Jan 4th, 2009

1. taint[teint] n 感染
Exg: The meat was tainted.
     Bad books will taint the young mind.

2. petition[ piˈtiʃən] n. 请愿书 vt 请愿
Exg: They presented a petition to the governer.

3. demolish [diˈmɔliʃ]  vt.  拆毁, 推翻
Exg: The city was demolished during the war.

4. confiscation
[ ] n. 没收, 充公
Exg: the confiscation of pornographic material by the police

5. pornographic
[ ] a. 色情的

6. autonomous [ɔ:ˈtɔnəməs] a. 自治的
Exg: autonomous region

7. vacancy
[ˈveikənsi] n. 空缺, 空地
Exg: The numbers of job applicants in China have for exceeded the number of available vacancies.

8. stunt
[stʌnt] n. 特技, 噱头
Exg: The school explained that it was Fan's experience and talent that accounted for the offer, but the media accused it of conducting a publicity stunt.

9. pick up on... 注意到
Exg: Did you pick up on what she was saying during the dinner? She sounded a little homesick. (想家)

10. to the chagrin of... 让...苦恼的
Exg: To the chagrin of his parents, he returned from university without a job.

你可能感兴趣的:(Jan 4th, 2009)