) of a number.
Shell ( program [ , windowStyle ] ) /* Example Starts another program.
Sin ( angle ) /* Returns the sine, in radians, of an angle.
Space[$] ( numExpr ) /* Returns a specified number of spaces as a string.
Spc ( numExpr ) /* Example Inserts a specified number of spaces in the output from a Print or Print # statement, beginn
Sqr ( numExpr ) /* Returns the square root of a number.
Str [ $ ] ( numExpr ) /* Returns the String representation of a number.
StrCompare ( string1 , string2 [ , compMethod ] ) /* Example Compares two strings and returns the result.
StrConv ( expr , conversionType ) /* Converts a string to a different case or character set.
String [ $ ] ( stringLen , { charCode | stringExpr } ) /* Returns a string consisting of a particular character
Tab ( column ) /* Example Moves the print position to a specified character position within a line, when called from w
Tan ( angle ) /* Returns the tangent, in radians, of an angle.
Time [ $ ] /* Returns the system time as a time value.
TimeNumber ( hour , minute , second ) /* Returns a time value for a specified hour, minute, and second.
Timer /* Returns the time elapsed since midnight, in seconds.
TimeValue ( stringExpr ) /* Returns the time value represented by a string expression.
Today /* Returns the system date as a date value.
Trim [ $ ] ( stringExpr ) /* Example Removes leading and trailing spaces from a string and returns the resulting string.
TypeName ( expr ) /* Returns a string identifying the data type of the value of an expression.
UBound ( arrayName [ , dimension ] ) /* Returns the upper bound for one dimension of an array.
UCase [ $ ] ( expr ) /* Converts all alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase, and returns the resulting strin
UChr [ $ ] ( longExpr ) /* Returns the character represented by a Unicode numeric character code.
Uni ( stringExpr ) /* Returns the Unicode numeric character code for the first character in a string.
UString [ $ ] ( stringLen , { charCode | stringExpr } ) /* Returns a string of identical characters. You can specify the repeating chars
Val ( stringExpr ) /* Returns the numeric value represented by a string.
Weekday ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the day of the week, an integer from 1 to 7, for a date/time argument.
Year ( dateExpr ) /* Returns the year, as a 4-digit integer, for a date/time argument.