Issue #2 Concurrent Programming - Thread-Safe Class Design
Issue #2 并发程序设计 线程安全的类设计
该文将重点介绍在设计线程安全的类和使用Grand Central Dispatch(GCD)时的实际应用贴士,设计模式,反模式。
Thread Safety 线程安全
Apple’s Frameworks 苹果的框架
还没有什么特别行之有效的工具去发现这中错误,不过有一些不错的技巧可以帮助开发工程师以解决问题。 UIKit Main Thread Guard 是一段有趣的代码,它可以修复任何对UIView的setNeedsLayout和setNeedsDisplay的调用,并且在转发调用之前确定它们是否正在被执行。因为这两个方法会被大量的UIKit setters(包括image)所调用,所以难免会造成很多线程相关的错误。尽管这种技巧并没有在私有API中采用,我们不建议将其使用在产品级的app中。不过这种技巧在开发中比较给力。
Why Isn’t UIKit Thread Safe? UIKit线程为什么不安全
然而,即便是不关乎设置的调用,也会与内部状态共享,因此这些调用都不是线程安全的。如果你回到为iOS 3.2或之前编写应用的黑暗年代,你一定会有这样的经历,当使用NSString的drawInRect:withFont: 方法准备后台图片时,会发生随机的崩溃。谢天谢地,随着iOS 4的到来,苹果Apple使大部分的绘制方法和诸如UIColor和UIFont这样的类都可以在后台线程中使用。
不幸的是,Apple的文档中少有涉及到线程安全的议题。他们建议只操作主线程,即便是绘制方法,他们也不明确地表示是线程安全的。所以常常参考iOS Release Notes也是很有必要的。
The Deallocation Problem 释放问题
在使用UIKit对象时候会发生的另一个危险是“The Deallocation Problem”。Apple指出了问题TN2019,并给出了一些解决方案。问题指出,UI对象应该在主线程上被释放,因为它们可能在视图层级上的dealloc中被改变。正如我们所知的,诸如此类的调用应该发生在主线程。
Collection Classes
对于大多数常用的基础类,Apple对于iOS和Mac所列出的线程安全问题,都有很明确的文档描述。通常,诸如NSArray这样的不可变类都是线程安全的,而对应的诸如NSMutableArray这样的不可变变量是非线程安全的。事实上,只要通过序列化的queue使用,在不同线程里操作它们也是安全的。必须注意即便是声明成可变的返回值,方法的返回值也必须是不可变的。通过return [array copy]来确保事实上是不可变的返回对象,不失为一种好办法。
Atomic Properties 原子属性
还在困惑于Apple是如何处理原子类型属性的setting/getting吗?现在你可能想了解一下spinlocks(自旋锁),semaphores(信号量),locks(锁),@synchronized - Apple已经将相关代码开源,让我们接下来看一看。
- (void)setUserName:(NSString *)userName {
if (userName != _userName) {
[userName retain];
[_userName release];
_userName = userName;
在任何属性内,编译器会自动调用 objc_setProperty_non_gc(id self, SEL _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, id newValue, BOOL atomic, signed char shouldCopy).在这个例子中,调用参数如下:
objc_setProperty_non_gc(self, _cmd,
(ptrdiff_t)(&_userName) - (ptrdiff_t)(self), userName, NO, NO);
static inline void reallySetProperty(id self, SEL _cmd, id newValue,
ptrdiff_t offset, bool atomic, bool copy, bool mutableCopy)
id oldValue;
id *slot = (id*) ((char*)self + offset);
if (copy) {
newValue = [newValue copyWithZone:NULL];
} else if (mutableCopy) {
newValue = [newValue mutableCopyWithZone:NULL];
} else {
if (*slot == newValue) return;
newValue = objc_retain(newValue);
if (!atomic) {
oldValue = *slot;
*slot = newValue;
} else {
spin_lock_t *slotlock = &PropertyLocks[GOODHASH(slot)];
oldValue = *slot;
*slot = newValue;
// Manually declare runtime methods.
