% Input: % strPath: the directory of the file % mFiles: save the directory of the files % iTotalCount: the count of the walked files % Ouput: % mResFiles: the full directory of every file % iTCount: the total file count in the directory which your hava input function [ mResFiles, iTCount ] = DeepTravel( strPath, mFiles, iTotalCount ) iTmpCount = iTotalCount; path=strPath; Files = dir(fullfile( path,'*.*')); LengthFiles = length(Files); if LengthFiles <= 2 mResFiles = mFiles; iTCount = iTmpCount; return; end for iCount=2:LengthFiles if Files(iCount).isdir==1 if Files(iCount).name ~='.' filePath = [strPath Files(iCount).name '/']; [mFiles, iTmpCount] = DeepTravel( filePath, mFiles, iTmpCount); end else iTmpCount = iTmpCount + 1; filePath = [strPath Files(iCount).name]; mFiles{iTmpCount} = filePath; end end mResFiles = mFiles; iTCount = iTmpCount; end
function [ mFiles ] = RangTraversal( strPath ) %定义两数组,分别保存文件和路径 mFiles = cell(0,0); mPath = cell(0,0); mPath{1}=strPath; [r,c] = size(mPath); while c ~= 0 strPath = mPath{1}; Files = dir(fullfile( strPath,'*.*')); LengthFiles = length(Files); if LengthFiles == 0 break; end mPath(1)=[]; iCount = 1; while LengthFiles>0 if Files(iCount).isdir==1 if Files(iCount).name ~='.' filePath = [strPath Files(iCount).name '/']; [r,c] = size(mPath); mPath{c+1}= filePath; end else filePath = [strPath Files(iCount).name]; [row,col] = size(mFiles); mFiles{col+1}=filePath; end LengthFiles = LengthFiles-1; iCount = iCount+1; end [r,c] = size(mPath); end mFiles = mFiles'; end
clc clear close all %% The directory of your files str = 'C:/test/'; %% The use of depth-first walk mFiles = []; [mFiles, iFilesCount] = DeepTravel(str,mFiles,0) mFiles = mFiles'; %% The use of breadth first walk mFiles2 = RangTraversal(str)