Jan 7th, 2009

  1. pester [ˈpestə] vt. 不断纠缠
Exg: He told her not to pester him with the trifles.

2. bully
[ˈbuli] vt. 恐吓 n. 恐吓的人
Exg: It is wrong of you to bully that child.

3. credibility 
[ ˌkredi'biliti] n. 可信度, 确实性
Exg: A story that strained out our credibility.

4. dilemma
[diˈlemə] n.进退两难
Exg: If they can't understand your dilemma, just move on. They don't deserve your good heart.

5. confrontation 
[ ˌkɔnfrʌn'teiʃən] n. 面对
Exg: You are right about the danger of getting a black mark in your file and a confrotation with your parents.

6. delegation
[ˌdeliˈgeiʃən] n. 代表团
Exg: Our culture delegation met with a hearty welcome.

7. pottery
[ˈpɔtəri] n. 陶瓷
Exg: The Africans watched Chinese performances involving kungfu, dancing and pottery-making.

8. marvel 
[ˈmɑ:vəl] vi 吃惊
Exg: They marveled at our culture.

9. harass
[ˈhærəs] vt 烦恼
Exg: Our detachments took turns to harass them.

10. rookie
[ˈruki] n. 新兵, 新球员
Exg: I talks to several HR managers and asks them to share their advice for workplace rookies.

你可能感兴趣的:(Jan 7th, 2009)