extern void objc_setProperty(id self, SEL _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, id newValue, BOOL atomic, BOOL shouldCopy);
extern id objc_getProperty(id self, SEL _cmd, ptrdiff_t offset, BOOL atomic);
#define PSTAtomicRetainedSet(dest, src) objc_setProperty(self, _cmd, (ptrdiff_t)(&dest) - (ptrdiff_t)(self), src, YES, NO)
#define PSTAtomicAutoreleasedGet(src) objc_getProperty(self, _cmd, (ptrdiff_t)(&src) - (ptrdiff_t)(self), YES)<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> </span>
What about @synchronized? 关于 @synchronized
你也许会好奇,为什么Apple不使用 @synchronized(self) 这种已经存在的运行时特性为属性加锁。Apple使用多达3个的加锁解锁序列,因为它们已经加入了异常处理。这比自旋锁方法效率低。因为setting属性通常很快,自旋锁是很好地解决办法。 如果你可以确保在没有死锁的前提下可以异常抛出,那么@synchonized(self) 是不错的办法。
Your Own Classes
if (self.contents) {
CFAttributedStringRef stringRef = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, (__bridge CFStringRef)self.contents, NULL);
// draw string
NSString *contents = self.contents;
if (contents) {
CFAttributedStringRef stringRef = CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, (__bridge CFStringRef)contents, NULL);
// draw string
在这个例子中问题确实被解决了,但多数情况下,解决方法却并非如此简单。假设hai有一个textColor属性,我们可以在一个线程中同时更改textColor和contents属性。同一线程中新的content和旧的textColor将会产生一个奇怪的组合。这也是CoreData将model objects同一个线程或队列绑定的原因。
Practical Thread-Safe Design 实践线程安全的设计
void PSPDFAssertIfNotMainThread(void) {
@"Error: Method needs to be called on the main thread. %@",
[NSThread callStackSymbols]);
有时候编写一些不需要特别加锁的代码。参考一下multicast delegate的代码(在多数情况下,可以使用NSNotification,但多路代理的使用也是合理的):
// header
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableSet *delegates;
// in init
_delegateQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.PSPDFKit.cacheDelegateQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
- (void)addDelegate:(id<PSPDFCacheDelegate>)delegate {
dispatch_barrier_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
[self.delegates addObject:delegate];
- (void)removeAllDelegates {
dispatch_barrier_async(_delegateQueue, ^{
self.delegates removeAllObjects];
- (void)callDelegateForX {
dispatch_sync(_delegateQueue, ^{
[self.delegates enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<PSPDFCacheDelegate> delegate, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// Call delegate
Unless addDelegate: or removeDelegate: is called thousand times per second, a simpler and cleaner approach is the following:
// header
@property (atomic, copy) NSSet *delegates;
- (void)addDelegate:(id<PSPDFCacheDelegate>)delegate {
@synchronized(self) {
self.delegates = [self.delegates setByAddingObject:delegate];
- (void)removeAllDelegates {
self.delegates = nil;
- (void)callDelegateForX {
[self.delegates enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id<PSPDFCacheDelegate> delegate, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
// Call delegate
Granted, this example is a bit constructed and one could simply confine changes to the main thread. But for many data structures, it might be worth it to create immutable copies in the modifier methods, so that the general application logic doesn’t have to deal with excessive locking. Notice how we still have to apply locking in addDelegate:, since otherwise delegate objects might get lost if called from different threads concurrently.
Pitfalls of GCD GCD陷阱
For most of your locking needs, GCD is perfect. It’s simple, it’s fast, and its block-based API makes it much harder to accidentally do imbalanced locks. However, there are quite a few pitfalls, some of which we are going to explore here.
Using GCD as a Recursive Lock 使用GCD作为递归锁
GCD是一个队列,它可以序列化的进入以共享资源。This can be used for locking, but it’s quite different than @synchronized. GCD queues are not reentrant - this would break the queue characteristics. Many people tried working around this with using dispatch_get_current_queue(), which is a bad idea, and Apple had its reasons for deprecating this method in iOS6.
// This is a bad idea.
inline void pst_dispatch_sync_reentrant(dispatch_queue_t queue,
dispatch_block_t block)
dispatch_get_current_queue() == queue ? block()
: dispatch_sync(queue, block);
Testing for the current queue might work for simple solutions, but it fails as soon as your code gets more complex, and you might have multiple queues locked at the same time. Once you are there, you almost certainly will get a deadlock. Sure, one could use dispatch_get_specific(), which will traverse the whole queue hierarchy to test for specific queues. For that you would have to write custom queue constructors that apply this metadata. Don’t go that way. There are use cases where a NSRecursiveLock is the better solution.
Fixing Timing Issues with dispatch_async
Having some timing-issues in UIKit? Most of the time, this will be the perfect “fix”:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Some UIKit call that had timing issues but works fine
// in the next runloop.
[self updatePopoverSize];
Don’t do this, trust me. This will haunt you later as your app gets larger. It’s super hard to debug and soon things will fall apart when you need to dispatch more and more because of “timing issues.” Look through your code and find the proper place for the call (e.g. viewWillAppear instead of viewDidLoad). I still have some of those hacks in my codebase, but most of them are properly documented and an issue is filed.
Remember that this isn’t really GCD-specific, but it’s a common anti-pattern and just very easy to do with GCD. You can apply the same wisdom for performSelector:afterDelay:, where the delay is 0.f for the next runloop.
Mixing dispatch_sync and dispatch_async in Performance Critical Code
That one took me a while to figure out. In PSPDFKit there is a caching class that uses a LRU list to track image access. When you scroll through the pages, this is called a lot. The initial implementation used dispatch_sync for availability access, and dispatch_async to update the LRU position. This resulted in a frame rate far from the goal of 60 FPS.
When other code running in your app is blocking GCD’s threads, it might take a while until the dispatch manager finds a thread to perform the dispatch_async code – until then, your sync call will be blocked. Even when, as in this example, the order of execution for the async case isn’t important, there’s no easy way to tell that to GCD. Read/Write locks won’t help you there, since the async process most definitely needs to perform a barrier write and all your readers will be locked during that. Lesson: dispatch\_async can be expensive if it’s misused. Be careful when using it for locking.
Using dispatch_async to Dispatch Memory-Intensive Operations
We already talked a lot about NSOperations, and that it’s usually a good idea to use the more high-level API. This is especially true if you deal with blocks of work that do memory-intensive operations.
In an old version of PSPDFKit, I used a GCD queue to dispatch writing cached JPG images to disk. When the retina iPad came out, this started causing trouble. The resolution doubled, and it took much longer to encode the image data than it took to render it. Consequently, operations piled up in the queue and when the system was busy it could crash of memory exhaustion.
There’s no way to see how many operations are queued (unless you manually add code to track this), and there’s also no built-in way to cancel operations in case of a low-memory notification. Switching to NSOperations made the code a lot more debuggable and allowed all this without writing manual management code.
Of course there are some caveats; for example you can’t set a target queue on your NSOperationQueue (like DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND for throttled I/O). But that’s a small price for debuggability, and it also prevents you from running into problem like priority inversion. I even recommend against the nice NSBlockOperation API and suggest real subclasses of NSOperation, including an implementation of description. It’s more work, but later on, having a way to print all running/pending operations is insanely useful.