

Equivalent MessageIDs

Detailed Information
Exception text: Functiontemplate from repository was <null>

Possible Reasons: After receiving a message from the Adapter Engine, the RfcAdapter extracts the payload from the message. Normally this should be an XML document in the RFC-XML format. In this format the root element of the XML document represents the name of the function module and is enclosed in the fixed RFC namespace 'urn:sap-com:document:sap:rfc:functions'. This name is extracted from the root element of the XML document and is queried against the metadata repository of the communication channel. If the metadata repository doesn't have a function module with this name, the exception named above is thrown

Possible Impact
Since the RFC adapter was not able to find the function module name, it cannot find a matching Sender Agreement and hence the processing stops

Next Steps
The possible reasons are:

The XML document, which was send to the RfcAdapter, is not a RFC-XML document. So the root element name of this document is not the name of a function module and thus can't be found in the metadata repository
The metadata repository doesn't contain an entry for this function module name. Normally the metadata repository will be an R/3 system and it's function module repository can be searched with transaction code SE37
Please correct the above stated points
