/** SHA1 digest size in octets */ #define SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE (20) /** Size of the random nonce */ #define SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN (20) #define TOKEN_TIMESTAMP 5 class COnvifDigest { public: COnvifDigest(const char * szUsername, const char * szPassword); ~COnvifDigest(void); void Authentication(soap * pSoap, bool bAuth = true, const std::string strId = ""); const char * GetUsername(void); const char * GetPassword(void); private: void TokenTimestmap(soap * pSoap, time_t lifetime = TOKEN_TIMESTAMP); void calc_nonce(struct soap *soap, char nonce[SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN]); struct _wsse__Security* soap_wsse_add_Security(struct soap *soap); int soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *username, const char *password); int soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *username, const char *password); int soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(struct soap *soap, const char *id, time_t lifetime); void calc_digest(struct soap *soap, const char *created, const char *nonce, int noncelen, const char *password, char hash[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE]); private: std::string m_strUsername; std::string m_strPassword; };
#include "OnvifDigest.h" #include "onvif/sha1.h" const char *wsse_PasswordTextURI = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordText"; const char *wsse_PasswordDigestURI = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-username-token-profile-1.0#PasswordDigest"; const char *wsse_Base64BinaryURI = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-soap-message-security-1.0#Base64Binary"; COnvifDigest::COnvifDigest( const char * szUsername, const char * szPassword ) : m_strUsername(szUsername) , m_strPassword(szPassword) { } COnvifDigest::~COnvifDigest( void ) { } void COnvifDigest::Authentication( soap * pSoap, bool bAuth /*= true*/, const std::string strId /*= ""*/ ) { const char * szId = strId.empty() ? NULL : strId.c_str(); if (bAuth) { soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(pSoap, szId, m_strUsername.c_str(), m_strPassword.c_str()); TokenTimestmap(pSoap); } } const char * COnvifDigest::GetUsername( void ) { return m_strUsername.c_str(); } const char * COnvifDigest::GetPassword( void ) { return m_strPassword.c_str(); } /* private */ void COnvifDigest::TokenTimestmap( soap *pSoap, time_t lifetime /*= TOKEN_TIMESTAMP*/ ) { soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(pSoap, "Time", lifetime); } void COnvifDigest::calc_nonce(struct soap *soap, char nonce[SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN]) { int i; time_t r = time(NULL); memcpy(nonce, &r, 4); for (i = 4; i < SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN; i += 4) { r = soap_random; memcpy(nonce + i, &r, 4); } } struct _wsse__Security* COnvifDigest::soap_wsse_add_Security(struct soap *soap) { /* if we don't have a SOAP Header, create one */ soap_header(soap); /* if we don't have a wsse:Security element in the SOAP Header, create one */ if (!soap->header->wsse__Security) { soap->header->wsse__Security = (_wsse__Security*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(_wsse__Security)); soap_default__wsse__Security(soap, soap->header->wsse__Security); } return soap->header->wsse__Security; } int COnvifDigest::soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *username, const char *password) { _wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soap); /* allocate a UsernameToken if we don't have one already */ if (!security->UsernameToken) security->UsernameToken = (_wsse__UsernameToken*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(_wsse__UsernameToken)); soap_default__wsse__UsernameToken(soap, security->UsernameToken); /* populate the UsernameToken */ security->UsernameToken->wsu__Id = soap_strdup(soap, id); security->UsernameToken->Username = soap_strdup(soap, username); /* allocate and populate the Password */ if (password) { security->UsernameToken->Password = (_wsse__Password*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(_wsse__Password)); soap_default__wsse__Password(soap, security->UsernameToken->Password); security->UsernameToken->Password->Type = (char*)wsse_PasswordTextURI; security->UsernameToken->Password->__item = soap_strdup(soap, password); } return SOAP_OK; } int COnvifDigest::soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest(struct soap *soap, const char *id, const char *username, const char *password) { _wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soap); time_t now = time(NULL); const char *created = soap_dateTime2s(soap, now); char HA[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE], HABase64[29]; char nonce[SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN], *nonceBase64; /* generate a nonce */ calc_nonce(soap, nonce); nonceBase64 = soap_s2base64(soap, (unsigned char*)nonce, NULL, SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN); /* The specs are not clear: compute digest over binary nonce or base64 nonce? */ /* compute SHA1(created, nonce, password) */ /* // boost计算结果不对,应该是我的使用方法不对 unsigned int Digest[5] = {0}; boost::uuids::detail::sha1 sha; sha.process_bytes(nonce, strlen(nonce)); sha.process_bytes(created, strlen(created)); sha.process_bytes(password, strlen(password)); sha.get_digest(Digest); for (int n=0,i=0; n<SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE; ) { HA[n++] = (Digest[i] >> 24) & 0xFF; HA[n++] = (Digest[i] >> 16) & 0xFF; HA[n++] = (Digest[i] >> 8) & 0xFF; HA[n++] = Digest[i] & 0xFF; i++; }*/ calc_digest(soap, created, nonce, SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN, password, HA); // calc_digest(soap, created, nonce, SOAP_WSSE_NONCELEN, password, HA); /* calc_digest(soap, created, nonceBase64, strlen(nonceBase64), password, HA); */ soap_s2base64(soap, (unsigned char*)HA, HABase64, SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE); /* populate the UsernameToken with digest */ soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(soap, id, username, HABase64); /* populate the remainder of the password, nonce, and created */ security->UsernameToken->Password->Type = (char*)wsse_PasswordDigestURI; security->UsernameToken->Nonce = nonceBase64; security->UsernameToken->wsu__Created = soap_strdup(soap, created); return SOAP_OK; } int COnvifDigest::soap_wsse_add_Timestamp( struct soap *soap, const char *id, time_t lifetime ) { _wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soap); time_t now = time(NULL); char *created = soap_strdup(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, now)); char *expired = lifetime ? soap_strdup(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, now + lifetime)) : NULL; /* allocate a Timestamp if we don't have one already */ if (!security->wsu__Timestamp) security->wsu__Timestamp = (_wsu__Timestamp*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(_wsu__Timestamp)); soap_default__wsu__Timestamp(soap, security->wsu__Timestamp); /* populate the wsu:Timestamp element */ security->wsu__Timestamp->wsu__Id = soap_strdup(soap, id); security->wsu__Timestamp->Created = created; security->wsu__Timestamp->Expires = expired; return SOAP_OK; } void COnvifDigest::calc_digest( struct soap *soap, const char *created, const char *nonce, int noncelen, const char *password, char hash[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE] ) { SHA1Context sha; SHA1Reset(&sha); SHA1Input(&sha, (unsigned char *)nonce, noncelen); SHA1Input(&sha, (unsigned char *)created, strlen(created)); SHA1Input(&sha, (unsigned char *)password, strlen(password)); if (!SHA1Result(&sha)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR-- could not compute message digest\n"); } else { int j = 0; for(int i = 0; i < 5 ; i++) { hash[j++] = sha.Message_Digest[i] >> 24; hash[j++] = sha.Message_Digest[i] >> 16; hash[j++] = sha.Message_Digest[i] >> 8; hash[j++] = sha.Message_Digest[i] >> 0; } } }