数据结构与算法分析——c语言描述 练习3.15 答案
typedef int ElementType; #define SpaceSize 100 #ifndef _Cursor_H #define _Cursor_H struct SelfAdjustRecord; typedef struct SelfAdjustRecord* SelfAdjust; typedef int PtrToNode; typedef PtrToNode Position; SelfAdjust creatList(int space); Position Find(ElementType X, SelfAdjust L); void Insert(ElementType X, SelfAdjust L); #endif
#include"list.h" #include<stdlib.h> #include"fatal.h" struct SelfAdjustRecord { ElementType *arr; int capacity; int rearCur; }; SelfAdjust creatList(int space) { SelfAdjust s = malloc(sizeof(struct SelfAdjustRecord)); if (s == NULL) Error("out of memory"); s->arr = malloc(sizeof(ElementType)*space); if (s->arr == NULL) Error("out of memory"); s->capacity = space; s->rearCur = -1; return s; } Position Find(ElementType X, SelfAdjust s) { Position p=-1; for (int i = 0; i <= s->rearCur; i++) if (s->arr[i] == X) { p = i; break; } if (p != -1) { ElementType temp = s->arr[p]; for (int i = p; i >= 1; i--) { s->arr[i] = s->arr[i - 1]; } s->arr[0] = temp; return 0; } else { return -1; } } void Insert(ElementType X, SelfAdjust s) { if (s->rearCur + 1 == s->capacity) Error("out of space"); for (int i = s->rearCur + 1; i >= 1; i--) { s->arr[i] = s->arr[i - 1]; } s->arr[0] = X; s->rearCur++; }
#include"list.h" //#include"list.c" #include<stdio.h> extern struct SelfAdjustRecord { ElementType *arr; int capacity; int rearCur; }; int main() { SelfAdjust s = creatList(60); Insert(1, s); Insert(2, s); Insert(3, s); Find(1,s); printf("%d", s->arr[0]); }