int8, int16, int32, int64 (plus uint*) float32, float64 string time, duration other msg files variable-length array[] and fixed-length array[C]
Header header
Header header string child_frame_id geometry_msgs/PoseWithCovariance pose geometry_msgs/TwistWithCovariance twist
int64 A int64 B --- int64 Sum
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/beginner_tutorials
mkdir msg
echo "int64 num" > msg/Num.msg
vim package.xml
<build_depend>message_generation</build_depend> <run_depend>message_runtime</run_depend>
vim CMakeLists.txt
# Do not just add this line to your CMakeLists.txt, modify the existing line find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation)
catkin_package( ... CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime ... ...)
# add_message_files( # FILES # Message1.msg # Message2.msg # )
add_message_files( FILES Num.msg )
rosmsg show [message type]
rosmsg show Num
[beginner_tutorials/Num]: int64 num
roscd beginner_tutorials
mkdir srv
roscp [package_name] [file_to_copy_path] [copy_path]
roscp rospy_tutorials AddTwoInts.srv srv/AddTwoInts.srv
vim CMakeLists.txt
# Do not just add this line to your CMakeLists.txt, modify the existing line
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS roscpp rospy std_msgs message_generation)
# add_service_files( # FILES # Service1.srv # Service2.srv # )
add_service_files( FILES AddTwoInts.srv )
使用rossrv show可以查看我们刚刚建立的服务类型,它的使用方法和rosmsg show相似,用法如下:
rossrv show <service type>
rossrv show beginner_tutorials/AddTwoInts
int64 a int64 b --- int64 sum
vim CMakeLists.txt
# generate_messages( # DEPENDENCIES # # std_msgs # Or other packages containing msgs # )
generate_messages( DEPENDENCIES std_msgs )
cd ../..
cd -