<globalization requestEncoding="gb2312" responseEncoding="gb2312" culture="zh-CN" uiCulture="en" fileEncoding="gb2312"/>
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="ItemAuthForm.aspx.cs" Inherits="Study_ItemAuthForm" ResponseEncoding="UTF-8" Culture="zh-CN" %>
但取值为乱码的问题却没有办法通过这两种方法解决,原因是Request.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;必须在 BeginRequest, AuthenticateRequest, EndRequest 这些方法之前设置才有效。所以通过修Coolite.Ext.Web.AjaxRequestModule类解决这个问题:
Set Request.ContentEncoding from code?
Q:I'm having some encoding trouble using my own RequestHandler:
Since the RequestHandler must be able to serve content with diffrent
encoding, I set the Response.Charset and Response.ContentEncoding to the
encoding of current content. Furthermore I set the Content-Type META tag of
the html page to use the same charset as well.
And this all works fine... I get my pages served and both the HTTP headers
and the HTML page has the right encoding applied... Yieppie!!!
But then... when I try to submit a FORM on one of my pages, all my special
characters (like "ãøåöäé") gets lost in the process.
The only way I can preserve the special characters, is by setting the
requestEncoding attribute (specified in <globalization> in web.config) to
the same encoding as I the current Response.ContentEncoding. And that is a
bad solution since all of my requests could be in different encodings.
It doesn't work if i try to set the Response.ContentEncoding to the same as
the Request.ContentEncoding. It's as if the Request already has been decoded
using the wrong format (specified in <globalization> in web.config).
Can anyone please help? I'm I on the wrong track? Is it impossible to serve
diffrent request/response encodings through the same web site? Or am I just
doing it the wrong way?
Thanks for your time,
R:Hi Ricky,
From your description, you have met some problem manually setting the
Request's ContentEncoding in ASP.NET via code at runtime, you found it only
works when you specifying them in web.config however what you want it set
different value for each comming request rather than all the same in
web.config , yes?
As for this problem, here are my understanding and suggestions:
The Request/Response 's ContentEncoding set in web.config's Globalization
section is the default setting for the asp.net webapplication. Generally
the comming webrequest is using the encoding from the client(default
setting in browser), if there is no from client, the default setting in
web.config will be used. And also, the Asp.net 's Request and Response
object ContentEncoding can help use manually set them via code. And the
Response's ContentEncoding is nothing particular that we can just set it
before the response content return to client. However, the Request's
ContentEncoding will be a bit different , because when the request comming
, the asp.net runtime will soon checking the ContentEncoding (from client ,
if not, use the default in web.config), So if we set it later in Page's
processing life cycle, it's too late. We must set it before the request is
being processing. In ASP.NET there're several Events during each request's
processing , such as BeginRequest, AuthenticateRequest, EndRequest ...
And the "BeginREquest" is exactly the one we have to use, you can hook this
event in the application 's Global object(Global.asax.cs) or make a custom
HttpModule to handle it. Here are some related reference in MSDN:
#HttpApplication.BeginRequest Event
#Custom HttpModule Example
Also, following is a former thread discussing on a similiar issue, you may
also have a look:
#query string encoding/decoding
Hope helps. Thanks.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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