Code & Comments For Basic Tutorial 4 in Ogre3d Wiki

Code & Comments For Basic Tutorial  4 in Ogre3d Wiki 

 Copyright © MikeFeng  QQ: 76848502

本文的代码来自于Ogre官方网站wiki的基础教程4, 这个代码使用Ogre自带的Example框架, 主要实现了以下功能:

  1. 读入一个ninja模型
  2. 使用了一个点光源将该模型照亮
  3. 鼠标左键的点击控制灯光的开关
  4. 鼠标右键点住拖动实现相机方向的改变
  5. 方向键控制相机的位置
  6. 非缓冲输入的处理
  7. 两个相机的按1,2键进行切换

由于Ogre Wiki没有给出完整连贯的代码和效果图, 故在此画蛇添足一下. 另外我在代码里补充了一些自己的注释,希望对大家有帮助. 下面是效果图


Code & Comments For Basic Tutorial 4 in Ogre3d Wiki_第1张图片


Code & Comments For Basic Tutorial 4 in Ogre3d Wiki_第2张图片


        Specialisation of OGRE's framework application to show the
       multi-camera and unbuffered input feature.
#include "ExampleApplication.h"
class DemoFrameListener : public ExampleFrameListener
public :
    bool mMouseDown;       // Whether or not the left mouse button was down last frame
    Real mToggle;          // The time left until next toggle
    Real mRotate;          // The rotate constant
    Real mMove;            // The movement constant
    SceneManager *mSceneMgr;   // The current SceneManager
    SceneNode *mCamNode;   // The SceneNode the camera is currently attached to
    // unbuffered keyboard and mouse input
    DemoFrameListener(RenderWindow* win, Camera* cam, SceneManager* sceneMgr)
       : ExampleFrameListener(win, cam, false, false)
       // Key and mouse state tracking
       mMouseDown = false;
       mToggle = 0.0;
       // Populate the camera and scene manager containers
       // the first parent will be the PitchNode,
       // and the CamNode which we are looking for is the parent of that node.
       mCamNode = cam->getParentSceneNode()->getParentSceneNode();
       mSceneMgr = sceneMgr;
       // Set the rotation and move speed
       mRotate = 0.13;
       mMove = 250;
    bool frameStarted(const FrameEvent& evt)
       using namespace OIS;
       // 1. capture the current state of the keyboard and mouse
       // if the frameStarted method return false,
       // ogre will exit from the main render loop
       if( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_ESCAPE ) )
           return false;
       // Get the current left mouse button state
       bool currMouse = mMouse->getMouseState().buttonDown( MB_Left );
       // if the left mouse button is pressed, and in last frame
       // this button is up, we do the light toggle..
       if ( currMouse && ! mMouseDown )
           Light *light = mSceneMgr->getLight( "Light1" );
           light->setVisible( ! light->isVisible() );
       // mMouseDown is set for the next frame.
       mMouseDown = currMouse;
       // mToggle is the time counter for changing the camera action 
       if ( mToggle >= 0.0f )
           mToggle -= evt.timeSinceLastFrame;
       // if mToggle is less than 0, and key '1' is pressed
       if ( ( mToggle < 0.0f ) && mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_1 ) )
           // set the toggle back to 1
           // this means only after 1 second, the toggle action will be excuted
           mToggle = 1.0f;
           // detach the camera form CamNode2, and attach to CamNode1
           mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject( mCamera );
           mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "CamNode1" );
           mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "PitchNode1" )->attachObject( mCamera );
       // if mToggle is less than 0, and key '1' is pressed
       else if ( ( mToggle < 0.0f ) && mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_2 ) )
           mToggle = 0.1f;
           // detach the camera form CamNode1, and attach to CamNode2
           mCamera->getParentSceneNode()->detachObject( mCamera );
           mCamNode = mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "CamNode2" );
           mSceneMgr->getSceneNode( "PitchNode2" )->attachObject( mCamera );
       // direction keys, used for moving the camera
       Vector3 transVector = Vector3::ZERO;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_UP ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_W ) )
           transVector.z -= mMove;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_DOWN ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_S ) )
           transVector.z += mMove;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_LEFT ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_A ) )
           transVector.x -= mMove;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_RIGHT ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_D ) )
           transVector.x += mMove;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_PGUP ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_Q ) )
           transVector.y += mMove;
       if ( mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_PGDOWN ) || mKeyboard->isKeyDown( KC_E ) )
           transVector.y -= mMove;
       //mCamNode->translate( mCamNode->getOrientation() *
       // transVector * evt.timeSinceLastFrame );
       // move the camera
       mCamNode->translate( mCamNode->getOrientation() *
           mCamNode->getChild( 0 )->getOrientation() *
           transVector * evt.timeSinceLastFrame );
       // change the camare direction according to the right mouse button
       if ( mMouse->getMouseState().buttonDown( MB_Right ) )
           mCamNode->yaw( Degree(-mRotate * mMouse->getMouseState().X.rel) );
           mCamNode->getChild( 0 )->pitch( Degree(-mRotate * mMouse->getMouseState().Y.rel) );
       return true;
class DemoApplication : public ExampleApplication
public :
    DemoApplication() {}
protected :
    // Just override the mandatory create scene method
    void chooseSceneManager()
       mSceneMgr = mRoot->createSceneManager(ST_EXTERIOR_CLOSE);
    // create the frame listener we defined above
    void createFrameListener()
       mFrameListener = new DemoFrameListener(mWindow, mCamera, mSceneMgr);
    void createScene(void)
        // Set ambient light
        mSceneMgr->setAmbientLight(ColourValue(0.25, 0.25, 0.25));
        // Create a light
       Light *light = mSceneMgr->createLight( "Light1" );
       light->setType( Light::LT_POINT );
       light->setPosition( Vector3(250, 150, 250) );
       light->setDiffuseColour( ColourValue::White );
       light->setSpecularColour( ColourValue::White );
       // Loading ninja mesh
       Entity *ent = mSceneMgr->createEntity( "Ninja", "ninja.mesh" );
       SceneNode *node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "NinjaNode" );
       node->attachObject( ent );
       // Create the scene node
      node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "CamNode1", Vector3( -400, 200, 400 ) );
       // Make it look towards the ninja
       node->yaw( Degree(-45) );
       // Create the pitch node
       node = node->createChildSceneNode( "PitchNode1" );
       node->attachObject( mCamera );
       // create the second camera node/pitch node
       node = mSceneMgr->getRootSceneNode()->createChildSceneNode( "CamNode2", Vector3( 0, 200, 400 ) );
       node = node->createChildSceneNode( "PitchNode2" );

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